Sentences with phrase «equitable access required»

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Morris appealed the denial, citing Senate rules requiring all legislators to have equitable access to resources including «mail privileges subject to published guidelines,» but was again denied.
The process must require adequate transparency and disclosure, allow equitable access for all parents, ensure that all options are presented to parents fairly and accurately, and clearly state which restructuring option is being proposed.
Choice participation requires parent awareness, easy, equitable access to school options, and a transparent enrollment process - to name a few.
Although No Child Left Behind (NCLB) also requires equitable access, the provision has been largely unrecognized over the past decade — in part because of the department's lack of enforcement.
Improving access to and quality of arts learning first requires conducting audits of what exists by school, neighborhood or region and then making equitable access to arts learning a priority to help counteract the emphasis on tests scores.
An Obama administration official said he's encouraged by state plans developed to «ensure equitable access to excellent educators,» as required in 2014 by the U.S. Department of Education.
That requires far more than clinging to annual, mass, standardized testing as our most vital means of giving every child access to an equitable education, and if The Times and other testing advocates really can not see past that, then they are not merely shortsighted; they are clinging to damaging and delusional policies.
If we assume that future generations will require clean water, fertile and unpolluted land, breathable air, and an equitable access to resources, then current efforts towards sustainability must be viewed as a spectacular failure.
To function in a fair and equitable manner for all, our system requires complete transparency as well as free and unimpeded access.
Proportionally equitable representation is not simply just from a governance perspective, it is critical in allowing the Law Society to act impartially as it drives the provision of legal services to the most accessible, appropriate level of the professions it regulates — as its duty - bound obligation to facilitate access to justice requires of it.
What is required under net neutrality is that these peering and traffic prioritization arrangements are available under equitable terms to everyone; ISPs can't rig sweetheart deals giving fat pipe access to services of their choosing, while charging the competition higher rates.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) asserts that a strong and visible commitment by governments to building a culturally safe and responsive health system that provides equitable access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to allied health services is required in order to really make a difference.
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