Sentences with phrase «escape from them into»

It's a quirky place for book lovers and writers and anyone who just loves to escape from it all into another world.

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«When a thermonuclear weapon is surrounded with with ordinary cobalt (cobalt - 59) metal,» as Russia's Status 6 is rumored to be, «the fast neutrons escaping the explosion will instantly transmute it into radioactive cobalt - 60, which would vaporize, condense, and then fall back to earth tens, hundreds, or thousands of miles from the site of the explosion.»
Prince Charles said Weidenfeld «never forgot how Quakers had helped him to escape from Nazi Germany and who, even late into his life, facilitated the evacuation and re-settlement of Iraqi Christians from Mosul, fleeing the barbarism of Da'esh.»
In fact, perhaps the most balanced research came from David Neumark and William Wascher, who noted in the end that higher minimum wages «increase both the probability that poor families escape poverty and the probability that previously non-poor families fall into poverty.»
When I sit down with recent hires, I try to help them escape the mindset they carried with them from whatever big company they came from, and into the mindset of a Boxer.
Only last month, a leak from the Keystone Pipeline, not far from the Standing Rock reservation in South Dakota, saw a reported 210,000 gallons escape into the surrounding land.
-- Pamela Slim, author of Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur «Guillebeau has been in the trenches for years, and in The $ 100 Startup he guides you step - by - step through how he and dozens of others have turned their passions into proffrom Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur «Guillebeau has been in the trenches for years, and in The $ 100 Startup he guides you step - by - step through how he and dozens of others have turned their passions into profFrom Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur «Guillebeau has been in the trenches for years, and in The $ 100 Startup he guides you step - by - step through how he and dozens of others have turned their passions into profits.
I have no data to back this, but I presume that if someone were indoctrinated into religion and then escaped from it, they may be more likely to self identify as an atheist or agnostic and still score better than someone never exposed to it in the first place, who might self identify as «nothing in particular.»
As with the mystical tradition in general, the danger is that the Pentecostal mystical experience becomes a mere escape from the world rather than a preparation for a purposeful reinsertion into the world.
Arranged marriages, so common amongst Indian and Pakistani Muslims, are a perfect foil for the comedic narrative arc of escape from harsh law into liberty and love.
Let us just consider whether we might not be able to escape from the anxiety into which the dangerous power of thought is now plunging us — simply by improving our thinking still more.
From neither bodily nor congregational habitation do I see miraculous escape, either by comic recognition that will give the church a special knowing at a higher stage of development or by a romantic quest that turns the parish outward into God's undomesticated presence in the larger context.
The univocal and equivocal imaginations deny metaphor, deny that any new insight can come through the ordinary — the one flattens it to sameness, the other escapes from it — but what Lynch calls the analogical imagination delves into the mundane, for it is precisely in and through the complexities of historical, limited existence that insight comes, if it comes at all.
But how could he miss seeing that, in saying this, he was entering into the vicious circle that «just war» theologians were caught in and have never escaped from; they have emitted only platitudes and empty phrases.
The primordial eschatology of man is escape from self into unity with the all.
The only escape from mystical indeterminacy is into a determinacy brutally disenchanted.
For the subject concerned will always be part of my experience, from which I can not escape and for which I am intellectually responsible to myself as well as to others, which only I can turn into the law of my life.
The point is this, if you are being paid as a preacher / pastor or any other service you offer to the church then I would urge you to escape from it and step into the unknown.
Once she said to him, «You know - I'm trying to escape from ironic hell: cynicism into faith; randomness into clarity; worry into devotion.
Douglass (1817 - 1895) was an African American Methodist Episcopal Zion (AME Zion) clergyman who was born into slavery and who escaped from slavery and joined the abolitionists» struggle as an internationally known orator, fund raiser, newspaper publisher, and editor.
Obama is turning America into the same kind of third world country, these people escaped from.
The person who is brought into being by Christ must live in this tension, without trying to escape from it.
As we have seen several times before, the criterion of genuine hope in God's promise consists of a willingness to temper the sacramen - talism of our dreams by a willingness to look mystically into the future symbolized by our images, by a steady posture of patience and silence, and by a transformative praxis that refuses to escape from the troubles of present history.
Pursued with the right kind of arguments and with sufficient vigor, an escape from the «exemptions ghetto» can bring us out into an open field of religious freedom in full — and of moral freedom in full for all, thanks to the indispensable leadership role of religious conscience, and the recognition of the duty of men and women to obey God before any authority of the state.
Niebuhr summed up the sin of sensuality by pointing out three of its invariable characteristics: a self - defeating self - love, an attempt to escape the self by finding a god outside the self (in a person or process), and an attempt to escape from the confusion caused by sin into some form of subconscious existence.
The centers of consciousness, acquiring autonomy as they emerge into the sphere of reflection, tend to escape from their own phylum, which granulates into a line of individuals.
For they speak not of freedom from the past for the future, but of escape from history into non-history.
Anyone with a little bit of sense understands that in the context of Matthew 27:42, the word «save» does not mean escape from hell and entrance into heaven, or receiving eternal life.
It is not enough to escape from bondage to a hated, alien foe -LRB-» a law in my members which wars against the law of my mind and brings me into captivity to the law of sin in my members»); something must be done about my own ghastly guilt.
Mam was sold into slavery at age 12, managed to escape and now helps rescue and restore other girls from brothels in Cambodia.
Then she tells Charles of the one escape possible from a world fallen into the hands of human beings: divine mercy.
See I heard from someone at the college I'm at that there's this blog somewhere that linked to a website where there was a quote from a forum post where a pilgrim told of meeting monk at a neo-monastery who's been doing some interesting research into the possibility of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy being considered apocalyptic scripture which could mean that the dolphin Dave was on was one of the ones that escaped the earth just before its destruction.
They told her to protect them, hide them, let them escape without getting caught, put her own life in danger by not revealing where they had went, then gather her family members into her house, and lower a scarlet cord from her window in the wall, and God would deliver her.
It is wrong to fall into a state of «work - fanaticism,» finding no satisfactions through other channels and seeking escape from an inner vacuum through feverish activity.
The anxious self can make its own self - gratification the sole object of desire, or sensuality becomes a convenient means of escape from the self's agony through the obliteration of feeling, the plunge into nothingness.
(8) The popular version of «togetherness» is often a kind of pseudo-intimacy, an attempt to escape from loneliness by blending into the «lonely crowd.»
It only ever «works» when the outcome was going to occur anyway, like a cancer going into remission, a person recovering from a serious, but curable illness, or a person below the 90th floor of the North Tower escaping the 9 - 11 disaster.
As psychological sexual identity comes to define who individuals are in the most basic sense, then everything else --- from society's moral norms to our physical bodies --- has the potential of becoming simply so much external tyranny to be overthrown or turned into plastic, something to be escaped, ignored, or remade in accordance with individual whims.
According to whether we believe in it or reject it, the totalizing process, from which there is no escape, will either infuse new life into us or destroy us — that is the fact.
I got into Melville because I needed to have somebody to look at very carefully who tried and failed to escape from a powerful religious tradition.
That is to say, he needs to establish internal relations as external relations as well in order to escape from falling into a form of idealism in the Hegelian mode and to maintain a form of pluralism as opposed to Spinozistic monism.
I'm not saying that you cant celebrate its birth, but what I am saying is you cant use the US government to further your agenda and make this country into some kind of religious state that's not what this country was founded on but escaped from God and King.
Here again there are modern counterparts and derivatives, for apart from foundations in a God of supreme power, righteousness and grace who is implicated in the suffering of his people, who condemns their sin yet offers release, prophetic preaching today escapes from soporific optimism only to fall into moral diatribe.
Therefore, any escape into nature can not in any case be the flight from history that we might wish it to be.
As against all Manichean or dualistic philosophies, as also against all those religions which offer escape from the world into an ethereal realm of pure spirit, Christianity has denied that the world of things is evil.
After some fitful starts, it became evident that it was not possible for the countries of the South to embark on the path of industrialization (which was perceived as the only way to escape from the blight of underdevelopment) by integrating themselves into the international capitalist system.
It seems as though, during the last half - century, the results of science and the beliefs of religion had come into a position of frank disagreement, from which there can be no escape, except by abandoning either the clear teaching of science, or the clear teaching of religion.
There are many illustrations of their nostalgic attachment to the old ways, such as their tendency to escape into the desert for sports and physical and spiritual refreshment, the practice of sending their children to be reared in Bedouin encampments to protect them from the effects of city life, and the legends of the desert which beguile their evening hours.
To the extent that it has succeeded in its objective of helping people to a sense of acceptance and belonging, to love and be loved, to find meaning in life and a faith for meeting death, it has prevented people from needing to escape into the pseudoworld of alcoholism.
Rebirth may be into the order of human beings once again; or according to the classical form of the doctrine, transmigration into the animal realm; or into a higher order of heavens; and at the highest, the delivered self can escape from the round of rebirth to rest within the reality of eternity.
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