Sentences with phrase «escalating cycle»

Coercive parent — child interaction models posit that an escalating cycle of negative, bidirectional interchanges influences the development of boys» externalizing problems and caregivers» maladaptive parenting over time.
The goal of mandatory mediation is to disrupt «the escalating cycle of conflict that so often perpetuates custody disputes and to shield children from the traumatizing consequences of repeated parental conflict over their care.»
This pathway is characterized by three elements: the onset of conduct problems (such as developmentally excessive levels of aggression, noncompliance, and other oppositional behaviour) in the preschool and early school - age years; a high degree of continuity throughout childhood and into adolescence and adulthood; and a poor prognosis.1, 2 The most comprehensive family - based formulation for the early - starter pathway has been the coercion model developed by Patterson and his colleagues.3, 4 The model describes a process of «basic training» in conduct - problem behaviours that occurs in the context of an escalating cycle of coercive parent - child interactions in the home, beginning prior to school entry.
The power of friendship: Protection against an escalating cycle of peer victimization.
The 1 % which drives supply - chain market forces into an ever escalating cycle of violence and crime in the second world.
In contrast, the Tories were locked into an escalating cycle of confrontation.
Escalating cycles of retaliation are the original social disease.
In these programs parents are coached in behavioural strategies for increasing reinforcement of adaptive child behaviour and setting consistent limits on disruptive behaviour, thereby replacing escalating cycles of parent - child coercion with positive, relationship - enhancing interactions (Hawes and Allen 2016).
Such behavior may prompt varied parental responses and escalating cycles of conflict, withdrawal, and disengagement in the home (Burkem 2003; Cummings et al. 2001).

Not exact matches

Further continuation of the NDP insistence of an increased tax burden will only serve to escalate a downward cycle that will seriously deter any incentive towards self reliance.
As we're now in the ninth year of the current cycle, we think investors should consider the mixed nature of incoming data such as China's economic stimulus, global liquidity conditions, a US «hard data» letdown and escalating asset class valuations.
Increasing levels of ozone, in turn, trap more heat, exacerbating the urban heat island effect: Cities are normally about five to 10 degrees hotter than surrounding suburbs because asphalt and cement absorb sunlight, generating a vicious cycle of escalating pollution and heat.
Because legal options to enforce treatment compliance for people with poor insight are seldom used or don't exist, this cycle all too often escalates into acts of criminal violence or tragic suicide.
With more than ten years of follow - up, this analysis shows that there are more secondary cancers as compared to the first report and, importantly, six cycles of BEACOPP escalated are safer and more effective than eight cycles.
THE BIG PICTURE: LAND UNDER PRESSURE The current pressures on land are huge and expected to continue growing: there is rapidly escalating competition between the demand for land functions that provide food, water, and energy, and those services that support and regulate all life cycles on Earth.
There also appeared to be a strong hormonal link since Amy's symptoms escalated around the same time asher cycle every month.
Davian escapes, however, and continues the cycle of escalating abductions by kidnapping Ethan's wife, Julia (Michelle Monaghan), necessitating yet another rescue.
Traditional punishment with these students only escalates power struggles and conflict cycles, breeding an increased stress response in the brain and body.
Traditional punishment with these students only escalates power struggles and conflict cycles, breeding an increased stress response in the brain and body.
That is why in this chapter I look to justice reinvestment from the United States as a new approach that may hold the key to unlocking Indigenous Australians from the cycle of crime and escalating imprisonment rates.
As distance grows between you, normal conflict and stress escalate into negative cycles that chip away at trust and security.
The Bystander • A working definition; • The bystander as sibling, peer or adult and the impact being a bystander has on escalating the violence; • The impact on the cycle of violence when a bystander becomes a peacemaker — empowered to act with courage and integrity.
Addressing these issues produces positions of authority and inquiries about identity within our communities that can escalate latent conflict, as described in Text Box 2.4, into a cycle of lateral violence.
So we nd ourselves in the same complementary roles that we got used to in childhood and ght the former signi cant others in our partners by mutually «pushing our buttons» in escalating mode cycles.
The aim of the intervention is to enable participants to decenter or take distance from their negative thinking and therefore interrupt the cycle of negative, repetitive thoughts before they escalate into full - blown depressive episode again.
3) Tracking and reflecting the cycle, this becomes even more important with highly escalating couples.
When you can both understand the cycle you are participating in, then break destructive patterns, you may find more resolution to problems and experience less frequent escalating disagreements.
Indirect victimization showed prospective bidirectional associations with emotional symptoms and conduct problems, suggesting the potential development of vicious cycles of escalating problems in these areas.
These results suggest that not only emotional problems but also conduct problems may enter into a vicious cycle with indirect victimization, potentially leaving room for several different forms of escalating problems.
As Reintjes et al. -LRB-[2010], [2011]-RRB- point out, this suggests the existence of escalating «vicious cycles» of victimization and internalizing as well as externalizing problems, where increased victimization leads to increases in various kinds of psychological problems, which in turn may lead to further increases in victimization.
With practice, the both individuals in the relationship learn how to identify their cycle and interrupt it before things escalate out of control.
That is why in this chapter I look to a recent development from the United States, justice reinvestment, as a new approach that may hold the key to unlocking Indigenous Australians from the cycle of crime and escalating imprisonment rates.
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