Sentences with phrase «equivalent energy»

The 33C «discrepancy» is based on a «current» estimate of the upper atmosphere radiant «equilibrium» value of about 240 Wm - 2 equating to an ideal S - B equivalent temperature of -18 C degree and a SWAG estimate of the «average» «surface» temperature of 15C which would have an ideal S - B equivalent energy of about 390 Wm - 2.
Finally, an application example is given using the series of the CO2 annual emissions intensity in Greece (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use) for the period 1961 - 2010.
The more recent researchers state that «the earliest plants and animals had simple and quite different bodies, but natural selection has acted on the two groups so the geometries of modern trees and animals are, remarkably, displaying equivalent energy efficiencies.
And the way to know this is to build systems and find out what their true energy costs (in BTUs or equivalent energy measure) really is.
One has to look to the other macroscopic force which is conspicuously absent from the GHG assertions (can't call the «equations» because such don't exist), gravity, to explain the 3 %, in the case of Earth, and 125 %, in the case of Venus, greater surface than orbital temperatures (take those figures to the 4th power for equivalent energy densities) seen in all planetary atmospheres, and indeed all gravitational wells.
Unelected officials in Dublin City Council have rejected the decision by city councillors to make the passive house standard or equivalent energy performance standards a mandatory planning condition for all new buildings in the city.
Yes, the electricity produced in the US only equals 352 million TOE, but we consume fuel containing about three times that much equivalent energy to produce it.
«The Mira Loma site can provide the equivalent energy storage of several hundred acres of solar panels,» Straubel said, adding that the facility «is able to to fit into this tight footprint right next to existing substations, and doesn't really take up any substantial new land.»
Scientists often compare the damage an incoming asteroid might do to that of a nuclear weapons test of equivalent energy, but Chelyabinsk proves that this model doesn't work in all cases.
Researchers estimate that it took the equivalent energy of 100 million supernovas exploding simultaneously to jettison the black hole.
The capabilities of the project are such that Breakthrough Initiatives states that it will be able to detect a radio signal no more powerful than that used in a commercial aircraft coming from any of the thousand closest stars to Earth, or a laser with the equivalent energy of a standard household light bulb at a distance of 25 trillion miles.
Mice under time - restricted feeding have an equivalent energy intake from a high - fat diet as those with ad libitum access yet are protected against obesity, hyperinsulinaemia and hepatic steatosis [5, 6].
The two Vestas V126 3.6 MW turbines will produce the equivalent energy usage of around 4,500 households.»
«(i) at least 90 percent of new and renovated building space covered by the code in the preceding year substantially meets all the requirements of the code regarding energy efficiency, or achieves an equivalent energy savings level; or
* SW is absorbed by the surface and some is re-radiated in the CO2 signature band (~ 15μ), and absorbed and re-radiated, etc., eventually resulting in some form of outgoing radiation of equivalent energy.
Wrapped within its iconic exterior are expansive and luminous spaces that require only the equivalent energy of a hair dryer for heating.
Munro estimates that his grove of furniture has offset 5,000 kilograms of carbon since its initial planting, and only uses the equivalent energy consumed by ten 60 - watt lightbulbs burning for eight hours per day, for a year.
The combination gives much lower cost of equivalent energy (only ~ 10 - 20 % that of silicon technology).
The quoting of the equivalent energy (large units), rather than the actual impact.
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