Sentences with phrase «error estimate»

However, he did not provide us with scenarios or error estimates on the other 2 forecasts, those of GHG retention and any impact of such retention on the measured temperatures.
In that case the tests that we discuss in the paper could effectively capture both in the standard error estimates.
This is almost certainly a conservative error estimate because it assumes the tide - gauge sea - level measurements are perfect.
If it says 10.1 + / - 2.5 C, it's outside the old range and indicates the range error estimate previously was incorrect.
Table 1 shows a summary of the different error estimates.
By adjusting the de-glaciation history, Whitehouse 2012 revised their GIA model so that the upward bias was reduced to 1.2 mm / year with error estimates of 2.3 mm / year.
Multiplying the overall error estimate by 1.5 may well be prudent enough.
These biases are both substantially larger than sampling errors estimated in Lyman et al. [2006], and appear to be the cause of the rapid cooling reported in that work.
You could propagate the observational error estimates provided along with the HADCRUT4 data set through this transformation, as well as use information about the distribution of a and g from individual models in the CMIP ensembles.
If the researcher had provided reasonable error estimates for all of the relationships modeled, I think the predictions would have come with very wide error bars, probably even permitting an ice age in time, because so many of the relationships are poorly understood.
All of the data were weighted equally ---- weighting the data based on error estimates from tide - gauge differences did not appreciably change the results.
The survey's modeled error estimate is 4.5 percent — so that's why Renacci cited 58 percent.
For both the mouse and human cadavers, skin and soil microbes provided good accuracy in predicting time of death, with a roughly a two - to - four - day error estimate over a span of 25 days, said Knight.
Even just by looking at the temporal pattern of the early EOP measurement error estimates, one can see patterns that show up in a variety of climate indices.
Some of the other 2 sigma error estimates suggest that the statistics package did most of the thinking on the error calculation and reporting.
The number of PLS components to retain is chosen having regard to prediction errors estimated using cross-validation, a widely - used technique.
«Our results demonstrate how synergistic use of satellite TOA radiation observations and recently improved ocean heat content measurements, with appropriate error estimates, provide critical data for quantifying short - term and longer - term changes in the Earth's net TOA radiation imbalance.
Wang and Collow, 4.63 ± 0.25, Modeling (fully coupled)(Same as June) The contribution here includes (1) Monthly September sea ice extent, (2) Monthly September sea ice extent error estimate, and (3) Date of September minimum.
The final error estimate for the climate - change — driven GMSL acceleration is the RSS of the measurement errors (0.011 mm / y2), the error in the Pinatubo correction (0.01 mm / y2), the error in the ENSO correction (0.01 mm / y2), and the errors due to decadal variability (0.017 mm / y2).
Using the observational aerosol forcing error estimate given in Section 7.5.3 instead of the corresponding Table 8.7 uncertainty range gives the same result.
I'd like to consult you on some terminology.In your paper «The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project», a minimum - error estimate of the «true state» can be represented by the analysis ensemble mean (x ¬ a), page 6, in the bottom left corner, the paper also mentioned «the ensemble - mean analysis» (Hx ¬ a), page 8, in the bottom right corner.
«Even if we take the extreme of these error estimates, we are left with a significant trend since 1890 and a significant trend in major hurricanes starting anytime before 1920,» say atmospheric scientists Greg Holland of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., and Peter Webster of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
All error estimates are 90 % confidence intervals.
Error estimates (vertical lines) are from GEA and probably underestimate the total uncertainty.
The improvements over the previous version in terms of coverage and error estimates is substantial.
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