Sentences with phrase «especially powerful states»

This «less cash, more caveats» model is a hard sell, and states and territories are ready for a fight — especially powerful states such as New South Wales that remain ardent supporters of the Gonski model.

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I can not say the book is great literature, but it is a good read, and it provides a powerful feel for the day - by - day pressures exerted by a regime bent upon extinguishing any independent force of possible opposition, and especially any force appealing to an authority transcending the state.
If we say to Father Gutierrez, «Power to your revolution; power to your people,» he will respond, as he has, that «there can be authentic development for Latin America only if there is liberation from the domination exercised by the great capitalist countries, and especially by the most powerful, the United States of America.»
Powerful well - funded agencies, often promoted by the State (I avoid the word «Government» as I do not want to speak in party - political terms), are mounting a relentless onslaught upon the family and especially the moral sense of our young people.
To highlight this usage is not deny some of uses of power are oppressive, but rather to suggest that exercise of power, especially state power, needs to be evaluated by some criterion other than whether the person who is on the receiving end of a powerful action has less power than the persons acting against them.
The statewide Business Council, which former Gov. George Pataki blamed for abandoning his early efforts to stand up to the state's powerful labor unions, was cited as especially reluctant to participate.
In a statement by its media and publicity secretary, Emma Powerful, which was made available to our correspondent in Awka, Anambra State, the group said nobody should take the bail conditions stripping Kanu of some of his fundamental rights, especially, his freedom of speech, for granted.
This is a powerful documentary about the excessive construction of dams in the United States over the last 100 years, and how disruptive they have been to the environment, and to the life cycles of certain aquatic species (salmon, especially).
And if so, is this a national problem or something largely confined to states where unions are especially powerful or tenure systems are poorly designed?
That classic «nanny state» impulse collides, however, with ingrained cafeteria practices, powerful agribusiness interests, and, perhaps especially, children's tastes.
While elements such as state standards, accountability measures, and value added measures are gaining acceptance, other important components, especially performance - based pay and increased choice options, are opposed by powerful forces — such as the politically connected teachers unions — with vested interests in the current system.
This is especially interesting because it hints at Taj Chan Ahk's ability to remain powerful at a time when other Mayan city - states were in decline.
Especially given how much bigger and powerful the state is than all other instutions, with of course the monopoly of legal force.
An especially powerful message to be drawn from this is that without intergovernmental cooperation, information exchange and coordination, the States and Territories, in particular, will be left uncertain as to how to co-ordinate their responses with those of the Commonwealth in order to maximise effect and efficiency.
Passionate love is a powerful emotional state that is intensive in nature especially at the beginning of the romantic relationship.
The preamble's emphasis on signed agreements can be a powerful ally in the argument for exclusive buyer's agreements — especially in states where buyer's agreements are not required by law to establish exclusive buyer representation, such as Brown's home state of Ohio.
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