Sentences with phrase «equality of treatment for»

«The available record raises questions about Judge Roberts's view of the role of federal courts in ensuring equality of treatment for women and protecting women's rights.
Given that SLPs are distinct from English limited partnerships by virtue of having separate legal personality, the equality of treatment for UK tax purposes (primarily tax - transparency) makes using an SLP particularly attractive.
In each case the response of Jesus to these practices indicates that he sanctioned equality of treatment for men and women because God created man and woman to be one flesh (Matt.
DO maintain equality of treatment for different Christian religions within the law as a core element of the Theocratic state.
DO maintain equality of treatment for different religions (does not mean acquiescence with anything they want whether Moslem women's veils on I»D's or praying 5 times at work..

Not exact matches

Clinton advocated for income equality and better treatment at the workplace, while Trump argued for bringing jobs back to the U.S. Seldom did any of them discuss how to motivate Americans to make better financial decisions and prepare for a timely retirement.
The directive also mandates that the nations create «bodies for the promotion of equal treatment» to bring about this «equality
If we abandon the peculiarly modern quest for strict equality of treatment, it should be possible for the E.U. to function with its member states unevenly integrated into the whole.
Although he recognizes that the shift in recent years from strict, no - aid separationism to an equal - treatment - of - religion model has produced some good results (upholding school vouchers, for example), he insists that neutrality and equality are not enough.
Among them are life, liberty, security of person, freedom from slavery and from torture and inhumane treatment; equality before the law; the right to judicial remedies for wrongs; freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention; fair trials and due process of law, including the presumption of innocence; privacy; freedom of movement; equal rights in marriage; freedoms of speech, press, assembly and association; and free elections.
Safeguarding the health of expectant and nursing mothers and protecting them from job discrimination is a precondition for achieving genuine equality of opportunity and treatment for men and women at work and enabling workers to raise families in conditions of security.
Commenting on the report by Women and Equalities Commission, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers» union in the UK, said: «The latest report from the Women and Equalities Commission sadly reflects and confirms the issues and concerns the NASUWT has been raising with Government and employers about the treatment of women teachers for some time.
We're seeking to appeal to women who genuinely believe in gender equality, rather than relentless special treatment for women and girls regardless of the cost to men and boys.
They fight for their version of equality on all the things that suit women — but are very quick to point out that women need special protections and treatment on other things.»
How many times do they have to take their ball and go home, just to keep you away???? They are constantly telling you they don't want you to have equality, fair treatment, or any rights whatever!!!! Congressional staffers are sending out e-mails telling people to kill you «Kill all Fa * s» Instead of just saying «they didn't mean it» when are you going to stand up to these bigoted, racist, homophobic, bible thumping, clowns?????????? You can suger coat it all you want, but they don't like you, except when its election time and you vote for them!!!!! Which for the life of me, I will never understand why!!!
Since the equality vote Hoylman, Assemblywoman Deborah Glick (D - Manhattan) and a host of other Democratic legislators have tried to pass GENDA, a bill guaranteeing protections for non-gender-conforming individuals, and a bill to ban gay conversion therapy — a debunked process by which therapists use talk therapy, apply shock treatment or treat the individual as though they suffer an addiction akin to alcohol or drug dependence.
In pursuit of that environment, the AAS is committed to the philosophy of equality of opportunity and treatment for all members, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit.
Using the greatest hits blueprint, one would think any big - time film treatment about Thurgood Marshall, an American hero for racial equality, has to include Brown vs. Board of Education and his ascension to become the first black U.S. Supreme Court justice.
What of the claims for equality of treatment of those parents who, because of religious scruples, can not send their children to public schools?
He calls for «diversity in approach at the service of equality» and summarizes with a simple equation: «diversity in people + appropriate treatment for each = diversity in approach.»
Why isn't Julius able to extend his quest for equality to women, acknowledging the hypocrisy in his treatment of Monica?
The Fund for Women's Equality, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, promotes legal and lived equality in the United States by increasing public understanding of the need for comprehensive, fair and equal treatment of women and girls under the law and the need to end sex inequality in all its forms.
This means, in effect, that aliens who are subject to expulsion can not claim an entitlement to remain in the territory of a contracting state in order to benefit from the equality of treatment as to respect for their family life that they would receive there which would be denied to them in the receiving state.
We're committed to principles of equality and fair treatment, and will work to hold accountable any employer who has unfairly discriminated against you for being part of a protected class.
While the Supreme Court of Canada permitted freedom of religion to trump equality for gays and lesbians in the B.C. College of Teachers case, it did agree with the college that the covenant created «unfavourable differential treatment» towards gays and lesbians.
Additionally, in order for the measure to be compatible with the principle of equality of treatment, the restrictive measure should not exclusively be applicable to persons benefiting from a subsidiary protection status, which, according to AG Cruz Villalon, should also be assessed by the national court.
Generally, using an SLP should not raise major tax issues in the UK, since specific legislation has been enacted to preserve equality of treatment betweenScotland and England in respect of, for example, computation of partnership profits (Income and Corporation Taxes Act [ICTA] 1988, section 111 [1]-RRB-; capital gains (TCGA 1992, section 59 [1][a]-RRB-; relevant investments (Income Tax Act [ITA] 2007, section 856); and accrued income [ITA 2007, section 675 [3]-RRB-.
Despite the blatant obviousness that being fired for being too attractive clearly disproportionately affects women rather than men, the Court seemed unmoved by arguments that equality does not necessarily mean identical treatment of men and women but may also necessitate proactive steps to protect vulnerable minorities.
He also has experience of dealing with such issues in the health sector, and has advised on matters such as the compatibility with Convention rights and equalities legislation of policies for the treatment of funding.
The source of the authority to demand these things lies in the inhering norms of commerce and any legal order for dispute resolution: good faith, equality and fair treatment.
Our lawsuit claims that the new law violates sections 6 (mobility rights), 7 (protection of life, liberty and security of the person), 11 (h) and (i)(procedural protections for individuals who have been charged with an offence), 12 (protection from cruel and unusual treatment or punishment) and 15 (equality rights) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and are not justifiable in a free and democratic society.
From Melinda Gates throwing her weight behind improving gender equality in computer science, to a viral blog post about the treatment of female employees at a well - known Silicon Valley giant, the recent news is indicative of the wider situation: For women in the industry, it is one step forward, one step back.
The conclusion of the equality of effects of psychological therapies, however, showed a trend for a spin, which means that for the primary outcome of interest the review more often states equality despite inequality of treatment effects (OR = 2.69 (0.86 to 8.41).
A legislated Bill of Rights could, for example, include protections such as guarantees against arbitrary detention; requirements for proportionality in sentencing offenders and the right to a fair trial; guarantees of equality before the law and non-discrimination; prohibitions of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; and so forth.
The justification for the withdrawal of special measures is that they have done their job; they have broken the cycle of discrimination and the target group is no longer in need of special treatment; substantial equality has been achieved.
Finally, respect for human rights obligations, especially the right of indigenous communities «to practice and revitalise their cultural traditions and customs» [74] and to equality before the law, including in the enjoyment of the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice [75], calls for the development of principles which address the unique evidentiary issues involved in native title litigation, including the reality of claims based substantially upon orally - transmitted traditions, the lack of written records of indigenous laws and customs, the «unsceptical» receipt of uncorroborated historical evidence incapable of being tested under cross-examination, and the epistemological, ideological and cultural limitations of historical assessments of traditional laws and customs by non-indigenous commentators.
They explore values such as universality (for example they consider when it is ok to curtail particular rights of individuals or groups of individuals, such as prisoners freedom of movement) and explore equality and non-discrimination (for example understanding that equal treatment and equality are not always the same thing such as in situations where it is necessary to put in place affirmative action or quotas to bring about equality between men and women).
Protection of minorities is the protection of non-dominant groups which, while wishing in general for equality of treatment with the majority, wish for a measure of differential treatment in order to preserve basic characteristics they possess and which distinguish them from the majority of the population.
We can not heal our country with catch cries of «formal equality» that minimises the experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and perpetuates this myth that somehow, for us, that equal treatment is going to allow us to arrive at the same destination as other Australians.
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