Sentences with phrase «escape from it all»

Alongside this question lurks another: is it even possible for us to escape from «the spirit of the age»?
Indeed it was this wealth and influence, together with their virtual escape from the horror of the Black Death (partly due to their separatealjamas), that caused rising anti-Semitism.
Only with much difficulty can we escape from spatialization (and Bishop John A. T. Robinson was right when he said that it was ridiculous to talk about the God who is «up there» somewhere above us.
The top testimonies of 2015: Escape from North Korea; trapped inside my own body; how Greg Thornbury almost lost the Bible.
, then instead of trying to escape from that position by resolving it one way or another, why should we not seek the positive and beneficial implications of just such a position?
One who is more finely tempered is driven to escape from personal existence and to the world of objective observing and understanding.
«Donors expect their gifts to be handled efficiently and honestly, so that the best returns are achieved to finance the works of the Church, especially those aimed at preaching the Gospel and helping the poor escape from poverty.
Consequently an overwhelming fear of God and His wrath seized their hearts, and their pious devotions were regarded as a means of escape from the judgment to come.
It is apparently a dimension of experience that holds enormous promise for escape from the mundane...
Of course, other explanations of the experience are possible and Freud, for example, a century later, suggested that religion is a collective expression of neurosis and an attempt of individuals to find an escape from the realities of a hostile and indifferent universe.
As we have seen several times before, the criterion of genuine hope in God's promise consists of a willingness to temper the sacramen - talism of our dreams by a willingness to look mystically into the future symbolized by our images, by a steady posture of patience and silence, and by a transformative praxis that refuses to escape from the troubles of present history.
(Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom [New York: Rinehart & Co., 1941] chaps.
(Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom [New York: Rinehart & Co., 1941], chap.
That we do in fact try to escape from this tension is the most obvious fact of the modern world, for those who have eyes to see.
The liberty flowing from it did not mean escape from social obligations.
Being neither a Gnostic escape from the world nor a romantic flight from history, dialectical thinking moves by means of a negation that is simultaneously affirmation.
The person who is brought into being by Christ must live in this tension, without trying to escape from it.
Nationalism, communism, and fascism are not the only ways in which men attempt to escape from freedom and to regain security and purpose in living.
Work that issues from devotion is no longer a slave's burden, and play is no longer the pseudo liberty of one who seeks escape from himself and his condition.
By this he meant that for a great many people the whole function of their faith is to provide them either with a keen awareness of what God does for them and in them or with a way of escape from the real facts of life.
Communism, like nationalism, actually affords only a temporary escape from the basic spiritual predicament.
It is to escape from our anxiety - producing uncertainty, I think, that we so readily accept labels and resist our own questing and questioning.
The philosophy of absolute idealism, so vigorously represented both in Scotland and America to - day, has to struggle with this difficulty quite as much as scholastic theism struggled in its time; and although it would be premature to say that there is no speculative issue whatever from the puzzle, it is perfectly fair to say that there is no clear or easy - issue, and that the only obvious escape from paradox here is to cut loose from the monistic assumption altogether, and to allow the world to have existed from its origin in pluralistic form, as an aggregate or collection of higher and lower things and principles, rather than an absolutely unitary fact.
To escape from this dizzy whirl the soul either sets out upon the difficult path of bringing itself toward unity or it clutches at any object past which the vortex happens to carry it and casts its passion upon it.
To do any of these things requires us to adopt a different mental framework, a framework that consists of an alternative reality, an escape from the real world of daily life, such as a world of fantasy or daydreams.
Evolution allows no escape from that possibility despite what many try to say to the contrary.
At the heart of Paul's theology is, therefore, an attempt to find a way of escape from death.
From Plato onwards, philosophers have sought to escape from the anxiety of personal freedom by searching for certainty and objectivity in a supra - human realm, whether it be that of unchanging Platonic Forms, or in the inexorable unfolding of some grand historical design, or in an eternal life with an omniscient, loving, supreme Being.
Perhaps, then, the Epilogue to Adam Bede is to be read as documenting Dinah's escape from the clutches of this ugly and dangerous notion of God.
That is, in my opinion, a convenient escape from moral responsibility and from the discomfort of facing and making moral decisions.
For millions of Americans employment does not offer an escape from poverty.
The Census Bureau, in its 2000 annual report on poverty, observes that «having a job, even a full - time job, does not guarantee an escape from poverty.»
They are subject to Nietzsche's charge that «the traditional Western metaphysico - epistemological way of firming up our habits» can be regarded as «an attempt to avoid facing up to contingency, to escape from time and chance» (PAP 14 - 5).
The Eastern Orthodox delegation asked to be excused from voting on the other reports; but they heartily supported this one, which affirmed that the message of the church to the world must always remain the gospel of Jesus Christ — the gift of a new word from God to this old world of sin and death, being the prophetic call to sinful men to turn to God as the only way by which humanity can escape from those class and race hatreds which devastate society, and fulfill humanity's longing for intellectual sincerity, social justice and spiritual inspiration.
Yes, I was depressed, but I felt a momentary lift, an escape from the gloom that followed me everywhere: I laughed.
Attempts to escape from a flat, two - dimensional spiritual universe are involved in the widespread search for instant transcendence through drugs, particularly the hallucinogenic drugs.
Nothing else: not success, not heaven, not an escape from hell, not friends, not security, not peace of mind.
In haste to try to escape from God, they leave their minds disengaged, and leap right past the point, and the challenge.
If it were not so we could not ourselves escape from life and death.»
Philosophy, theology, and science have been struggling to escape from this prison for many decades now Quantum physics is merely one chapter in this struggle.
I wanted it to be a place where I could escape from my hurts and pains.
You should be as keen to escape from aimless noise as from footnotes.
When they were forced to escape from those who wished to end their lives or their freedom, they fled across the United States and settled in what is now Salt Lake City.
Hopefully with his death more of his children will come to their senses and escape from his horrid shadow like Mark and Nate Phelps.
It can encourage such protection inasmuch as the animal is seen as having perhaps been a close and dear relative, and yet it can also discourage such protection inasmuch as the animal can be seen as sacrificing itself for the sake of a better birth in the future, leading ultimately to an escape from rebirth altogether (Bowker, 6).
Once she said to him, «You know - I'm trying to escape from ironic hell: cynicism into faith; randomness into clarity; worry into devotion.
The point is this, if you are being paid as a preacher / pastor or any other service you offer to the church then I would urge you to escape from it and step into the unknown.
«A higher religion imposes a conflict, a division, torment and struggle within the individual... we escape from this strain by attempting to revert to an identity of religion and culture which prevailed at a more primitive stage; as when we indulge in alcohol as an anodyne, we consciously seek unconsciousness» (Notes, p. 68) Typically, Eliot did not attempt to lessen the strain; rather, he saw the church as the «salt of the earth,» affecting society at its deepest levels.
My only quibble with the article is that the proportion of mathematicians I know who view their field as «an escape from religious questions» is vanishingly small.
She shows nothing but an «escape from freedom.»
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