Sentences with phrase «equalization formula»

The phrase "equalization formula" refers to a method or calculation used to ensure fairness and balance between different entities or individuals. It aims to distribute resources or opportunities in such a way that everyone gets a fair share, despite differences in their circumstances or starting points. Full definition
Like equalization formulas in other states, the one in Kansas was designed to help poor, primarily urban districts, not the sprawling, land - rich agricultural areas of the state, like Beloit, where Mr. Bottom serves as superintendent of schools.
In 1972, when Kansas implemented a school - finance equalization formula, John Bottom was one of its staunchest critics.
Last session there was proposed legislation to move to a solely district income based equalization formula, which according to this LFB analysis would have resulted in an over 60 % 68 % loss in aid for MMSD.
Evers is committed to using this as part of a revamped equalization formula.
This would mean reopening the Equalization formula or by providing special provincial offsets.
At last week's debate, he threatened to war with Ottawa over the equalization formula, in a way that would have no net effect on the amount Alberta receives (zero) but limit the transfers to seven «have - not» provinces.
Most of the discussion centered on a plan to restore an equalization formula that had previously been held constitutional but that lawmakers repealed in 2015.
Under a state «equalization formula,» Colorado school districts are guaranteed a level of support at a fixed dollar amount per pupil, based on average daily attendance.
Until three years ago, Beloit, a relatively wealthy district in north central6Kansas, didn't receive one penny from the state through the equalization formula.
However, the provinces «would understand they would be making up their losses,» since First Nations would be receiving the income previously received by the provinces through taxation of resource development on their lands and paying into the equalization formula instead of the provinces.
One is through the country's equalization formula that assists poorer provinces, such as in the Atlantic region.
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