Sentences with phrase «especially gender diversity»

Various strategies are adopted and tailored by companies looking to attract, retain, and engage talent, and of course, to foster diversity, especially gender diversity.

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It's lack of diversity for one, especially when it comes to racial, gender, and sexuality.
Intersectionality, WOC, and disabled, trans, or GLB / GSD * (Gender and Sexual Diversities) authors and / or story focuses will be especially appreciated.
Proposals are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria, which are weighed equally: How well a project aligns with the MAP Fund's goal of supporting experimentation and innovation in all traditions and disciplines of live performance, especially work that brings insight to the issue of cultural difference, be that in class, gender, generation, race, religion, sexual orientation or other aspects of diversity The artistic strength of the proposed project The viability of the project, based on the applicant's professional capabilities as demonstrated in the project narrative, bio and artist statement, and work samples.
Diverse Teams Especially considering my work at LunaCap Ventures, I was pleased to see the fantastic gender and racial diversity on all of the teams.
The lack of gender diversity is significant, especially in patent cases.
It's no secret that the legal profession continues to figure out whether and how to increase gender and race diversity, especially as corporate clients begin to demand it.
The GOOD Guys program started out of a desire to engage all lawyers, especially men, in efforts to increase gender diversity in the legal profession.
Nationwide is especially well known for its corporate diversity and inclusion, welcoming employees of all races and religions, as well as alternative genders.
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