Sentences with phrase «equity debt unless»

Eliminates the deduction for interest on home equity debt unless it's used to buy, build or substantially improve the home, according to the IRS.
Eliminates the deduction for interest on home equity debt unless it's used to buy, build or substantially improve the home, according to the IRS.

Not exact matches

Note that refinance loans in California are also non-recourse loans, unless you opt for a cash - out refinance to get cash out of your home equity for something like a vacation or to pay off debt.
But the market giveth and the market taketh away... unless you're smart enough to get your equity off the table with cheap long - term debt while both are still available.
(1) Large purchases (at least $ 75 million of pre-tax earnings unless the business will fit into one of our existing units), (2) Demonstrated consistent earning power (future projections are of no interest to us, nor are «turnaround» situations), (3) Businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt, (4) Management in place (we can't supply it), (5) Simple businesses (if there's lots of technology, we won't understand it), (6) An offering price (we don't want to waste our time or that of the seller by talking, even preliminarily, about a transaction when price is unknown).
Banks typically won't lend more than $ 25,000 unless you secure the debt with real estate equity.
Avoid paying off the unsecured debts with your home equity loan unless you are completely sure you'll be able to afford the monthly installments.
So, unless you have sufficient equity, re-financing your mortgage may not be a debt consolidation option.
So, unless you have the discipline to pay down your home equity line of credit above the minimum payment to pay off the debt from the car purchase in three to four years, then you're probably better off taking the car loan.
If they have no debt and positive cash flow they are a shoo - in, unless there is something really wrong, like a pending lawsuit waiting to wipe out the company's equity.
... a 4.5 x Debt / EBITDA pro forma leverage (as much as TPG would like, 10x leverage is not coming back... Unless Joe Cassano is hired to run Chrysler's take private group), and also assuming a 40 % equity portion in the transaction.
Note that refinance loans in California are also non-recourse loans, unless you opt for a cash - out refinance to get cash out of your home equity for something like a vacation or to pay off debt.
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