Sentences with phrase «ergo not»

Panos Panay was not yet in charge of the Devices group, ergo not in charge of Windows Phone until late July 2015.
Sounds to me like you are playing at writing, not treating it as a full time business and ergo not financially contributing and letting life pass you by.

Not exact matches

But low interest rates, at least in Canada, have pushed household debt to such vertiginous levels that officials like Carney know they shouldn't be counting on consumer spending to drive the recovery — ergo, the call for more corporate investment.
And, indeed, some of the commentary around this news story has queried the value of the entire exposé by suggesting CA's psychometric targeting wasn't very effective — ergo, it may not have had a significant impact on the US election.
Yes, there's the fact that these baby carriers are top - quality, comfortable, and designed to adjust for a perfect fit, inspiring rave reviews like this: «In my mind, the Ergo is simply the best made and most comfortable baby carrier on the market, and it isn't even remotely close.
the notion that Jesus wasn't an historical person, but just a rehash of earlier myths, commits the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of it).
See, Buddha lived before Christ and the two shared the same beliefs, ergo, Jesus, the real McCoy Jesus, not the one made up by the w hores who penned the N.T., was a disciple of the Buddha.
When one does a comparative analysis of various Bible translations, hell, sheol, pit, and grave, all mean the very same thing, mankind's common grave, ergo, «the wages sin pays is death» not eternal torment, similar to our own justice system.
Fifi doesn't understand ANY historical event that is depicted in the Bible, despite vast archaeological evidence — ergo, it must be all fiction.
# 6 No, I argued that morals are subjective ergo there is no absolute morality and gave examples which you haven't countered and really you've brought nothing to the table.
Contra the foundations of modern philosophy, Hamann writes: «Not Cogito; ergo sum, but vice versa, and more Hebraic: Est; ergo sum.»
Ergo, either God did not intend to save all humans, rather a precious few, or he is imperfect.
ergo did not morality change?
Then you continue to justify that easy out conclusion by putting God in the same category as Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, or the Flying Spagetti Monster since you can't prove that they don't exist and it's ridiculous to believe in those ergo that automatically means that is just as ridiculous to believe in a God, like a one conclusion fits all scenario even though that scenario still doesn't change the fact that you are concluding something that can not be proven.
Well Jesus wasn't tolerant of any other religion... ergo he was a bigot.
We do not experience «Cogito ergo sum».
In this debate, the «traditionalists» were in favor of truth (you can't receive Communion if you are in a state of sin; if you intend to have relations outside a valid marriage, you are in a state of sin; ergo, etc.), while the «progressives» were in favor of mercy (shouldn't those who have had a conversion after a divorce and civil remarriage be able to approach the Eucharist?).
«Atheist» is not recognized, ergo atheists can not be legally married.
Ergo, «The Word of God» is not the Bible.
Ergo, it both epistles could not have been written by the same authors.
I have never said that because we're not God (ergo perfect) we're evil, and therefore it's God's fault.
He is not dead, ergo, he is still muslim.
@justageeker, «Cogito ergo sum» is evidence of my own existence, not anything else, and certainly not how I cane to exist.
An atheist is somebody who doesn't believe in a god, ergo an atheist can't be angry with a god (no more than he could be angry with Skeletor).
In everything we observe, we find mutability in all physical reality, ergo the physical universe is not eternal.
Ergo, God is not perfect.
It is the ultimate determinism, ergo you can not have an all powerful, all knowing personal god and free will together.
If a man does the right thing, then surely he doesn't sin; and if he doesn't do the right thing, then neither has he understood it; if in truth he had understood it, this would at once have moved him to do it, would at once make him an echo of his understanding — ergo sin is ignorance.
Ergo, cookies don't actually exist, and anyone who says they do is lying.
Ergo, Angels must actually exist, and anyone who says they don't is lying.
They state that Joseph did not make this prophesy ergo it is folk lore and nothing more than that.
Being both omnipotent and omniscient is impossible, ergo, as described, the christian god can't exist.
eg: «science doesn't explain what happened before the big bang, so God is real, ergo he created everything 6,000 years ago» — Opponents of abiogenesis belong here too.
The only fact which he does not doubt is the fact that he is thinking, e.g. the well - known Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am).
He says abortion is murder, and murderers (sometimes) get the death penalty — though typically not by hanging, unless you live under the Taliban — ergo women who have abortions should get the death penalty.
The story also does not say Obama is the President of the United States, so ergo, by your comment, Obama is not the president»
Sadly a large part of the NT is attributed to Paul, ergo all the weirdness that developed into the early church.
I don't say anything because I believe it's rude to impose your beliefs on someone else — ergo the paradox.
As long as he or any other Muslim doesn't denounce the extremists, he or she is in cohorts with them and is supporting them, ergo, you are my enemy, get out of my country.!
Therefor, being all - knowing and all - powerful are mutually exclusive, ergo the christian god can't exist.
Ergo it is not shocking to me that you would never have sensed it as you require to be sensitive to it in the first place.
Not a supper has been made unless she's riding Ergo - style on my back and I'm ready for a rest.
I'm not praying and I know a heck of a lot of other people that don't pray — ergo, no «national day of prayer».
Ergo, form your communication is the language patters, images, histories, and life perceptions of the Reciever, NOT within your framework of thinking.
Ergo I am not wasting my life in church praying for longer life when instead I could be at the gym extending my life for real.
Any god who cared about what humans thought of him wouldn't dare allow the creation and spread of the bible; ergo, the god of the bible does not exist (unless he is a trickster purposely playing head games with us as a colossal azzhole might).
c) if i were sick with something i wouldn't know the origin thereof (ergo, e.g. i couldn't sue anyone for reimbursement of health care costs and eventually also for pay for sick days) and i wouldn't have health insurance (where health facilities and workers are available) and barely any or no money, what else would there left for me to do than relying on «online advice», a «witch doctor», and / or praying?
Jewish theology says it begins with the first breath of air — ergo, a foetus doesn't have a soul.
Above all try to forget it, to be an individual man is not to be anything — think, and then thou art the whole of humanity, cogito ergo sum.»
As I understand it, you are basically holding to the «God as a loving parent wants us to learn, ergo... doesn't interfere with the calamities, as we are some kind of terrible sinful people that need «teaching.»
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