Sentences with phrase «equal parenting time»

Should these cases then have a presumption of equal parenting time when that is not the reality?
Remember that joint custody doesn't mean that both parents get equal parenting time with the child.
How can the attorney advocate for equal parenting time when the client's career presents unique challenges?
In cases where the parents share equal parenting time, the courts may determine that neither parent shall be required to pay child support to the other parent.
The new laws start by establishing a legal «presumption» of equal parenting time in all cases.
Though more equal parenting time is common, the primary sharing referred to in shared parenting arrangements is the right to share equally in decisions regarding the child.
Yet mothers still feel that if fathers get equal parenting time there's some kind of deficit, some kind of deficiency in them.
That meant that the court granted equal parenting time and equal decision - making ability to both parents.
This may or may not mean equal parenting time, or that the child spends roughly the same amount of time in the homes of both parents.
, fathers who want equal parenting time, it has become easier to share that information with referral sources who in turn are able to give me better quality referrals.
If the parents can't agree on a parenting plan, the judge has no option but to order equal parenting time, regardless of the logistics.
If after separation you and your spouse have substantially equal parenting time with the child, then the courts will be reluctant to allow for relocation.
Joint custody is like shared custody but with near equal parenting time for both parents and with each parent having equal responsibility for all decisions concerning their children.
There are a variety of schedules that will count as equal parenting time.
When parents share physical custody, both have roughly equal parenting time.
Supporting equal parenting time in cases of divorce is important, yet we have concerns over some possible unintended consequences these bills may have.
Thus, came the call for equal parenting time after separation or divorce.
On the surface, equal parenting time seems supremely sensible.
The proposed equal parenting time laws are not only rigid.
Yet, if equal parenting time becomes the law, these are the exact people who will likely need to challenge the law the most.
But the studies they cite don't talk about equal parenting time.
A legal presumption of equal parenting time effectively converts the current focus on the child's welfare to a best - interests - of - the - parents standard.
In cases where the parents share equal parenting time, the courts may determine that neither parent shall be required to pay child support to the other parent.
In a joint physical custody routine, the both parents share approximately equal parenting time.
This does not mean, however, that both get equal parenting time; the child may spend more time with a custodial parent.
Some shared parenting plans allow for equal parenting time, while other plans give one parent alternating weekends or one to two evenings during the week.
In the end, the psychologist recommended equal parenting time, using a «parallel parenting plan.»
The «untruths» were told a few days before going to court with the obvious intent to to thwart the dad's efforts in seeking equal parenting time.
The trend in Florida has been toward equal parenting time and time sharing for parents since about 2014, at least whenever possible.
Sally and Bob agreed to joint legal decision - making and equal parenting time at the time of their divorce.
A trial was held and the family court entered an order awarding joint custody and equal parenting time between Father and Mother.
Renowned psychologist, Dr. Phillip Stahl, spoke at the 2015 American Bar Association Spring Family Law Conference on the subject of whether a presumption of equal parenting time makes sense.
When Chris and Alice divorced, they agreed to exercise equal parenting time...
Measure 6 in North Dakota recently attempted to pass the presumption that both parents are fit and entitled to equal parenting time unless proven unfit.
Father gets overnights and a graduated increase to overnights and weekends to the goal of equal parenting time when Kindergarten starts.»
LANDMARK laws that promote equal parenting time for separated couples are emotionally damaging children, according to lawyers and psychologists.
For instance, the children may reside with their mother for one full week, and their father the next full week, or they may split the week to provide both parents with relatively equal parenting time.
That's the argument that has driven the Father's Rights movement and organizations like the National Parents Organization that are aligned with that movement to draft legislation that would establish a legal presumption that both parents should have precisely equal parenting time.
The proposed shared parenting laws would require judges to presume that every parent should have exactly equal parenting time, regardless of the facts and circumstances of their case.
This also reflects the changes in parenting that the last decades have seen, with more equal parenting time favored and 50/50 custody often being the norm.
The CBA objects to the proposed legislation, which says equal parenting time and responsibility must be ordered in every case.
While our public policy needs to encourage this, we should not conflate equal parenting time with children's best interests in all cases.
Childrensrightscouncil Illinois In fact, according to university researcher Dr. Emily Douglas, in «Mending Broken Families: social policies for divorced families», the overwhelming majority of divorcing fathers have wanted at least equal parenting time with their children, or sole custody — and this has been consistent since the first surveys were undertaken in the early 1960s.
The lawyers and judges surveyed also reported a substantial increase in the use of equal parenting time over the past five years: 31 % of participants reported a substantial increase in such arrangements; 53 % reported somewhat of an increase; 16 % reported no change; and less than 1 % reported a decrease in such arrangements.
The children are often the ones who suffer the most in these types of conflicts, and in order to provide a better environment for children following divorce, the Michigan House of Representatives is currently considering legislation which would give equal parenting time to divorced parents.
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