Sentences with phrase «equilibrium line»

The altitude of this boundary is referred to as equilibrium line altitude.
From the head of the glacier at 1300 m to the mean Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) at an elevation of 1050 - 1100 m the glacier flows northward.
Additional data often mapped by satellite and added to glacier inventories include changing ice debris cover20, rock glaciers21, equilibrium line altitude22, grounding zones23 and glacial lake extent24, 25.
Miller, G.H., Bradley, R.S. and Andrews, J.T., 1975: The glaciation level and lowest equilibrium line altitude in the High Canadian Arctic: maps and climatic interpretation.
If the annual equilibrium line, that is the elevation where snowpack remains at the end of the summer, rises above the mountain top this will lead to glacier loss.
Another factor that went into the analysis involved what's known as the equilibrium line — the altitude where the snow is neither piling up year to year nor shrinking.
To give another, more specific example, at a typical glacier on Mt. Baker, in Washington State, a summer temperature increase of 1 °C translates to a ~ 150 m increase in the altitude of the equilibrium line (the point where annual ice accumulation = annual loss), and a resulting ~ 2 km retreat of the glacier terminus.
However, if the equilibrium line rises to the summit of the mountain, the accumulation zone disappears altogether and the glacier is doomed.
Glaciers shrink when climate change causes the equilibrium line to rise, but they stop at a new, smaller equilibrium size.
A warming of 1 degree C is sufficient to raise the equilibrium line (below which net ablation occurs) by fully 300 meters.
The altitude separating the accumulation zone from the ablation zone is known as the equilibrium line altitude.
Equilibrium line - The boundary between the region on a glacier where there is a net annual loss of ice mass (ablation area) and that where there is a net annual gain (accumulation area).
Meltwater stream flowing into a large moulin in the ablation zone (area below the equilibrium line) of the Greenland ice sheet.
Bradley, R.S., 1975: Equilibrium line altitudes, mass balance and July freezing - level heights in the Canadian High Arctic.
A glacier that is approaching equilibrium during retreat will thin mostly near the terminus, and at some elevation above the terminus, usually near the equilibrium line or in the lower accumulation zone, there will be comparatively little thinning (Schwitter and Raymond, 1993).
That is the equilibrium line is above the glacier.
The equilibrium line is the elevation on a glacier at which annual accumulation equals ablation.
Although, in the tropics, glacier mass balance responds sensitively to changes in precipitation and humidity (see Lemke et al., 2007, Section 4.5.3), the fast glacier shrinkage of Chacaltaya is consistent with an ascent of the 0 °C isotherm of about 50 m / decade in the tropical Andes since the 1980s (Vuille et al., 2003), resulting in a corresponding rise in the equilibrium line of glaciers in the region (Coudrain et al., 2005).
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