Sentences with word «eschaton»

Again: very different from the Evangelical sense of eschaton as I understand it.
The notion of an expected future eschaton gives way to the satisfactions of particular occasions before an immediate vision of God.
The recent and dramatic rise of modern Gnosticism, implemented in part, by the capture of the vocabulary of reality, is merely the continuation of the effort, identified by Eric Voegelin, to form a Western civil theology by immanentizing the Christian eschaton.
Eschatology, from the Greek eschaton or «the end,» is the doctrine of last things.
The imminent eschaton provided a tremendous clarity for the Millerites.
It's not about making our way to Christ in some far - off eschaton; Christ is the way.
For some, the millennial promise of communism persists, despite the atrocities entailed by its secularized eschaton.
The term «eschatological,» derived from the Greek noun eschaton, literally means «final» or «last.»
The Lutheran Simul captures our reality better than do visions of perfection or divinization or anticipation of the eschaton.
But with the diminished threat of nuclear destruction, the eschaton has slipped its leash.
The threat of global nuclear destruction made the eschaton intelligible.
All we have left is the eschaton itself and the disquietude of decline.
Standing between Jesus's baptism and ascension, Christian tradition interprets this event both in its iconography and doxology as a revelation of Christ's divinity, a foretaste of the eschaton, and a pledge of the perfectibility of the human person.
Didn't CS Lewis say «There will be many surprises at the eschaton.»?
Short of that, evangelical union will have to await the eschaton.
On the other hand, much modern thought tends to see all reality as immanent, with the eschaton and God himself so much in doubt that even Christians tend to hedge their bets.
Perhaps only in the eschaton will none of us need to be taught.
Even Eliot noted that a wholly Christian society this side of the eschaton «would require constant reform.»
It would be the eschaton.
How exactly do these things «last» into the eschaton?
Making the acquaintance of Camus or Shusako Endo, Cicero or Hannah Arendt, reminds us that tyranny and tyrants are common, and the Church will likely continue to confront both this side of the eschaton.
In Christ the ambiguity of creation and the fall under the dominion of death and Satan has been overcome, but the rest of creation waits for the final victory until the eschaton.
God's preserving creativity is an expression of the continuing creativity of God until God's final purpose for the world reaches its completion in the eschaton.
The Church is always in pilgrimage; she will never, this side of the eschaton, be able to say that she has «arrived.»
Perhaps it is only in the eschaton, when the kenosis of the Father has come to an end and God is all in all, that God will show his justice in permitting the suffering of the world, in allowing the cries in Rama, and in every corner and breast of this world where Rachel's cry is perpetually heard.
4:3 - 9, etc.), but in relation to the eschaton, faith is the experience of fear, of doubt and of absence, for, precisely, the Christian walks by faith, not by vision (2 Cor 5:7).
For Jesus, the eschaton means that God will be God, and man will be man and not attempt to be God anymore.
As we saw, Ford is even willing to label this final unity an eschaton — although the term final may convey overtones of absolute finality that are dissonant with his broader process position.
En route to the eschaton, the Christian community lives in hopeful expectation of the final consummation of the lordship of God over the entire world.
The eschaton of radical freedom for all is inevitable, the forces of History will sweep toward their ultimate victory — and therefore it is essential that every good citizen accept liberalism (communism) in his heart and promote it publicly, eagerly detecting and shaming bias (class interest) and intolerance (oppression).
He is himself the End, the eschaton, the event in whose light all events are rightly seen.
In theological language we would be speaking of the power that exists when one is under the claim of the eschaton.
The eschaton means the end, and eschatology has to do with what happens at the end of human history and beyond it.
He wants only to make the general point that at the eschaton two kinds of people will appear before the judge: those who do good and those who do evil.
On the contrary, every time a biblical author sketches the eschaton, humans are on earth using various kinds of cultural goods, cooking meals, living in houses, walking on roads, raising banners, blowing trumpets, using domesticated animals, sitting on chairs, reading books, and so on.
Which is to say, it will make no sense to any orthodoxy holding to the belief that, short of the eschaton, everything has been revealed that is going to be and therefore there is nothing new to be learned of religiously relevant truth» certainly not from such thoroughly non-accredited sources as those that typically come up in interreligious dialogue.
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