Sentences with phrase «especially about their improvements»

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A lot of that is probably true, especially the part about how you probably won't notice a huge improvement when you first upgrade to a 4K TV.
The results suggest that there should be: improvements to policy and management to champion biodiversity issues; a strengthening of environmental laws and enforcement; recognition of socio - economic issues especially among indigenous and local communities; increases in funding and resource allocation; knowledge, research and development to inform decision making; a greater understanding and protection of the rights of nature and cultural heritage; a more holistic public awareness and participation to bring about change to promote conservation.
«I am especially excited about the improvements we observed in cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions because these abnormalities are particularly hard on the kids — and their parents,» said first author Ania Gheyara, MD, PhD, a staff scientist at Gladstone who is also affiliated with the UCSF Department of Pathology.
Not only does this thing get my heart rate up into the aerobic training / fat - burning range, but also I am seeing improvements in overall muscle tone (especially the core) and balance that conventional gym workouts could only dream about providing.
I follow a good diet without sugar, very few carbohydrates and many vegetables and eggs for about three years and I have noticed improvement, especially in white - headed acne.
Individualized, specific information about performance is especially scarce in the teaching profession, suggesting that a lack of information on how to improve could be a substantial barrier to individual improvement among teachers.
«Across the country, states, districts, and educators are leading the way in developing innovative assessments that measure students» academic progress; promote equity by highlighting achievement gaps, especially for our traditionally underserved students; and spur improvements in teaching and learning for all our children,» stated U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. «Our proposed regulations build on President Obama's plan to strike a balance around testing, providing additional support for states and districts to develop and use better, less burdensome assessments that give a more well - rounded picture of how students and schools are doing, while providing parents, teachers, and communities with critical information about students» learning.»
It's about creating conditions where all staff, especially teachers, can rapidly increase their effectiveness through meaningful professional learning aligned with improvement efforts, receive actionable feedback based on data, and take advantage of increased time for collaboration and instructional coaching.
We are especially grateful for the hard work of the teachers and administrators in our public schools and encourage conversations about district improvement to begin with them.
Meaningful evaluations of outcomes, and especially decisions about what to change to bring about improvement, require that we also consider the context and process factors that work together to determine those outcomes.
As a result, we still know very little about how to affect school improvement at scale and across all contexts, especially in rural areas.
January is all about resolutions and self - improvement, but let's be honest: Sometimes (especially when the temperatures drop), all we want to do is curl up with a good book in a comfy chair and forget about all those lofty goals, if only for a little while.
«While we are obviously delighted at the improvement of consumer knowledge about credit scoring, we remain committed to ensuring our educational resources will keep pace with the surging demand for credit - related education by consumers, including and especially underserved groups,» said Barrett Burns, President and CEO of VantageScore Solutions in a press release.
Basically, anytime someone is serious about taking on a new learning situation — especially where continual improvement in performance is critical — having a way to journal, track, or record your performance is invaluable.
It's exciting just thinking about the sorts of titles ambitious developers will release for this platform in the coming months ahead, especially now that the size limits have seen considerable improvement over the DSiWare service.
Focusing solely on development makes it oh - so - easy to forget that the rest of the world will hardly ever be impressed by the improvements to AI or fancy procedural world generation, especially if that world's media can't actually find any information about the company or its projects... Thanks goes to Vlambeer for creating the presskit -LRB--RRB- tool!
She tells LM all about Russian legislation towards personal injury, especially in regards to the workplace, and where improvements could be made.
There is plenty of fun to be had with the upcoming Android version, and LastPass seems to be especially excited about one improvement - the release of Autofill APIs.
It can even turn into some bonus points for you in an interview, especially if you can turn it into a positive by talking about it as an area for self - improvement or showing how you overcame something you had difficulties with.
• to keep each other informed about workplace happenings such as staff or organizational changes, process changes or improvements, new projects or project stages, and decisions in other departments, especially if one department's work in any of those capacities will affect another department
This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially addiction counselors, psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, and nurses who seek knowledge about the improvement of supervisory practices.
Sometimes couples make jokes about their inability to work together successfully on projects, especially home improvement projects.
But before winter — and especially after heavy rains and droughts in certain parts of the country this last summer and fall — there are additional improvements that smart home owners should consider to woo buyers, who remain demanding about a house's condition.
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