Sentences with phrase «equity in one's account»

If the margin equity in your account falls below a certain amount based on the amount you have borrowed, then the account is issued a margin call.
There's also no set repayment schedule as long as you maintain the required equity in the account.
For options and other securities settling in one day, you must have sufficient cash or margin equity in your account when your order is placed.
In fact, you can lose more than the available equity in your account.
When the amount of equity in the account gets too low, more assets have to be added, or stocks will have to be liquidated to protect the margin loan that the broker made.
Unfortunately I can't hold any US equity in that account as IRS doesn't recognize it in the tax treaty we have with them and it would be stupid to hold US dividend growth stocks in it because or that.
If you do not have enough equity in your account to cover an automatic exercise, Ally Invest may at its discretion let the option expire with no exercise even if, theoretically, it should have been subjected to automatic exercise.
The system ensures that trades will be supported by current equity in the account and also automatically liquidates under - margined positions without making margin calls.
Remember dividends / distributions are taxed in the non-registered and corporate account, so Joanna may hold more equities in those accounts, and more bonds in the TFSA and RRSP.
I also agree with Retiredat40 in that this broker had way too much equities in the account.
The Referring Friend will be eligible to receive $ 25 CAD once an account is opened and funded based on the minimum balance of $ 1,000 in the account (s) within 60 days of opening such account (s) and maintain a minimum balance of $ 1,000 in net equity in the account for 60 days after funding the account.
Equity securities that at any time have a market value of less than $ 5 per share will be deemed to have no value for purposes of computing the marginable equity in your Account.
When clients initiate a new position on the account the amount of equity in the account must exceed the Initial Entry Margin amount, otherwise the trade will automatically be deleted due to insufficient funds.
If the securities in your account decline in value, so does the value of the collateral supporting your loan, and, as a result, we can take action, such as issue a margin call and / or sell securities in your account, in order to maintain the required equity in the account.
If you rely on invoicing your customers and need the capital to build your accounts, make payroll, or keep inventory flush for your orders, it may make more sense to keep a revolving line of credit until you can build up enough equity in your accounts to have that inventory balanced.
To keep your new position open, the equity in your account must exceed the total Maintenance Margin Level.
If a customer's equity in any futures position drops to, or under, the maintenance performance bond level, a «performance bond call» is issued for the amount of money required to restore the customer's equity in the account to the initial margin level.
If the equity in the account remains negative after closing all positions if necessary, the owner of the account shall owe the broker the balance.
One online brokerage, Zecco Trading, offers zero - commission stock trades for investors with at least $ 2500 equity in their account - and includes access to S&P reports.
If the investor does not meet the margin call, the broker will sell the equities in the account to pay himself back, and give the rest to the investor.
Then, in 2011, fearing the market was getting pricey, she sold 70 % of the equities in their accounts.
For margin account holders, individuals can borrow against the equity in the account so long as they can continue to meet margin requirements.
My major problem was not the number of points I lost on the trade, but that I was trading far too many contracts relative to the equity in the accounts that I handled.
Should the equity in the account fall below the Maintenance Margin at any time, the account enters Margin Warning Status.
Once a trade has been initiated, the equity in the account must exceed the Maintenance Margin.
If the equity in your account falls below the maintenance margin requirements under the law, or our higher «house» requirements, we can sell the securities in your account to cover the margin deficiency.
If the equity in your account falls below the maintenance margin requirements under the law or the firm's higher «house» requirements, the firm can sell the securities in your account to cover the margin deficiency.
If the securities in your account decline in value, so does the value of the collateral supporting your loan, and as a result, Cobra Trading can take action such as issue a margin call and / or sell securities in your account in order to maintain the required equity in the account.
The margin desk can take you out of your trade if the equity in the account gets small enough.
If there's a large enough drop in the value of your securities, and the equity in your account falls below E * TRADE's requirements, you may have to provide additional funds to avoid the forced sale of those securities, or of other securities in your account.
If you don't meet the requirements, you'll receive a «margin call» — a demand to increase the equity in your account to cover the call.
If you don't meet minimum requirements, you'll get a margin call — a notice you have to increase the equity in your account to cover the call.
We issue the house call — usually via an automated message sent to your email address on file — the morning after (known as Day 1) the equity in your account falls below the house minimum.
If you have at least $ 2,500 of cash / stocks / equity in your account, trades are absolutely free!
In addition to the initial margin requirements, we require you to maintain a minimum amount of equity in your account to collateralize your current loans and obligations.
Margin calls are issued when the equity in your account falls below the maintained margin.
My view is when financial statement entities are as volatile as equities, they should be valued as equities in the accounting.
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