Sentences with phrase «erection before»

Even if they hadn't been able to maintain an erection before, the ability returned while they were on Viagra.

Not exact matches

And while the strains of the post-Conciliar years (which were also years of tremendous demographic transformation on the American urban / suburban landscape) have tested that claim as never before, there remain, in this, the sesquicentennial year of the erection of the diocese, many impressive signs of vitality in a local church that has been distinguished for its rich ethnic diversity, its identification of parish and neighborhood, its impressive clerical and lay leadership, its self - conscious social and political liberalism, and its sense of itself as the «lead diocese» in matters ranging from liturgical renewal to Christian social action.
Before the NY Mosque incident, there were MANY incidents where people were protesting the erections of new Mosques throughout the United States, even expansions as is the case in NY.
Another factor in the modern data set we must bring before the model is the mass entry of women into the work force and the erection of social policies that transfer benefits other than through bonds with particular male breadwinners.
In the night before its erection, the maypole is heavily guarded so that it is not stolen by another village community — also an age - old custom!
If you have trouble getting an erection, it's important to see a doctor before pursuing any sort of treatment.
Not many things improve sex better than shot glass (4 cl) of vodka before having sex, the erection is significantly stronger and you're also more present in the now (see above meditation section).
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