Sentences with phrase «especially important»

It is especially important for pregnant women, breast - feeding mothers, and children to get enough vitamin B12.
While the lead in the tea leaves is not thought to leach very effectively into the tea, if you're consuming Matcha green tea (which contains the entire ground tea leaf), it's especially important that it comes from Japan instead of China.
Good knives are especially important when I'm making a dish that requires a lot of cutting and chopping, like these Greek Style Red Potatoes.
However, it's especially important for restaurants to make sure that never happens because those factors are usually a big part of their appeal.
The strategy has become especially important as outside forces are driving up costs.
This is especially important when handling the hottest varieties because chile burns can be extremely painful, which we can testify to from personal experience.
The commitment of the Pontifical Council for Culture to a fruitful dialogue between science and faith is therefore especially important.
It isn't especially important to me to convince people that evolution happened.
It is especially important to challenge the «preachers» who join the blog.
Three of these regions are especially important.1 (1) Boswash.
In designing a material structure to perform most efficiently, the quality of functionality is especially important.
was especially important.
Perhaps one might go on to say that they were about equally successful in fulfilling their respective roles, but that statement would be hard to support and does not seem especially important.
Moreover, knowledge - producing institutions of all sorts take on a new significance.6 The universities will be especially important as the place where the problem - solving knowledge of the future will be created.
Especially important are the promises to the ancestors, who would become a great nation and an avenue of divine blessing, and the promise to David, whose house would rule over Israel and eventually the nations.
This last passage is especially important, for it draws together the notion of God, value, and experience.
An especially important point today is to learn the uses of freedom.
It pointed out that common witness was especially important in pluralistic societies.
One of the interesting aspects which seems to me especially important in the debate about abortion is the pre-natal learning of the child in the womb as a subject of ongoing research.
The relationship between science and religion is indeed «especially important» today.
In an address given to the Pontifical Council for Culture last March, Pope Benedict said «that... a fruitful dialogue between science and faith is... especially important.
It is especially important for women who are becoming aware of their anger to seek out opportunities to be with other women of like mind, because being together helps them to deal with the anger and to find ways of implementing it in creative channels.
Communicating clearly and simply is especially important as the church attempts to converse with the men and women at work in the broadcasting industry.
This is especially important because they were worried about what people like YOU would impose upon others.
If it is true that religion is becoming more highly differentiated, then it may be especially important to develop greater effectiveness in dealing with new distinctions, with new understandings of symbolism, and with new kinds of religious organizations.
In the time it was written two questions were especially important: (1) the time of the coming of the end, and (2) the relation of the gentile mission to the Jewish law.
Of this fact and its inescapable significance as representing a special act of God I have said enough perhaps in preceding chapters, but it is especially important that this should be remembered in connection with this discussion of the miracles.
This experiment illustrates some features of chemical self - organization that seem to be especially important from the point of view of process philosophy, so it seems worthwhile to present additional heuristic discussion.
But especially important contributions have come from my teachers of the Bible; the list begins with my parents, to whom this volume is dedicated with gratitude.
This is especially important for, as the Family Group brochure puts it, «When your alcoholic partner goes on AA business, Family Group activities will cure that lonely and left - out feeling.»
Within such an approach, several themes would play especially important roles: pastoral care as the ministry of the whole congregation in the world; the identity of the ordained minister in his or her pastoral office as both enabler and representative of the calling of all Christians to minister in the world; and a threefold focus of pastoral care, including the person or persons in need, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the faith of the Christian church as represented in Scripture and tradition.
Especially important in supplying such information are books, magazines, newspapers, radio, and television, through which the public can best be kept continually abreast of developments and possibilities both in weapons technology and in efforts toward armament reduction and control, and can be made aware of the nature and scope of the peril in which the world stands so long as war remains the ultimate resort in the settlement of international differences.
Perry's Christian messaging could be especially important because Romney, the perceived Republican frontrunner, is a Mormon.
That the mass media in general, and TV in particular, always communicate messages, and that these messages are especially important because they are seen to be trivial and unimportant.
Especially important for a sense of personal meaning is the moral order.
Especially important for our purposes is the fact that every downbeat kicks forward a wave on another level.
This is especially important in a time when opposing powers and ideologies that have limited democracy externally have largely disappeared.
That's especially important if the grinch is someone that nobody seems to like.
This is especially important given the concerns about proselytism expressed by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox communions, given the fact that the charismatic churches of the global South are now sending missionaries to reevangelize the Anglo - American West, and given the explosive growth of independent, charismatic churches around the world.
Checking out meanings is especially important when one or the other does not respond verbally to a message sent.
Since these are the years when teens need to distinguish themselves from their parents, it is especially important that they begin to transfer affections to other «mothers,» «fathers,» «brothers,» and «sisters» who can help guide them into the larger household of faith.
He has been especially important for those who lost their faith in Marxism, which for a few decades in the early — to mid — twentieth century served as a surrogate for theology and metaphysics.
As seen on CNN Heroes (, enables millions of home gardeners nationwide to donate excess garden produce to local food pantries — especially important because food pantries almost never have fresh food.
The exhaustion of several of these resources is now foreseeable, with oil an especially important example.
The previous year's harvest had to last them two years, so the poor tithe was especially important during this time.
In the early days, before modern means of communication were available, the religious center was especially important, but even today it serves as a means by which Muslims learn to live together in unity and diversity.
(This is especially important with the implicit gender roles and expectations that can too easily be projected on us.)
It is especially important to bear this unitary quality of the incarnation in mind when thinking about the development of a Christian stance toward the world in which we live.
It is especially important for the United States, now the energy glutton of the world, consuming 30 per cent of annual world energy despite having only 6 per cent of the total population.
Here the theological criterion is especially important.
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