Sentences with phrase «especially at high latitudes»

It is likely that an increase will continue in the future... it appears plausible that an increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere can contribute to a gradual warming of the lower atmosphere, especially at high latitudes».
This result is in complete contradiction to greenhouse theory, which predicts strong warming, especially at high latitudes.
Past actual stastistics, which I have shown, tell us it is likely that increased CO2 plus slightly higher temperatures, especially at higher latitudes, COULD be BENEFICIAL (rather than harmful) to plant growth and overall crop yields.

Not exact matches

This is especially true for lakes at high latitudes that are covered in ice each winter but may see less ice as temperatures rise.
The Earth's natural orbital cycles [precession] were driving a simultaneous natural cooling trend, especially at high northern latitudes.
Global models for the 21st century find an increased variability of precipitation minus evaporation [P - E] in most of the world, especially near the equator and at high latitudes [125].
Many folk, especially those who live inland or at higher latitudes, will tend to be deficient in three key nutrients.
It's also one of the nutrients that many people are deficient in, especially those that live at higher latitudes and receive less sun (since sun exposure is your best source of Vitamin D).
I was thinking instead perhaps more easily controlled polar - orbit satellites might be used, which would rotate with some fixed ratio to their orbital period, casting greater shadows at higher latitudes... or some other arrangment... for a targetted offset polar amplification of AGW especially and in particular perhaps avoiding the reduction in precipitation that can be caused by SW - radiation - based «GE» (although aerosols that actually absorb some SW in the troposphere while shielding the surface would have the worst effect in that way, I'd think)... strategic distribution of solar shading has been suggested with precipitation effects in mind, such as here... sorry, I don't have the link (I'm sure I saved it, just as Steve Fish would suggest — but where?).
Of course, in such a time average, each location's fluxes (energy, and also momentum and mass) are balanced, with vertical imbalances (generally a net gain in heat at lower latitudes and net loss in higher latitudes, especially in winter) are balanced by horizontal fluxes.
The troposphere is not everywhere at all times locally vertically coupled by convection; in particular, at night and at high latitudes, especially in winter, and where there is warm air advection aloft, some layer of air can become stable to localized convection.
(1) p228 Recently observed moderate climatic changes have induced forest productivity gains globally (reviewed in Boisvenue and Running, 2006) and possibly enhanced carbon sequestration, especially in tropical forests (Baker et al., 2004; Lewis et al., 2004a, 2004b; Malhi and Phillips, 2004; Phillips et al., 2004), where these are not reduced by water limitations (e.g., Boisvenue and Running, 2006) or offset by deforestation or novel fire regimes (Nepstad et al., 1999, 2004; Alencar et al., 2006) or by hotter and drier summers at mid - and high latitudes (Angert et al., 2005)
Clouds exist at all latitudes, especially in the tropics over the ocean, where the sun rays are most direct and intense; ice and snow only exist at higher latitudes, where the incoming solar radiation is less intense.
Rapid ice drift is an important factor in regional ice conditions, especially redistribution of multiyear ice into areas with high melt rates at low latitudes.
At high latitudes the upwelling brings air rich in the heavy molecular constituents N2 and O2 to high altitudes and the circulation carries this molecular - rich air to midlatitudes, especially in the summer hemisphere, where the mean meridional circulation is already equatorward.
The SHA model for hmF2 improves the fit to the observed data with respect to IRI prediction, especially at high and low latitudes and they may reduce the deviations by 23 % and 40 %, respectively, compared to the deviations of the IRI prediction (Magdaleno et al. 2011).
'' BillD says: August 20, 2010 at 3:37 am Warming is strongest at high latitudes, especially the arctic.
Here it is shown that the precession of perihelion occurring over a century substantially affects the intra-annual variation of solar radiation influx at different locations, especially higher latitudes, with northern and southern hemispheres being subject to contrasting insolation changes.
Global models for the 21st century find an increased variability of precipitation minus evaporation [P - E] in most of the world, especially near the equator and at high latitudes [125].
GISS assumes that the correlation of temperature change is fairly strong for stations separated by up to 1,200 kilometers, especially at middle and high latitudes.
«However recent Arctic warming presents two problems not present in the US case: firstly the station network in the high Arctic is sparse, and secondly the Arctic has been warming rapidly at the same time that the boreal mid latitudes have shown a cooling trend, especially over eastern Russia (Cohen et al., 2012), illustrated in Figure (U5).
This is largely because melting sea ice changes the albedo of high latitude oceans, and to a lesser extent because an inversion prevails at high latitudes, especially in winter, whereas at low latitudes the heating is convectively mixed througout the troposphere.
The scheme was based on the finding that the correlation of temperature change was reasonably strong for stations separated by up to 1200 km, especially at middle and high latitudes.
That 1.1 C is the IPCC low end «sensitivity» estimate which isn't a scary number at all and in fact is a great number because if that's all it is then the slight warming, mostly in the winter in the higher latitudes, is a great boon to agriculture especially when the biological effect of higher CO2 on green plant growth rates and water consumption is taken into consideration.
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