Sentences with phrase «equity indexed annuities as»

With annuities they classify immediate annuities as good, variable annuities as bad, and equity indexed annuities as ugly.
With annuities they classify immediate annuities as good, variable annuities as bad, and equity indexed annuities as ugly.

Not exact matches

While the best interest contract exemption (the BIC, or BICE) would allow advisors to continue to sell traditionally commission - based products, such as variable and equity indexed annuities, it also exposes the insurance carrier to a heightened liability standard.
Prior to that, he served as head of quantitative equity for ING Investment Management, (doing business as Voya Investment Management May 1, 2014), building and developing the group and managing more than $ 20 billion in assets with 15 global active, index and enhanced index strategies for pension funds, variable annuities and mutual funds.
Jane — As a former RIA I decided to move ALL my clients out of the rigged stock market in March of 2000 and into Equity Indexed annuities for the sole purpose of protecting their investments.
By the way just how much money did people lose in Equity Index annuities this past year, two years, three years or ever due to the market??? Oh, opps that would be NONE as in Zero.
See I have written negatively about equity - indexed annuities (which the industry likes to call «fixed annuities,» even though they aren't fixed), due to lack of disclosure, hidden fees and, yes, abusive sales, as several lawsuits by attorneys general can attest.
Equity - indexed annuities are distinguished by the interest yield return being partially based on an equities index, such as the S&P 500 index.
As with the other annuities, earnings in equity - indexed annuities increase on a tax - deferred basis, and holders pay income tax on their distributions.
Equity - indexed annuities give holders equity participation as well as some safeguards if the stock market performs pEquity - indexed annuities give holders equity participation as well as some safeguards if the stock market performs pequity participation as well as some safeguards if the stock market performs poorly.
Retirees have long regarded indexed annuities (also known as equity index, fixed index or fixed indexed annuities) as a risk management financial strategy.
He said that equity indexed annuities, known as fixed indexed annuities (FIAs), were among the most complicated investments he had examined.
Another form of annuities that offer guarantees are fixed index annuities (FIA's and also referred to as equity indexed annuities).
Equity Index Annuities may be referred to as fixed index, index, or hyIndex Annuities may be referred to as fixed index, index, or hyindex, index, or hyindex, or hybrid.
The performance of indexed annuities, also referred to as equity - indexed or fixed - indexed annuities, is tied to an index (for example, the Standard & Poor's 500 *).
Immediate annuities, inflation - adjusted immediate annuities, variable annuities, variable annuities with guaranteed income riders, deferred annuities that function as a form of longevity insurance, annuities with long - term care riders, fixed annuities, equity index annuities, equity indexed annuities with guaranteed income riders...
The death benefit on most equity - indexed annuities is equal to the full contract value, i.e. premium plus accrued gains compounded annually minus any prior withdrawals, calculated as of the date of death, or in some cases, as of the last contract anniversary.
[5] The QLAC must provide fixed payouts (e.g., the benefits can not be variable or equity - linked such as an fixed index annuity [9]-RRB-.
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