Sentences with phrase «escape from you which»

Here's a man trying to escape from that which he doesn't believe in.
Characterised by swaying palm trees, white sandy shores and warm ocean breezes, the idyllic Four Mile Beach provides an ideal escape from which you'll never want to leave.
And I'd love to give you a report on the bonus «survival» mode — which apparently involves beating up wave after wave of bad guys — but when I tried starting it up I was greeted with a black screen, my only escape from which was to quit the game.
Points are awarded for both kills and escapes, if you suddenly start sprinting through a crowd your target will most likely notice this odd behaviour giving them a chance to escape from you which uses the «Line of Sight» from singleplayer to escape your pursuer which scores you points.

Not exact matches

In the meantime, it wants to introduce an interim tax based on revenues «created from certain digital activities which escape the current tax framework entirely.»
«When a thermonuclear weapon is surrounded with with ordinary cobalt (cobalt - 59) metal,» as Russia's Status 6 is rumored to be, «the fast neutrons escaping the explosion will instantly transmute it into radioactive cobalt - 60, which would vaporize, condense, and then fall back to earth tens, hundreds, or thousands of miles from the site of the explosion.»
Still, major engine failures in which debris escapes from the turbine's hardened exterior shield remain a risk in aviation that regulators and accident investigators have focused on, Wallace said.
«I love plugging my earbuds in to escape from all the noise and distractions of the outside world, which is why I'm fascinated with Doppler Labs.
The company markets its product as an «escape» from reality, and it really focuses on the customer experience, which encourages brand loyalty and growth.
The company released its first theatrical film, Escape from Planet Earth, in February, which took in $ 57 million in the U.S. and Canada.
Production shifted from the island of Oahu to the main Hawaiian island in the 1960s to escape the spread of the disease, which is transmitted by insects.
A backpacking trip through Asia — which involved being arrested in Burma and escaping from jail — had convinced him there was a segment of travellers who were being ignored by tourism trends of the era.
It's the one question from which successful women can not seem to escape, but Wojcicki was ready to answer.
His extraordinary family, rather than being a loving haven within which he could grow to maturity, had somehow come to resemble a kind of debtor's prison from which he could escape only by the most strenuous effort.
As they were walking in line, she noticed an open window from which she could escape.
«Falcon Heavy will carry more payload to orbit or escape velocity than any vehicle in history, apart from the Saturn V moon rocket, which was decommissioned after the Apollo program.
Nevertheless, Malthus» recognition that the «preventive checks of moral restraint» implied the possibility of stationing a society at some distance from the Malthusian precipice is relevant to any consideration of the circumstances in which escape from the constraints of an organic economy might occur.
This annual early August event evolved after David Kotok invited several other 9/11 «survivors» to relax, fish and reflect almost one year after the World Trade tragedy, from which many CK attendees escaped and where many lost friends.
P&G chose Portland, Maine, as the test market, hoping to escape notice from Clorox, which was headquartered in Oakland, California.
Safeguard remedies also are not limited to products from just one country, an important factor in the washing machine dispute, which has seen South Korean makers move production among their home market, China, Thailand and Vietnam to escape earlier U.S. trade penalties.
Local legend has it that she was hanged after trying to escape through a secret tunnel from the Hart Dyke family, which once owned Lullingstone Castle and its lands, including what is now Sadeh.
The fossil record which shows millions of years of stable species, then an explosion of necessarily mutations, all occurring at the precise necessary time required for complex organisms to develop, and ALL escaping fossilization «the sudden appearance of most species in the geologic record and the lack of evidence of substantial gradual change in most species — from their initial appearance until their extinction — has long been noted, including by Charles Darwin who appealed to the imperfection of the record as the favored explanation» — Wikipedia
«O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster; yeah, that monster, death and hell, which I call the death of the body, and also the death of the spirit.»
Even the demons believe there is a God (James 2:19), but atheists are walking in darkness from which they can not escape from on their own (1 Peter 2:9).
In 1834, a young woman named Rebecca Reed published Six Months in a Convent, her account of sexual deviancy at an Ursuline convent in Charleston, Massachusetts from which she claimed to have escaped.
Perhaps materialism was a liberating philosophy when the need was to escape from dogmas of religion, but today materialism itself is the dogma from which the mind needs to escape.
, the rich must find their salvation and escape from the judgment to come by giving up their wealth (which they or their parents acquired by robbing the poor) and joining the struggle for liberation.
Many of these mutants are likely non-viable; however, many will have subtle changes to their functional components, including the HA gene which allows the virus to bind host cells, and NA gene which allows the virus to escape from host cells.
But now on the contrary a swift reversal is making us aware that your main purpose in this revealing to us of your heart was to enable our love to escape from the constrictions of the too narrow, too precise, too limited image of you which we had fashioned for ourselves.
The age - long and still influential Christian doctrine of bodily resurrection thus goes back to primitive Hebrew behaviorism, which always conceived soul as a function of the material organism and never, like Greek philosophy, conceived immortality as escape from the imprisoning flesh.
Let us just consider whether we might not be able to escape from the anxiety into which the dangerous power of thought is now plunging us — simply by improving our thinking still more.
If Christian theology is to escape from the ghetto in which it has imprisoned itself, it must enter the arena in which man's reality is being creatively discerned and shaped, and today that is far from the church.
As for your own personal experience, you say that you had the normal fight for independence which characterizes healthy teen - agers, that you loved your parents but welcomed escape from their daily supervision, that you are now on your own and outwardly in charge of your life, but this, you say, does not solve the problem of conformity.
It lays traps and creates a labyrinth from which it is very hard to escape.
And scientifically, since what characterizes the development of the animal species from its beginning is the struggle for life, how can we expect, mere humans that we are, to escape from this essential biological condition without which there can be neither growth nor progress?
, p. 168) Before we can genuinely address the Thou, however, we must escape from that modern idolatry which leads us to sacrifice «the ethical» on the altar of our particular causes.
Just look at the situation man is caught in — a hopeless situation from which there is no escape.
To be concretely finite is no predicament we should wish to escape, no bondage from which to yearn a liberation; it is simply not to be God.
And the passage from transcendental idealism to absolute idealism, however much it involved an attempt to escape egoistic subjectivity, had no world to which to return.
Modern persons will never find rest for their restless hearts without Christ, for modern culture is nothing but the wasteland from which the gods have departed, and so this restlessness has become its own deity; and, deprived of the shelter of the sacred and the consoling myths of sacrifice, the modern person must wander or drift, vainly attempting one or another accommodation with death, never escaping anxiety or ennui, and driven as a result to a ceaseless labor of distraction, or acquisition, or willful idiocy.
And because Christ has plainly declared that the way in which we treat people is a mirror - image of the way in which we treat God, the most ardent atheist or thoroughgoing agnostic can no more escape from Christianity than he can escape from life itself.
He here offers a persuasive practical, as well as unabashedly moral, argument that personal merit and competition are in the short and long term interests of minorities, drawing on his own rise from poverty, which he describes as an escape from «the liberal plantation.»
The soul was regarded as an indestructible entity, which had neither beginning nor end, but which migrated from one body to the next, without any way of escaping from the endless procession.
Not only is the mutable world separated from its divine principle — the One — by intervals of emanation that descend in ever greater alienation from their source, but because the highest truth is the secret identity between the human mind and the One, the labor of philosophy is one of escape: all multiplicity, change, particularity, every feature of the living world, is not only accidental to this formless identity, but a kind of falsehood, and to recover the truth that dwells within, one must detach oneself from what lies without, including the sundry incidentals of one's individual existence; truth is oblivion of the flesh, a pure nothingness, to attain which one must sacrifice the world.
For the subject concerned will always be part of my experience, from which I can not escape and for which I am intellectually responsible to myself as well as to others, which only I can turn into the law of my life.
There is no need to affix a particularly pious label to these seemingly so secular duties of family and professional life with all their daily bitterness and boredom, and to the civic duties from which no one should try to escape.
«A higher religion imposes a conflict, a division, torment and struggle within the individual... we escape from this strain by attempting to revert to an identity of religion and culture which prevailed at a more primitive stage; as when we indulge in alcohol as an anodyne, we consciously seek unconsciousness» (Notes, p. 68) Typically, Eliot did not attempt to lessen the strain; rather, he saw the church as the «salt of the earth,» affecting society at its deepest levels.
This is nevertheless a meaningless affirmation if it is not cognizant of the fact that family life is under assault, that as a result many people feel alienated from their families and have never found viable substitutes, that their experience within our technological society has left them feeling a profound sense of dissatisfaction with themselves from which they urgently seek escape through drugs, sex, or recreation.
But there is another kind of meditation which seeks mainly to «escape» from the world, which offers quicker and easier blessings.
The Eastern Orthodox delegation asked to be excused from voting on the other reports; but they heartily supported this one, which affirmed that the message of the church to the world must always remain the gospel of Jesus Christ — the gift of a new word from God to this old world of sin and death, being the prophetic call to sinful men to turn to God as the only way by which humanity can escape from those class and race hatreds which devastate society, and fulfill humanity's longing for intellectual sincerity, social justice and spiritual inspiration.
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