Sentences with phrase «equal reaction»

Our brain has learned this outside trigger equals this reaction.
Every action creates an opposite and equal reaction.
For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.
For every action there's an equal reaction, or something.
The only difference lies in the mattress is - the springs are attached to pockets that help a lot to adjust the weight of your body and provide an equal reaction force to the body of the baby.
I think you have heard the words, for every action there is equal reaction, similar to it positive action equals positive reaction.
Yet the cognitive power on display here can trigger chills.Principia marks the dawn of modern physics, beginning with the familiar three laws of motion («To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction» is the third).
Since every action has an opposite and equal reaction, wouldn't this result in your body being recoiled backwards with the same force as the bullet?
The point being in a closed system the physics dictates balanced / equal reactions.
Putting intense pressure on someone to change creates an intense resistance to change (think about basic systems theory and homeostasis, or how «Every action has an opposite and equal reaction.»).
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