Sentences with phrase «era of sea change»

Pioneer miler Roger Bannister and Everest conqueror Edmund Hillary became, at midcentury, the last great heroes in an era of sea change in sport

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Dinosaur - Era Climate Change Study Suggests Reasons for Turtle Disappearance Mar. 14, 2013 — The dry, barren prairie around Alberta's Drumheller area was once a lush and subtropical forest on the shores of a large inland sea, with loads of wetlands inhabited by dinosaurs, turtles, crocodiles and small mammals.
In Josh Robin's series, Sandy: Five Years Later, NY1 examines what has been done to better protect the five boroughs, as experts believe dangerous weather events will accelerate in this era of climate change and rising seas.
And in the era of climate change, those fleeing sea - level rise will be on the lookout for a place to live on higher ground, which is likely to push people of color and the poor out of neighborhoods that have historically been mostly black or Caribbean.
The research concludes that for other changes, such as regional warming and sea ice changes, the observations over the satellite - era since 1979 are not yet long enough for the signal of human - induced climate change to be clearly separated from the strong natural variability in the region
In the Common Era before the 21st century, changes in ocean heat content and in mountain glaciers were likely the main drivers of global sea - level change.
What this tells us is that «climate - change — driven acceleration» has been assumed ahead of time, and since the raw data failed to confirm the existence of such an acceleration («In stark contrast to this expectation however, current altimeter products show the rate of sea level rise to have decreased from the first to second decades of the altimeter era
A new study confirms that carbon pollution has ended the era of the stable climate conditions that enabled the development of modern civilization High levels of carbon pollution have caused global temperatures to rise above the slow - changing, relatively stable conditions that existed «when humans were figuring out where the climate — and rivers and sea levels — were most suited for living and farming.»
Obtaining reliable measurements of sea ice as it changes was difficult until the satellite era began in the early 1970s.
We use the rich climate history of the Cenozoic era in the oxygen isotope record of ocean sediments to explore the relation of climate change with sea level and atmospheric CO2, inferring climate sensitivity empirically.
We make a simple estimate of global sea - level change for the Cenozoic era using the near - global δ18O compilation of Zachos et al. [4].
In contrast, before the altimetry era, direct estimates of GMSL changes rely on the coastal network of tide gauges that provide in situ observations of sea level relative to the land.
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