Sentences with phrase «equity principles»

The computer tools contain emissions of countries and sectors, greenhouse gas emission limits under different equity principles, emission mitigation potential and associated costs.
The framework is explicitly designed to reflect the core equity principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
EcoEquity works by emphasizing the importance of equity principles in all aspects of the policy response, by producing political and economic analyses that highlight equity issues, and by developing practical proposals for equitable climate policies.
From the beginning, the project executed a formula for success that combined equity principles and specific strategies to confront the teacher shortage and quality challenges facing Texas schools.
The province should immediately establish a provincial wage scale with a $ 25 / hr minimum for RECEs to inform base funding, while recognizing the level of education and years of experience for RECEs and staff in accordance with pay equity principles.
Horizontal Equity The principle of horizontal equity is that families with similar financial circumstances should pay the same amount, regardless of how their assets, investments and income are defined.
It ruled that the way the legislature had dealt with the cutbacks was unconstitutional because it violated equity principles.
The compromise in SB1947 incorporates the evidence - based model and aligns with the school funding equity principles held by Advance Illinois and its partners.
After LCFF full implementation it may be easier to determine whether school districts are fulfilling LCFF's equity principles because it will no longer be necessary to figure out exactly what proportion of increased LCFF dollars should go to support disadvantaged students.
Our accountability principles and equity principles outline actions for states leaders to consider as they implement and refine their state accountability and support systems under ESSA.
Her recent publications include «Actions Matter: How School Leaders Enact Equity Principles» in the Handbook of Urban School Leadership, co-authored with Jessica Rigby, and Leading form the Inside Out: Expanded Roles of Teachers in Equitable Schools, co-authored with W. Norton Grubb.
This allows a broad range of approaches to the key equity indicators, some of which are arguably not even consistent with the UNFCCC equity principles, although many are.
More precisely, it proceeds by extracting three core equity principles from the UNFCCC, and then defining indicators that operationalize those principles in a manner appropriate to a global, climate - oriented, equity reference framework.
Second, in 2013 Parties should begin negotiations to reach agreement on key equity principles and criteria for their operationalisation.
In a nutshell, our claim in that du Pont and his colleagues reach counter-intuitive conclusions (for example that the EU has made a more «equitable» pledge than either China or India) by way of a cascading series of decisions that, taken together, skew their approach towards various kinds of grandfathering, while, at the same time, appearing to be derived from a balanced and comprehensive set of high - level equity principles.
For smaller firms, these are the criteria: • «to make a commitment in writing to respect the workplace equity principles set out above; • to communicate their commitment to all staff within the law firm; and, • to report on the representation of designated group members among lawyers within the firm at the request of
3) More generally, the Chancel / Piketty proposal is strongly consistent with an approach that uses quantitative indicators to represent fundamental equity principles in order to operationalize equity.
The goal is to support a wide range of plausibly legitimate interpretations of the Convention's core equity principles.
The wage scale must inform base funding, while recognizing the level of education and years of experience for RECEs and staff in accordance with pay equity principles.
Indeed, Smith supplemented his common - sense argument with an invocation of the equity principle saying «It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe, and lodge the whole body of people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed and lodged» (Vol.
That equity principle underlying ESEA was reaffirmed in the 1970s with the passage of major legislation aiding disabled students, later named the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
This goes against the equity principle of common but differentiated responsibility.
It proceeds by quantifying the equity principles in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Our goal for it, one that we're still pursuing, is to be able to model are «reasonable» interpretations of the Convention's core equity principles.
This is a welcome process and sets the correct course for the negotiations as per the equity principle.
The point here is not to produce a single «correct» set of national obligations or allocations, but rather to provide a robust and powerful analytic environment within which people can express their preferred interpretation of the Convention's equity principles — see in particular the «equity settings» page — and then examine its implications for any country.
CAN is calling for a formal process to develop an Equity Reference Framework that embodies the Convention's core equity principles, and is designed to maximize ambition and participation.
The Authority opted for an equity principle based on a modified contraction and convergence approach, that is, global convergence to equal per capita emissions by 2050 but allowing for poorer nations to increase their emissions in earlier years so as not to impede economic development.
Why ethics requires that Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) identify: (1) tonnes of CO2eq emissions reduced rather than a percent of reductions from a baseline year, (b) the temperature limit and associated carbon budget the INDC is seeking to achieve, (c) the equity principles that the nation relied on to assure the justice of its INDC, and (d) For Annex 1 countries, ghg emissions in 1990, the common baseline year.
It is also consistent with the UN Framework Convention's core equity principles, which can be concisely stated as «a precautionary approach to adequacy,» «common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities,» and «equitable access to sustainable development.»
They are based on the allowable global carbon budget and an equity principle (known as modified contraction and convergence) that has not been challenged.
A group of LDCs wanted the deliberations to be based on certain UN resolutions and equity principles, such as additionality of aid, preferential transfer of technology, etc..
This framework is based upon an effort - sharing approach, uses flexibly - defined national «responsibility and capacity indicators,» and is explicitly designed to reflect the UNFCCC's core equity principles.
As the IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR) suggested, given strong subjective preferences for certain equity principles among different stakeholders, it is more effective to look for practical approaches that combine equity principles.
The common law consists of legal rules created by judges in opinions resolving appellate cases through a chain of case law precedents that trace back to the common law (and equity principles) of English law prior to the American Revolution.
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