Sentences with phrase «essence of human nature»

Also explored here is the essence of our human nature: who we are, where we've been, and how the events in our lives are preparation for this moment of truth.
Versión castellana Solidarity is a trans - dimensional phenomenon that goes beyond the ontological essence of human nature.
Solidarity is a trans - dimensional phenomenon that goes beyond the ontological essence of human nature.
Marriage and sexual union within marriage are a part of the essence of human nature, and the connection between genes, gestation and family life should not be broken.
The essence of both human nature and God's nature is love.

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If a person thinks that nature is wholly corrupt, that there is no natural morality knowable by human reason, that grace completely supplants nature, that the basis of morality is the divine command and not the essences of things as created by God — and some Protestant theologians can plausibly be read as having said such things — then all bets are off.
There would be no need to «make» God share in man's adventure or be affected by human actions according to Whitehead, for such is the nature of God: «Decay, Transition, Loss, Displacement belong to the essence of Creative Advance» (Al 368 - 69).
Christianity in its essence does not look upon sex as something which belongs to the lowest part of human nature, but as a power which leads to one of the highest forms of communion.
Very differently, The Essence of Religion locates the subjective source of religion in human dependence on nature.
The central thought in The Essence of Christianity is that the supposedly superhuman deities of religion are actually the involuntary projections of the essential attributes of human nature.
The new being produced could preserve all the positive constituents of the old essence within itself as its own properties (as for instance human nature preserves all the reality of lower natures).
For Niebuhr, the dimension of freedom was the most significant element in human nature; it is the essence of man in the image of God.
6 There is no a priori human nature.7 Sartre denies the possibility of finding «in each and every man a universal essence that can be called a human nature
Ockham rejected the real existence of a human nature because he had concluded that one can only know particular individuals and that universals that can be applied to multiple individuals, such as human nature, or the essence of a dog or a tree, or properties such as white or black, square or round were only names that we create in our mind.
In relation to the animal then, we can speak of a human nature that is common to every man, but we must be careful to make the qualification that this is a relative «essence
That our culture and the Court have come to accept the moral liceity of both contraception and sodomy does not show that the «essence» of human sexuality and marriage have changed — indeed, what is essential to something can not change, belonging as it does to the nature of the thing — but that our prevailing sexual culture has grown ever more unnatural, irrational, immoral, and destructive of human flourishing.
Belief in non-violence is based on the assumption that human nature in the essence is one, and therefore unfailingly responds to the advances of love.31
In the «secret of individuality» we find the essence and destiny of human nature.
When God wills that, for the perfection of the work of creation and the salvation of mankind, he should take upon himself a created nature, he wills that T shall be a man, so that the human nature of God lives through the Divine 1», through the DivinePerson of the Word, who subsists in the Essence of God.
The central issue in the early debates between Fundamentalists and Modernists was on the question whether the gospel should emphasize as the essence of the gospel, deliverance of the humans from sinfulness or affirmation of the human vocation to creativity and cooperation with God in recreating nature and society according to the purpose of God.
If all is to be conceived by analogy with our human nature, then either Spinoza is right and the eternal, immutable essence of the cosmic soul necessitates everything in the cosmic body, and there is no chance, randomness, or genuinely open alternatives either within the world or as between this and other possible worlds; or there is freedom both in our decisions and in God's.
Marx agreed with Feuerbach's claim that both religion and speculative philosophy are forms of the «alienations of man's essence», but he disagreed with Feuerbach's claim that the human nature underlying this alienation is fully developed, untainted and divine.
Much of the argument of the book would seem to require the claim that «reason» has a single, ahistorical, and transcultural «nature» or «essence» in all human beings.
This position evidently belongs with the «Athens» type, but it has been radically modified by the rejection of the assumption that usually goes with paideia — that of a universal «essence» to human nature or to human experience.
It should not be thought that «Christian identity» is just another way of naming a postulated essence of «faith» or «religiousness as such» or «reason» or «human nature
The essence of the human person, that which specifies the human person amongst the entire animal kingdom (of which he is a part), and that which sets him apart as a species, is to be found in his rational nature.
lesson an identity and specific nature of human beings essence of human cards sort activity taken from resource posted on TES earlier this year
To me they represented the essence of cruelty, the barbaric nature of genocide itself, in every spoke of the wire which was used in captivity to supress human freedom.»
To me they represented the essence of cruelty, the barbaric nature of genocide itself, in every spoke of the wire which was used in captivity to suppress human freedom.»
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