Sentences with phrase «especially appropriate name»

Not exact matches

The project's name is appropriate; to get samples from those trees, says Hessl, «we realized that we are going to need a lot of help,» especially because little funding is available for such efforts.
The irony of course is that the nation's teachers unions — especially UFT's parent organization, the American Federation of Teachers — have adopted the language of racial justice activism (and have appropriated the Black Lives Matter name) in an effort to deflect attention from their role in perpetuating the systems that deny black and brown children a proper education.
«The opposition is especially strong against any action of this kind that could cause huge inconveniences for service providers and serious confusion for users, potentially leading to financial losses: unilateral attempts to appropriate Bitcoin name, logo or «ticker», attempts to mislead light - clients and SPV wallets on alternative networks not explicitly chosen by them, attempts to launch new coins in a way which leave users vulnerable to «replay attacks» or address format confusion, attempts to attack the network with a temporary hashing - power majority in order to create disruptive reorgs or to slow down the normal activity.»
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