Sentences with phrase «especially organized religions»

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Says Cavey, «I am fascinated by the fact the no matter how hostile people are towards organized religion, especially the Christian religion, these same people often tend to have a soft spot in their hearts for the historical Jesus.
Believing in a higher power is very different than organized religion, especially if you admit you don't know exactly what that higher power is and don't give it a name.
This view of aging and the place of the church aligns well with Vaillant's finding that organized religion is especially attractive for lonely old people, those with a tendency toward depressive illness and those whose childhoods were lacking in hope and love.
Not much positive about any organized religion, actually, but especially the Muslim world.
But America is good, it seems, in part because it can find places for Southerners, especially Southern Stoics (think the novelist Tom Wolfe, Atticus Finch, Admiral Stockdale, Navy SEALS, and the proud men of Morehouse), Catholics (as, to begin with, the best organized in countercultural thought and action of our large institutional religions), and Heideggerians (who are right, after all, about the American propensity for inauthentically deferring to the «they» of public opinion and scientific expertise).
The use of your religious criteria is the central problem with all organized religions, ESPECIALLY evangelical fundamentalist — either Christian, Muslim, or Scientology (all banes to any society)-- where some allegedly «religiously educated and therefore holy» person gets to command the suggestible faithful, usually to the direct benefit of the alleged «religiously educated» person.
The reason that more people, especially younger people, drift from organized religion but retain a faith in a god is because we finally live in a world where it is okay to question religious «authority».
Just look at the massive wealth of organized religion, especially the catholic church.
People, especially millennials, increasingly distrust the Church and organized religion.
BTW, for the record, if we add it all up, The Roman Catholic church is responsible for more deaths than any other organized religion, especially when you include the Inquisition and the Conquest of the New World.
Screwtape and his friends love to lead people into organized religion, especially those with the word «church» in their names.
The majority of our founding fathers realized the terrors of organized religion, especially Thomas Jefferson.
Our forefathers, especially Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were vehemently against organized religion.
The kid wouldn't even be a Christian now if there is no organized Christian religion, especially the Catholic Church.
But today organized religion is losing its cultural influence to the multiple threats posed by the technological era and especially to its embodiment in commercial television.
Millennials especially, seem to be flocking to the stars to soothe themselves even as they increasingly eschew organized religion.
First Reformed marks a considerable turning point, a film à thèse about the struggle for grace and faith in our modern world of hyperreality and despair, especially when the various stopgaps offered by society — organized religion, political institutions, ecological activism — seem variously counterfeit.
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