Sentences with phrase «equal sign»

For example, you can create a quick double line by typing in three equal signs right in a row and then hitting enter.
However much this might anger the artists, this show essentially places a big, fat equals sign between artists and celebrities.
You've sported a red equal sign on Facebook, watched Nancy Pelosi show Michele Bachmann her politically correct middle finger, and read some of those other lists that have compiled lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) films, hailing usual suspects like High Art and Brokeback Mountain as gay equivalents of Vertigo (oh, don't Citizen Kane me; we're talking regime upheaval here).
There are notched Vs hung this way and that, short doubled lines (like equals signs) and other unreadable symbols that describe the movement and gestures of Japanese Noh theatre.
If you haven't noticed by now, Facebook and Twitter have been flooded with pink and red equal signs in support of marriage equality as the Supreme Court hears oral arguments over California's Prop. 8 ban on same - sex marriage.
Signing a Cazorla replacement equals signing a player with no position to play in!!!!!!
People want to see homophobia in as many places as possible (don't argue with me if your Twitter avatar is a pink equals sign), and this was just another great spot to be outraged.
One such talent is Ryan Sartin, whose two large canvases impressed with golden fleur - de-lis lean against each other like an askew, vertical equal sign.
You might try a series of equal signs ====== or tildes / squigglies ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ for the sake of appearance.
Columnist Catherine Wagely makes the leap from the Human Rights Campaign's pink - on - red equal sign to an exhibition of works by Brad Spence.
Then, to make it stronger, add an's and substitute the number 1 for the letter l and an equal sign for is.
The lump - sum present value of $ 500,000 represents the part of the formula between the equal sign and the minus sign.
Due to the lack of an equals sign, I would consider this a well done inequality instead of an equation.
Where there are equal signs (=), the second notation indicates where these passages can be found in the original Macmillan 1929 edition of PR.
You know, like the equal sign with a slash through it that we used in Algebra!?! Yeah... not equal to healthy!
Still, you can not put an equal sign between physical closeness and mental bond.
With the most successful campaigns of the past several years in both the political and advocacy spheres having a viral component (remember that time all of your Facebook friends changed their profile pictures to equal signs to show their support for marriage equality?)
For the past 500 years, mathematicians and scientists have used symbols, the crucial one being the equals sign.
The green symbols are the ones used throughout the message to represent the equals sign, but on two occasions, the authors accidentally used another symbol, seen here in red.
They were minor mistakes: «two instances where an equals sign was represented by a wrong symbol,» he says.
Steve Carell, Josh Charles, and Michael Shannon also star in this timely drama that goes so far as using the equal sign from everyone's Facebook profile picture for its promotional material.
It explains the uses of brackets, colons, cell references and the equals sign within the formula.
Solve simple two - step equations Solve simple two - step equations involving negative numbers Solve equations involving one pair of brackets Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets and negative numbers Solve equations with an unknown on both sides of the equals sign Solve equations with an unknown on both sides with brackets Solve equations with fractions
Solve simple one - step equations Solve simple two - step equations Solve simple two - step equations involving negative numbers Solve equations involving one pair of brackets Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets and negative numbers Solve equations with an unknown on both sides of the equals sign
Model and solve equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign using the interactive notebook activity and task cards.
I couldn't find any materials on this when I needed to teach my year 3 class what the equals sign REALLY meant.
For example: Create a MATH board, several numbers (one through ten) backed with hook and loop, a few plus and minus signs (or divide and multiply if you are at that level), and an equals sign.
This worksheet is my attempt to force students to use the equals sign correctly.
Solve one variable equations including those with the variables being on both sides of the equal sign.
Questions are mostly one or two step (linear) equations with variables on only one side of the equals sign.
On the next few slides there are numbers that are added subtracted and multiplied and as you physically move them from one side of the equal sign to the other the signs change as you move them some times this display helps the less able to remember what to do.
Full lesson included textbook work, which I can not publish, but this includes the pedagogy and teaching of understanding the equals sign, without scales; using this to understand solving and manipulating both sides of an equation.
The topics covered include: simplifying expressions, factorising expressions, simultaneous equations, solving equations with unknowns on both ends of the equal sign, etc..
«I can tell you the equal sign standard is there because I insisted,» she said, referring to a first - grade guideline on understanding the meaning of the symbol.
A rare chance to see the first ever use of an equals sign «for what could be more equal than two parallel lines» and therefore the first ever equation.
The standards covered in Unit 8 are: addition and subtraction to 20, making a ten strategy, fact families, making a double strategy, doubles / near doubles, story problems, number line, making a model to solve, balancing across the equal sign, and addition or subtraction.
Students will understand the meaning of the equal sign and the concept of equivalence in this math lesson plan.
The standards covered in Unit 2 are: vocabulary for parts of a number sentence, making ten, part part whole, missing addend, missing subtrahend, number sentence matching a picture, number sentence matching a math story, problem solving, balancing across the equal sign, join, separate, compare, commutative property of addition, number line addition, and number line subtraction.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z