Sentences with phrase «especially given that religion»

Franklin especially gives religion a bad name.
Georgie may have been a patriot, a good to great military leader and a good president, but none of that qualifies him as an expert in religions (especially given all all religion is bullsh!t) and morality.
The picture of God as a loving father may for some be a puzzle especially given that religion has painted God as a diety similar to Zeus waiting on the edge of his seat to raid a shower of lightning bolts to put us in our place.Or, we want to believe that God is indeed an incredible God of love yet, we wonder if he really loves us or sees us as worthy.

Not exact matches

I have a low tolerance for bullsh!t and you crazies need to be watched and challenged, especially given the USA's apparent regression into religion.
This is especially true given the fact that there simply is no such thing as religion in general or politics without undergirding values.
No person should ever trust, or give a previously established religion or group their support, especially in the current situation where our highers seem to be in a race for control.
Believing in a higher power is very different than organized religion, especially if you admit you don't know exactly what that higher power is and don't give it a name.
So you think those little points give leave to the completely divisive nature, and dominionist atti.tude that most religion promotes, especially the abrahamic ones?
I refuse to read the article based on the premise of the subject line and especially given divisive nature of how CNN is / has been conducting itself as the so - called purveyor of truth especially int he field of religion which it knows nothing about but instead, chooses to try to sway readers» opinions based on a very secularist or antagonistic approach.
and then they are excommunicated and the fight is over... this is a hopeless fight especially when religion is involved... they either fight for rights and lose it all (and essentially go to hell) or give in and listen to their religious leaders... I do not believe in what they do and could care less really but they are in a no win situation and they as nuns should not be worried about birth control or anything of the such... they took the vows..
Tucker of Dartmouth thought religion would cultivate in the educator rightmindedness (clear thinking undistorted by prejudice, avarice, or vanity) and service (the capacity to give moral inspiration to students, especially those in the «distinctly commercial callings»).
The natural scientists, especially the elite group who are members of the National Association of Scientists, have taken Einstein's advice that a personal God could not intervene in a world of «ordered regularity of all events» and that «religion should give up a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings.»
Heck, the presidents of our times have not given religion a good name... especially the one we have now, who can't even decide if he's a Muslim or a Christian.
This travel gave him his first contact with people of different religions, especially Christians and Jews.
The second is like to this: the sheer happiness of seeing in the lives and personalities of good men and women, especially the younger ones, a deepening beauty, closeness to God, willing and prayerful service, and not infrequently the giving of their own whole lives as a total vocation to God in the closer, apostolic service of religion.
Finding the right balance between religion - based norms and the demands of adjusting to a society based on quite different norms would be difficult enough, especially given the students» awareness that their immigrant parents bring both Muslim and ethnic sensibilities that need to be disentangled from each other.
Thomas Jefferson, chose to employ his God - given reason in all situations including, and especially, in matters of religion.
On the other hand, Italian liberalism and socialism, especially since World War II, have tended to give up their totalistic claims and opt for a civility and a tolerance of difference that Hammond sees as essential in a modern civil religion.
Unlike God Is Not Dead, where the atheist professor is portrayed as blindly antagonistic toward people of faith, Martin's frustrations with religion are reasonable and relatable, especially given the circumstances, and I found myself nodding along as he urged Philomena to confront the evil done to her by the Church.
That type of blind faith is ignorant in and of itself, and should not be tolerated by society, especially the religions they belong to, unless all the religions want are ignorant masses that give them money.
One can argue that some deficit financing of science and innovation makes sense given the long - term returns these can produce, especially while the cost of borrowing is low; one can also argue that some of those who talk tough on deficits only get fiscal religion when the other guy's in charge.
Your partner giving his or her family a heads - up is especially important if you're an interracial couple or you practice a different religion because these differences can lead to extra stress on first meeting.
Yes, religion is woven into the fabric of these schools, but that shouldn't justify governmental indifference to their plight, especially given the paucity of other great schools in these communities.
I do see parallels between the two, especially given the statement above by Editors in comment 4 — ``... if it is a religion, it is a religion of the establishment.
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