Sentences with phrase «especially around the abdomen»

A woman's skin stretches during pregnancy resulting in stretch marks especially around the abdomen.
In terms of other adiposity measures, the less fat, especially around their abdomen, they have, the lower the risk of future heart disease.»
And this we'll see with a lot of brain fog, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, there'll be a lot of weight gain, especially around the abdomen, and people will experience a lot of inflammatory symptoms, so that's when we'll see joint pain and muscle aches and, potentially, worsening of depression as cortisol can kind of motivate us and get us going, because, if you think about it, when we're in a state of fight, flight or freeze, that's an action - oriented state, once our body stops responding to that, we enter this kind of burnout and exhaustive phase.
Excessive stress can tell the body to store fat - especially around the abdomen.
Could be dry eyes, fat gains especially around the abdomen, the hips, the thighs, fatigue.
Apparently it's «normal» at this age and stage of life and yes, looking at my friends and peer group they are nearly all rounder and larger, especially around the abdomen but they also don't do anything and make questionable dietary choices.

Not exact matches

The increasing weight of your baby in your lower abdomen does not help, especially if you are doing things around the home or at work where you have to sit for long periods of time or are on your feet for some duration.
The dog will begin to gain weight which will be especially evident around the abdomen.
Abdominal pain A likely explanation for this sort of pain is the «tremendous muscular contraction in the pelvic floor, or lower abdomen, especially around the prostate and urethra,» says Dr. Goldstein, but your doctor should rule out the possibility of a prostate infection that could require antibiotics.
In High cortisol, skin starts changing its colour to pink especially around arm, abdomen, breasts and thighs indicating onset of ailment.
Itchy hot spots include the vaginal or scrotal region, anus or rectal area, armpits, scalp, ears, feet and toes, especially between the toes, under the breasts and folds of skin around the abdomen.
Related to issues of imbalance is too much stored central body fat, especially in and around the abdomen.
Most people find that when they quit sugar, they lose bulk, especially around the face and abdomen (which is where your liver holds the weight gained from excess sugar consumption).
Unfortunately yes, it has it can also put stress on the liver which can throws off our estogen vs progesterone levels and our ability to detox which can then lead to a build up of fatty tissue around the body (especially abdomen and thighs in us women!).
Always check your pets for ticks — especially around their ears, paws, and abdomen.
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