Sentences with phrase «erector spanei»

Lumbar erector spinae muscle activity appeared to increase with increasing load, between 50 — 60 % of 1RM.
Assessing the effects of upper or lower body movement, Kim et al. (2015) explored erector spinae muscle activity during isometric hip extension exercises performed with either the upper or lower body moving and with either neutral or maximal lumbar and hip extension.
However, muscle activity at 90 % of 1RM was higher in the deadlift in the upper erector spinae (143 ± 55 vs. 112 ± 48 % of MVC) and lower erector spinae (138 ± 51 vs. 118 ± 38 % of MVC), respectively.
They reported no difference in erector spinae muscle activity between the two squat variations despite a greater absolute load being lifted during the back squat.
They reported that upper erector spinae muscle activity was highest in the log lift and tire flip exercises.
Comparing the back squat and the sled, Maddigan et al. (2014) compared the erector spinae muscle activity during the back squat performed with 10RM and the weighted sled push at a 20 step maximum.
Upper erector spinae displays greater muscle activity in the deadlift compared to the back squat.
They reported superior upper (at T9) erector spinae muscle activity when performing the bench press compared with the standing cable press.
The squat and deadlift exercise produce superior erector spinae muscle activity compared to unloaded core exercises such as the front and side plank, superman and quadruped arm - and - leg lift regardless of the stability requirement.
The erector spinae displayed highest muscle activity in the gute - ham raise, followed by the prone leg curl, Romanian deadlift and good morning.
They reported that erector spinae muscle activity was similar on the stable and unstable surfaces.
Therefore, even when using low loads, compound exercises display superior erector spinae muscle activity compared to front and side plank exercises.
Therefore there appears to be no benefit of using unstable loads in the back squat to enhance erector spinae muscle activity.
The erector spinae has relatively uniform muscle architecture.
Assessing the effect of surface stability, Bressel et al. (2009) explored erector spinae muscle activity when performing the conventional deadlift at 50 % of 1RM, either standing on the floor or standing on a BOSU ball.
It appears that neither the back squat nor the deadlift produce superior muscle activity in both regions of the erector spinae.
The common erector spinae has insertions at the individual spinal processes, transverse spinal processes and supraspinal ligaments across the proximal lumbar and lower thoracic vertebra.
Sirca et al. (1985) reported that the erector spinae at the lower thoracic region (at T9) displayed 73 — 74 % type I muscle fibers, in female individuals.
Measuring the erector spinae as a whole, Delp et al. (2001) reported that physiological cross-sectional area was 11.6 cm2.
During the squat, training with higher loads and faster speeds appear to increase erector spinae muscle activity, while internal cues, unstable surfaces, using both barbells and elastic resistance, altering footwear, and using a weightlifting belt do not affect erector spinae muscle activity.
Assessing the effects of stability during split squats, Andersen et al. (2014) explored erector spinae muscle activity in the split squat with the foot placed on the floor or on a foam cushion, using 6RM.
Several studies have investigated the physiological cross-sectional area of the erector spinae.
They reported that the upper and lower instability condition produced superior erector spinae muscle activity compared to the upper body instability condition (23 ± 28 % vs. 7 ± 4 % MVIC).
Comparing the effect of exercise variation, Fenwick et al. (2009) compared rowing exercises with varying degrees of spinal loading on upper and lower erector spinae muscle activity.
They reported erector spinae muscle activity was markedly reduced when using the foam cushion compared to the when using the floor.
Other studies have also shown consistently greater erector spinae muscle activity when performing the back squat with higher relative loads between 30 — 75 % of 1RM or 60 — 90 % of 3RM, respectively (Willardson et al. 2009; Li et al. 2013; Aspe et al. 2014).
Assessing different whole - body exercises, McGill et al. (2014) explored upper and lower erector spinae muscle activity during the hanging leg raise (straight - leg and bent - leg), the hand walk - out, and body - saw with a suspension system.
During deadlifts, training with faster speeds, using conventional or sumo deadlift technique, introducing an unstable surface, and using a weightlifting belt do not affect erector spinae muscle activity.
Comparing the effect of load, Vigotsky et al. (2014) explored the muscle activity of the lumbar (at L3) and thoracic (at T9) erector spinae during the good morning exercise performed with varying relative loads (50 — 90 % of 1RM).
Comparing the effect of external resistance type, Vinstrup et al. (2015) explored erector spinae muscle activity during a machine trunk rotation exercise and a standing torso twist exercise with elastic resistance.
It appears that in many traditional core exercises erector spinae muscle activity is relatively low.
Regardless of pennation angle, it appears that the upper and lower fibers of the erector spinae have a similar physiological cross-sectional area.
Comparing the back squat and deadlift, Hamlyn et al. (2007) explored erector spinae muscle activity using 80 % of 1RM load.
Knowledge of the muscle fiber type of the erector spinae may be of interest to strength and conditioning coaches in order to tailor their resistance - training program accordingly, especially if muscle hypertrophy is important.
Additionally, isolation exercises such as the glute - ham raise and prone leg curl appear to be effective (and in some cases) superior exercises for producing high levels of erector spinae muscle activity compared with some other isolation and compound exercises.
Assessing the effect of surface stability during back squats, Bressel et al. (2009) explored erector spinae muscle activity during the barbell back squat with 50 % of 1RM both when standing on the floor and when standing on a BOSU ball.
The prone trunk extension (superman) exercise is an effective exercise and displays very high levels of erector spinae muscle activity when performed with maximum lumbar extension.
In compound exercises, the upper erector spinae displays highest muscle activity in the deadlift, while the lower erector spinae displays equally high muscle activity in both squats and deadlifts.
Lower erector spinae muscle activity is very high during both back squats and deadlifts.
The upper and lower fibers of the erector spinae have a similar physiological cross-sectional area.
They reported that erector spinae muscle activity ranged between 15 — 65 % across the different conditions and loads.
They reported very low erector spinae muscle activity in all plank variations.
The erector spinae displays a greater proportion of type I muscle fibers than type II muscle fibers, with type I muscle fiber proportion ranging between 63 — 73 % and 62 — 74 % in the lumbar and thoracic regions, respectively.
Nuzzo et al. (2008) compared the upper (at L1) and lower (at L5) erector spinae muscle activity during the birddog, hip bridge with feet on swiss ball, and back extension from a swiss ball.
They reported no difference in erector spinae muscle activity between conditions.
However, upper erector spinae muscle activity seems to be greater using a barbell.
The highest erector spinae muscle activity is displayed as the bar is lowered during the descending phase until its peak, but erector spinae muscle activity is similar throughout the whole of the ascending phase.
The erector spinae is highly active during a number of less traditional exercises, including the log - lift and tire - flip strongman events, but the sled push exercise produces lower muscle activity than the back squat.
Furthermore, when considering several studies, the lumbar erector spine at the region L3 — L4 appears to display 64 — 73 % type I muscle fibers in males, and between 63 — 70 % type I muscle fibers in female individuals (Mannion et al. 1997; 2000; Sirca et al. 1985; Crossman et al. 2004; Jorgensen et al. 1993).
The deadlift produced the greatest erector spinae muscle activity compared to all other exercises.
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