Sentences with phrase «essay than story»

More observation essay than story, the conversational text is accompanied by photographs.

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Obviously he who would attempt to write the history of Christianity can not do more than recognize that from the standpoint of the Scriptures the story he essays to write has cosmic significance.
In a catalog I recently edited of devices and instruments for congregational research, only a small minority of the hundred or so entries is designed to explore a congregation's narrative identity.20 Most doctor of ministry programs continue the tradition: perusal of the theses and essays these programs produce strongly suggests that projects that employ contextual, mechanist, or organicist methods are more likely to be accepted than those that delve into congregational culture and story.
In an essay for BuzzFeed, Allison Wilmore argues that the issue is that most «Oscar movies» aren't made with queer audiences in mind: They use «characters as symbols rather than as people unto themselves, and mediating stories through the more «relatable» perspectives of outsiders and allies.»
Yue points to two essays in the PNC «Resources» that are explicitly about the function of criticism and that tell a different story than Bordwell — one by Rudolph Arnheim and another by J. Hoberman.
Blogs: Rather than have students write essays about the novels, stories, and articles they read during the year, have them create and maintain a blog.
Since launching the essay contest during National School Choice Week in January, more than 300 Michigan charter school students have shared their stories!
Since launching the essay contest during National School Choice Week in January, more than 300 Michigan charter school students have shared their stories with us about who their heroes are.
Since launching the essay contest during National Schools Choice Week in January, more than 300 Michigan charter school students have shared their stories with us on how their charter schools have helped to prepare them to succeed.
There's lots of excitement bubbling about new publishing opportunities for writers of short stories, essays, journalism and other less - than - book - length works.
More than 220 recipes are organized by season and accompanied by stories (preserver extraordinaire West is also a gifted Southern storyteller) and essays.
We launched with more than 140 titles and we will regularly add articles, essays and stories from iconic authors and publications.
I have abandoned far more drafts of personal essays and short stories than I've ever completed.
The system offers a publishing platform, meaning the novels, short stories, poetry and essays available through the app are more likely to be written by «Joe Bloggs» than J.K. Rowling.
Essay Writing Prompts - For better or worse, essays are more frequently written in school than creative stories.
It is different than research papers in that the writer uses his / her imagination to create the essay or story.
He has published more than 80 short stories and essays, including appearances in The New York Times, Playboy, Esquire, GQ, Tin House, McSweeneys, and the Virginia Quarterly Review.
The first book edited by Martin, managing editor of the short - fiction magazine Zoetrope: All Story, collects essays from some very famous writers and some less famous writers, that directly address the issue of money, rather than politely sidestepping it.
When ABC News» Good Morning America asked its viewers to write essays describing true - life experiences, the network never imagined receiving more than twenty thousand pages of inspiring stories.
Dovetailing nicely with our story today about a publisher which re-puroposes journalists» blogs into books, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University has published a free report entitled «Writing the Book» (PDF download), which offers more than 30 essays that examine different aspects of e-publishing.
In an essay in the exhibition catalogue Jack Bankowsky, co-curator of the exhibition, describes the image as of «a bath - damp and decidedly underage Brooke Shields... When Prince invites us to ogle Brooke Shields in her prepubescent nakedness, his impulse has less to do with his desire to savour the lubricious titillations that it was shot to spark in its original context... than with a profound fascination for the child star's story
Her stories, memoirs, essays, and articles have been included in more than a dozen anthologies and more than three hundred magazines and journals.
The piece then cites several stories that were online sensations that turned out to be false, including a first - person essay on poverty that garnered $ 60,000 in donations to the author, who, when outed, described her essay as «impressionistic» rather than factual (And kept the money).
So far more than 90 contributors from across the country, as well as England and Israel, have shared stories, memoirs, poems, and essays on different subjects.
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