Sentences with phrase «equity theory»

The regions are key players with the implementation and ultimate success of the Early Learning Plan, and in implementing the Racial Equity Theory of Change (RETOC).
The regions are key players with the implementation and ultimate success of the Early Learning Plan, and in implementing the Racial Equity Theory of Change.
The first goal was to test two hypotheses derived from Equity theory: (a) Perceived inequity is positively related to negative affect and negatively related to positive affect; and (b) Underbenefiting inequity is related to positive and negative affect to a greater degree than is overbenefiting inequity.
Social Equity Theory and Racial - Ethnic Achievement Gaps.
It took seven large stakeholder meetings, small workgroups in - between, and the commitment of more than 150 individuals to complete it, and, in the end, the Racial Equity Theory of Change (RETOC) gave us a shared roadmap for how we can live in a state where racial disparities cease to exist for children birth to -LSB-.....]
The organizations receiving racial equity grants developed plans to use a racial equity lens in implementing our state's Early Learning Plan, specifically aligned to our state's Racial Equity Theory of -LSB-.....]
• Theories of romantic relationships: social exchange theory, equity theory and Rusbult's investment model of commitment, satisfaction, comparison with alternatives and investment.
Equity theory and research: An overview.
One perspective known as «Equity Theory «1 argues that people will be most satisfied with relationships when both parties gain equal benefits.
According to equity theory, people are happiest in their relationships when what each partner puts into the relationship corresponds to what they get out of it.5 Unfortunately, as we note above, people are not always great about relaying their needs to their partners.
Equity theory and exchange and communal orientation from a cross-national perspective.
Thrive and stakeholders release a Racial Equity Theory of Change, a plan to ensure we eliminate the opportunity gap as we implement the state Early Learning Plan
Operationalize the state's racial equity theory of change to assure that decisions are being made about the state's early childhood system through a racial equity lens and strengthen linkages with the state's tribal leaders and communities.
The findings are discussed in terms of equity theory, as well as other theoretical frameworks.
An equity theory perspective (e.g., Hatfield & Rapson, 2012) would also suggest that perceiving the partner as working harder than the self would be associated with more positive feelings in the relationship than perceiving the self as working harder than the partner.
Responses to unprotected extradyadic sex by one's partner: testing predictions from interdependence and equity theory.
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