Sentences with phrase «eschew grains»

Both diets eschew grains, legumes, dairy, processed foods of all kinds and alcohol.
Whether you embrace or eschew grains, you will love these muffins.
Tasty, nutrient - dense alternatives that are suitable for those who eschew grains or adhere to the paleo diet.
I don't have a sensitivity, nor do I eschew grains in my diet for any reason, but I'm a believer in changing things up every once in a while, and I'm sort of (really) obsessed with doing self - experimentation.
The core of paleo is the diet: it eschews grains, sugars, and modern vegetable oils in favor of high - quality meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables.

Not exact matches

This Gingerbread Latte, excerpted from Danielle Walker's genius Against All Grain Celebrations cookbook, eschews the traditional syrups for a perfectly gingerbready spice blend.
I'm suggesting that we forever eschew the low - fat and low - calorie craze and focus on eating the most nutrient dense diet we can, including all the healthy proteins, fats and natural starches (not from grains) that we need.
Paleo and low - carb dieters often fixate on the right side of the pyramid, including animal products, nuts and seeds, but avoiding grains and legumes, while vegan and vegetarian diets concentrate on the left side of the pyramid, eschewing all animal products and getting protein from grains, legumes and nuts instead.
Sometimes referred to as «The Cave Man Diet,» the Paleolithic diet focuses on real, pre-agricultural whole foods such as wild - caught seafood, pastured meat and eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, and eschews dairy, legumes, grains and all processed, industrialized foods such as wheat flour, high fructose corn syrup and soy bean oil, which form the majority of calories consumed in a Standard American Diet.
I wouldn't call you a fanatic based on your eschewing of grains, since that doesn't make you unusual» round these parts.
Paleo dieters eschew Neolithic foods such as agriculturally produced grains, as well as more modern processed foods, including all junk foods, on the basis that human beings didn't evolve to eat these «manufactured» foods.
My opinion is that I don't agree with «low carb,» which demonizes whole grains and legumes or «low * whole plant * fat» which eschews nuts and seeds.
From what I can gather, paleo can be pretty much whatever a person wants it to be, aside from eschewing beans and grains, which seems to be pretty constant across the board.
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