Sentences with phrase «eroding soils»

"Eroding soils" refers to the process of soil being gradually washed or blown away, usually due to factors like wind, water, or human activities. This erosion can harm the fertility and quality of the soil, making it less suitable for growing plants and crops. Full definition
To see the amount of eroded soil in your cake pan, slightly tilt the cake pans (one at a time) to drain the water.
As a result, you probably collected more eroded soil from rain falling on the bare soil.
Western forests are clear - cut, and eroding soil clogs salmon spawning areas.
The plan limits logging close to streams, which can clog waterways with eroded soil and damage fish runs.
«Hello people, goodbye soil: Humans erode soil 100 times faster than nature.»
From there the water is further filtered and directed into rivers and reservoirs that quench the thirst of major urban areas without eroding the soil — crucial in protecting against flooding.
Slade denotes a valley or ravine, formed at Plumstead at the end of the last Ice Age, when melting glaciers eroded both soil.
Over time water can erode the soil under the pad causing the unit to lean.
They assimilate organic waste and carry eroded soil and plastic bits out to the floating garbage gyres.
The team's eroded soil measurements showed that there was 4 % more carbon at higher slope elevations than at lower elevations, suggesting that interrill erosion is at work.
Over time, the release of water over the earth begins to erode the soil into pathways.
There is also mounting evidence that if all the indirect costs of conventional food production cleanup of polluted water, replacement of eroded soils, costs of health care for farmers and their workers were factored into the price of food, organic foods would cost the same or, more likely, be cheaper.
We are comparing apples and oranges here — and cotton pesticides, eroded soil from cotton fields, emissions from logging trucks, oil spills, hazardous wastes from refineries and petrochemical and plastics plants.
When confronted with dying lakes and rivers, smog, eroding soils, disappearing forests, global warming, and acid rain, one can usually get a consensus that as Christians we should support actions that would restore the environment.
Aadar was problematic, the herders told Goulden, because its intense precipitation fell on small areas, eroding the soil and spilling off the steppe faster than it could be absorbed.
New research by scientists at the University of Vermont and Imperial College, London, published in the February 2015 issue of the journal Geology, show that eroded soil, carried in rivers like this one, accelerated dramatically in the wake of European forest - clearing and intensive agriculture in North America.
While the scientists concluded that upland erosion was accelerated by a hundred-fold, the amount of sediment at the outlets of these rivers was increased only about five to ten times above pre-settlement levels, meaning that the rivers were only transporting about 6 % of the eroded soil.
Never modest in his pronouncements, he sees nothing short of a collapse of civilization if governments do not pay attention to disturbing overlapping planetary trends: plunging water tables, depleting and eroding soil, and dwindling grain stocks, with global warming in the background quickening the slide.
Some soil suspended in the water will drain out with it but the majority of the eroded soil will settle to the bottom and stay in the pan.
Lal says that the greatest opportunities lie in the world's most depleted and eroded soils, in sub-Saharan Africa, south and central Asia, and Central America.
In the first year, NMSU research projects will include bio-inspired soil reinforcement, a study of the mechanisms of root growth and mechanical reinforcement in unsaturated soil; bio-enhanced removal of contaminants in groundwater; revegetation of degraded top soils, stripped lands or salinized and eroded soils; and development of self - motile probe for multi-sensor deployment for subsurface investigations.
That was an ugly world of profligate chemical use and eroding soils.
Prairie grasses keep wind from eroding the soils — scooping them up and letting them blow away.
Eroding soil had revealed the jaws.
Currently on Santa Rosa Island, a large section of island oak woodland is being restored though regeneration of eroded soil and restoration of understory native plant species.
Many of the stresses, including expanding deserts and increasingly frequent dust storms, rising temperature, falling water tables, eroding soils, collapsing fisheries, melting glaciers, and rising seas directly affect the food prospect.
The report warns that climate change looks set to bring more extremes and more erratic weather with stronger storms, heavier downpours and more intense heatwaves potentially damaging plants and eroding soil.
In that first and subsequent two editions Brown does a commendable job of spelling out and interconnecting all the stresses on the Earth - eroding soils, falling water tables, rising temperatures, poverty and population pressures.
With falling water tables, eroding soils, and rising temperatures making it difficult to feed growing populations, control of arable land and water resources is moving to center stage in the global struggle for food security.
(Both cause plant cover to decrease which causes soil moisture decreases often making storms less frequent, less regular, less predictable and more intense, further decreasing plant cover, reducing or killing crops, eroding soil (leading to decreased fertility, water pollution, etc.) and spiraling down into desertification and the creation of wasteland from what had been a fertile, verdant landscape.
With food scarcity driven by falling water tables, eroding soils, and rising temperatures, control of arable land and water resources is moving to center stage in the global struggle for food security.
These trends include — in addition to falling water tables — eroding soils and rising temperatures from increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
«Environmental scientists have been saying for some time that the global economy is being slowly undermined by environmental trends of human origin, including shrinking forests, expanding deserts, falling water tables, eroding soils, collapsing fisheries, rising temperatures, melting ice, rising seas, and increasingly destructive storms,» says Brown, President and Founder of the Earth Policy Institute, a Washington, D.C. - based independent environmental research organization.
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