Sentences with phrase «equal say»

Democratic: Exactly as it sounds, a democratic management style gives everyone equal say in decisions, from employees to management themselves.
Do scientific publications and research get equal say with journalist and politician opinion pieces?
Joint legal custody is usually ordered by the court to give parents equal say regarding important decisions made on behalf of the children.
In joint legal custody arrangements, both parents have equal say over decisions involving the child, such as education and medical treatment.
Those unwilling to contribute to the pet's well - being now may never change their mind... while expecting equal say.
Thus, even though the child may live with one parent, the other parent has equal say in how the child is brought up.
Should a ten year old fan have equal say with that of a 40 year old?
Under the agreement, both sides have equal say over which pieces of legislation are allowed to come to the floor for a vote.
Guiding Principles that give First Nations people equal say on who takes and what is taken off their traditional territories and that Royalties and revenues be received directly into their coffers for these resources.
Then, which disciplines are not allowed to dictate to journalists how their fields should be covered, or are all disciplines allowed to have equal say so in how their field is journalistically covered, writing the rules so to speak, including economics and politics?
LaValle's bill, giving each house equal say (and veto power) in regents selection, might not be the perfect fix.
basically Hyrule sold 6 times Diablo on ps4 and even Hyrule Warriors 2nd week sales equalled it says ps4 is doing very poor even in it's 1st week is more concerning.
Not all Common Core states are created equal say researchers after comparing the text of Common Core standards in 42 states and the District of Columbia.
Today, almost every couple that I know or have worked with has joint legal custody, thus they both have equal say about all major decisions in their children's lives, so why do people still use the word «visitation»?
The vast majority of individuals (90 % of women and 87 % of men) agree that in relationships both partners should have «exactly equal say» regarding decision making (Thornton & Young - DeMarco, 2001).
Sen. Michael Gianaris (D - Queens), for one, said last week that others would be encouraged to angle for more power if the conference, with only four members, gets equal say in making decisions.
That means the leader of the five - person IDC will have equal say with the leader of the rest of the Democrats about the agenda each day.
Jo Freeman spent much of the 1960s living with her activist peers on communes — including a stint as part of a women's liberation collective in which everyone had equal say and stature.
Alternatively, they could be failures — all the more reason for investors to know they will someday have an equal say.
JOE: Well, I confess that when Carol started changing, and wanted an equal say in our decisions, and wanted to have her life considered as important as mine, I did think maybe she wanted to be the boss.
Owned and managed by our workforce, we are proud to offer equal pay and an equal say in the business for all members.
should local fans that cheer the lads on week in week out have a higher priority, or should any club member nationally or internationally have an equal say?
But it's also true that that means moms need to give dads an equal say in parenting decisions — and respect their say.
Both you and your partner should have equal say in the name.
a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.
Nobody ever has «equal say», for a variety of reasons.
Mahmoud and Marwa represent millions of similar young Arabs who ignited and led the uprisings in their countries, aspiring for a new future where each one of them will have an equal say in the political process.
He demanded union party members should be given the right to choose Labour candidates in constituencies, have an «equal say» in the election of the party leader and the «right to a level playing field in the party where their views and votes count as much» as other party members.
If, in a democratic system, every vote counted equally, everyone had an equal say as to how the country is run, then we the people would be able to participate and policies would develop to respond to all our diverse views.
But I have gone out of my way to let all 100 - plus members of our conference have an equal say in what we do.
So, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents have an equal say.
These would then be presented to the wider electorate, where everyone would have an equal say in a preferential system.
In theory, all citizens have an equal say and so are treated equally.
This was done because the states have rights too, and each state will have an equal say in matters before the senate.
Because it was a compromise struck at the Constitutional Convention between the large colonies like Virginia and New York, and the smaller colonies like Connecticut and Rhode Island that all states would get an equal say in the Senate to prevent the large states from forcing their policies on the Smaller states.
A new report from the Counting Women In campaign has found that representation of women in local government remains stagnant after May elections, that at the current rate of change we face another 150 years before women have an equal say, and that political parties are key to getting more women into town halls.
The Deputy Leader wants to scrap the «one member one vote» system used for electing Labour leaders, and restore the old «electoral college» which gave an equal say to party members, trade unions and Labour MPs.
«It appears that Mayor Bloomberg is uncomfortable with all New Yorkers having an equal say as to who our political leader should be,» she said, in an email message.
That system is to be abolished with every party member and those union members who donate to the party having an equal say.
Voting took place between 17 November and 10 December using the three - tier electoral college system, which gives parliamentarians, individual members, and affiliated bodies such as trade unions an equal say in the outcome.
Instead, open relationships should be approached with integrity, with both partners having an equal say and mutually agreeing, without coercion of any kind, that certain activities are (or are not) acceptable within the bounds of their relationship.
While you have an equal say in your relationship, it doesn't by any means indicate that you can be rigid.
Will every team member, including students and teachers, have an equal say in decisionmaking?
Every team member has an equal say.
No boss, equal pay, equal say.
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