Sentences with phrase «error found what»

I read books, perused fitness blogs, watched documentaries, and then by trial and error found what worked for me and what didn't.

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The willingness to endure trial and error until finding what works defines being an entrepreneur.
You are going to have to find what works for you through good old fashioned trial and error.
Without trial and error you may find yourself struggling to figure out what content works specifically for you and what helps you reach the highest number of people.
If a ton of businesses miss the boat by being absent or invisible online, even more make another avoidable error: failing to plan for what they'll do once potential customers do find their businesses online.
I am a nuclear physicist and do not believe in God, which was a slow process in my life to conclude that a few billion years of trial and error along with some incredible sets of «rules» make what happened on Earth inevitable, and is happening on any planet with the near same conditions that are found here.
You are right, Calvinists do have tremendous flaws in their theology but then so do we all and I have found through the years that it does not help to point out peoples flaws or errors as some are just downright unteachable and others are extremely zealous for what they know.
Are you saying that the Bible is perfect, without error and no matter what we find in science, history, anthropology or anything else we are to look to the Bible as the final say?
They are and have been direct, to the point, and get at what we believe is the root of the errors we find in the GES position on the Gospel and the titles of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Admittedly, David, it took me a while to get past the idea of the scriptures being free of error or myth, but perhaps what I find true about the lot of it was that it was important to some people to pass it down through an oral tradition and then through written tradition (alongside the oral).
I think we know there are scribal errors in this bible of ours (no doubt from me)-- but I am yet to find a scribal error that changes the character of Jesus from what he claims to be to someone altogether different (ie: not the son of David or from Nazareth or hates Gentiles, etc) or changes his teachings from one thing to another (ie: we don't catch him stoning someone in adultery anywhere or cursing the roman guards for crucifying him).
That we find no God — either in history or in nature or behind nature — is not what differentiates us, but that we experience what has been revered as God, not as «godlike» but as miserable, as absurd, as harmful, not merely as an error but as a crime against life.
After much trial and error, not to speak of a good deal of somewhat unseemly controversy, it was generally agreed that the divine Action in Christ was not to be restricted to Jesus alone, although in him it found what I have styled a «focus»; rather, that Action worldward is present and at work everywhere.
@ Mosihasteen i bet you hundred million go study the quran man and find every negative thing in quran you can possibly can do some more study with your byest mind and then gather all that nd then search it up y did god said those things in quran tell you what i do nt have hundred million but i have my fath which is more worth than that if every negative thing in quran u find and you actully study further you will find y it is said by god and what is the reason and how it is possitive and i give you my word if you find 1 mistake or error in quran i will convert to what ever you follow man there you go wana take the challenge
Much like a proof reader finds misspellings, the removal of those references is to correct errors, not to inject any atheist ideology so your paranoid delusional chad brain can power down and go back to doing what it does best, collect dust.
In my trial and errors, I have found what tastes best is to use both hot and sweet sausage and every color pepper with only a few green ones mixed in.
So what I have done based on all the trials and errors that y ’ all have told me about, I have done some investigating and found out just WHY the cream cheese icing recipe turns to soup for some of you!
A few years back I was looking for a recipes and could not find one recipe that I liked so I combined a few of them on the internet and did some trial and errors and this is what I ended up with.
But gluten is what gives bread structure and elasticity, so finding or making gluten - free baked goods that taste as good as their wheat counterparts can involve a lot of trial and error.
Keto is not easy, and it takes a considerable amount of planning and trial and error to see what works for you, but, I think I've found a way to make it work.
Leave them alone upfront and see if you can find a GK to replace what looks a very shaky Cech and a midfield prone to errors.
Of course it does, but what worries me is the extent to which people believe we should be investing... It's not ideal but I'm quite content with Wenger's strategy, finding that one player — your Ozil or Sanchez — rather than what United or City are doing having a constant # 150 million «trial and error» transfer fund, whereby if it doesn't work, who gives a crap they'll do it all over again next window.
For one, it represents the HTML «Not Found» error, and malfunctioning software is what we're all about around here.
What we found was a wide range of historical «facts» about the club that were not facts at all, and these errors which have littered previous histories of the club have now been put to rights.
Most of what we learned and found success with for our children was the result of trial and error.
My best advice is to start simple and through trial and error, you will find what works for you.
It's best to use trial and error to find what feels right for you and your baby.
Ridge Meadows postpartum doulas will feed you and help you feed your baby, help you sleep so that you will have a clear mind to work through the trial and error of finding out what your baby needs day - to - day.
It takes trial and error to find what works for your family!
Through much trial and error, I was eventually able to find what worked best for me.
Sometimes it takes some trial and error to find what works best.
We have been approaching this very scientifically; we have been doing our own scientific polling and even some of the polling being done by independent people, the numbers are looking great and so I am confident that from what is being done scientifically, plus or minus any margin of error, we will make 50 % plus... «We are looking at issues of concern to people in different regions and so the campaign message is tailored to address the concerns we find in any particular region and the response we have got is very enthusiastic.
The report also found that the overall level of people owed money from HMRC because they under - claimed what they were entitled to in error remained static for the third year in a row at 0.7 %.
Now that schools are being audited what is happening to students that were tested and found there were errors in the grading?
Errors can occur in these cases because test results are ambiguous, and analysts often know in advance what the police expect them to find.
If Galileo was first to penetrate the heavens with a long tube and two lenses, still it was poor, myopic Kepler who fathomed the anatomy of the eye, founded the science of optics, and figured out, through years of trial and error, what courses the planets follow.
Professor Keith Jones, who is Head of the Centre for Biological Sciences, says: «Our findings won't provide an immediate cure for preventing errors, but it gives us a better understanding for what is controlling chromosome division in eggs.
Sometimes it's trial and error before you find what works.
I realize you are a new company so it is a trial and error program to find out what people wish to buy.
You have to find what foods work for your unique body and lifestyle by trial and error.
Different things work for different people so expect a little trial and error to find out what soothes your child.
The exact percentage of your calories that comes from protein, carbohydrates and fats is also up for grabs to a certain extent and some people find that they do better if they increase or decrease one of the 3 elements having said that a diet consisting of 40 % protein 30 percent carbohydrates and 30 % fats is a good starting point which can be adapted to what you think best with a bit of trial and error.
to find out exactly how many calories will take some trial and error yourself to see what is best for you
Finding what works best for you may take some trial and error on the part of you and your doctor.
I will modify this from time to time, but this mainly is the prehab warm - up that I have come up with through my trials and errors until I found what felt right for me.
You might need to do some trial and error to find what works best, but he suggests women try 12 kilograms for a swing, 10 for a clean and 8 for a snatch.
By trial and error I found which foods made me feel balanced and energized, and what made me feel tired and anxious.
The question I'm trying to answer is — for those who have not yet found relief, what is most likely to work with the least trial and error.
Finding out what works for you might take some trial and error, but you're more likely to succeed once you've found it.
I really just did a ton of research and trial and error, and found what worked for me.
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