Sentences with phrase «especially academic analyses»

I have an issue with analyses (especially academic analyses) of games whose themes are incredibly obvious.

Not exact matches

What is fascinating about this evolution — and especially most of the academic analysis (and in some cases advocacy) of it has been the degree to which it has ignored wider debates about presidential versus parliamentary forms of government.
These thoughtful and informative analyses are especially timely as educators, policy makers, and the public strive to raise academic standards for all students in difficult economic conditions.
* How does the pooling of these 13 disabilities mask, convolute, or confuse the academic results of different students with different disabilities in a school or district... and how does this pooling negatively impact a school's analysis of the outcomes — especially when they are unsatisfactory — and the resulting interventions?
It seems to me that almost all other approaches to investing and academic finance ranging from Principles of Corporate Finance by Brealey and Myers to Security Analysis Principles and Technique by Graham, Dodd and Cottle (G&D) to tracts on trading techniques focus on forecasting and explaining short - run market prices, especially on prices at which securities are traded in markets populated by Outside Passive Minority Investors (OPMIs).
With more family structures emerging and change occurring rapidly, improving data collection in this area has drawn the attention of academics and government officials, but it remains a long way from the detailed data collection that could allow analysis of marriage and divorce impacts, especially for states and localities.
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