Sentences with phrase «essence of love in»

The message of God's love for us, and the essence of that love in the Trinity - «God is love in himself, before time» - is presented with clarity and with insights from St Augustine, from St Catherine of Sienna, and from the philosopher Husserl.

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When we function in false self, it becomes compulsion, striving, self sufficiency and idolatry — i think the process of deconstructing is more in essence of coming back to our first love in HIM - before it got all complicated....
I would love to read that science has discovered an «essence» in side all of us that will not die when we die.
In essence, he says, «If you are to follow me as King of this newly inaugurated Kingdom of God, you will need to start loving your enemies as much as yourself.
In two of the deepest, most lovely lines in the poetry of any language Dante captures the essence of this love and all its ranIn two of the deepest, most lovely lines in the poetry of any language Dante captures the essence of this love and all its ranin the poetry of any language Dante captures the essence of this love and all its range
Having been married twelve years now, I am struck (sometimes painfully, sometimes serendipitously) by how marriage, much like conversion, involves an ongoing process of falling in and out of love, losing and then finding oneself, and being, in essence, «converted» and transformed over and over again.
It is to be found in the love of that unique, boundless Essence which penetrates the inmost depths of all things and there, from within those depths, deeper than the mortal zone where individuals and multitudes struggle, works upon them and moulds them.
The essence of discipleship is loving and giving in his image.
In very personal language, I believe that all things are progressing from the same divine source; that that source is the ground of all being and its essence is love and interdependence; that all human beings (all of life, really) are equal and beloved in its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on EartIn very personal language, I believe that all things are progressing from the same divine source; that that source is the ground of all being and its essence is love and interdependence; that all human beings (all of life, really) are equal and beloved in its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin the creation of just and loving community here on Earth.
The essence of Christian behavior is to treat people as people, all equally loved by the same Father, however much they may differ in talents or development.
13 This freedom is not conditioned in any way by anything other than Godself: «God loves because he loves; because this act is His being, His essence and His nature... God's loving is necessary, for it is the being, the essence and the nature of God,» but this is a necessity grounded in God's freedom and nowhere else.14
Their love of arguing (in essence «fighting», as Michael mentions above) preempted loving others.
My question boils down to: Why would a perfect all loving, all powerful, all knowing god CREATE the VERY ESSENCE of evil, and would that not indicate that god is evil in nature?
The essence of his teaching was love and service, the loving worship which a creature son voluntarily gives in recognition of, and response to, the loving ministry of God his Father; the freewill service which such creature sons bestow upon their brethren in the joyous realization that in this service they are likewise serving God the Father.
Jesus is the imago Dei uncorrupted, so that John's Gospel can insist that, for Jesus, «Whoever has seen me has seen the Father» (14:9).4 In light of this realization, three provocatively new foci will occupy our immediate attention: the proclamation of the impending arrival of the basileia tou theou; the significance of the crucifixion (and resurrection) of Jesus for understanding the nature of divine power; and the Johannine conviction that love characterizes the very essence of God.
In essence the greatest form of spiritual warfare is sharing Christs love and grace to a lost society.
The real essence of Hasidism is revealed not so much in its concepts as in the three central virtues which derive from these concepts: love, joy, and humility.
Or how it's when you're down to the essence of yourself that you realize even cynicism is for the well - rested and undesperate, and how God deals so gently with us, more gently than we can suspicion, and I feel like I could lay down on the floor and just rest in the love I feel so strongly while I'm here in this daily luminous life, and then I think I should just quit and tell everybody to go read Brennan Manning or Madeleine L'Engle because this is absolutely ridiculous.
«The essence of being human,» he wrote, «is... that one is prepared in the end to be defeated and broken up by life, which is the inevitable price of fastening one's love upon other human individuals.»
We need to sense the supreme worth of the kingdom, which in other words means the supreme worth of love which is the essence of the kingdom's demands.
One of these is that human history is the arena of competitive power, and that therefore it contradicts in its essence the order of love.
In one life, which arose in the midst of that people, God uttered His truth and spirit in such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming poweIn one life, which arose in the midst of that people, God uttered His truth and spirit in such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming powein the midst of that people, God uttered His truth and spirit in such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming powein such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming powein human history with transforming power.
God appears to me in another form besides that of love; in the form of omnipotence, of a severe power not bound by love... So long as love is not exalted into... an essence, so long there lurks in the background of love a subject who even without love is something by himself, an unloving monster, a diabolical being, whose personality, separable and actually separated from love, delights in the blood of heretics and unbelievers, — the phantom of religious fanaticism.»
Then the essence of God can be seen to consist in the motion of personal relations and the act that is love
and this is all a finished work in Christ, the human essence of Gods love, grace and mercy.
Christ is «of one substance with the Father»; but the utmost, and inmost, it is given us to know of God's «substance» is that he is love — as such he is revealed in Christ — and love is not a metaphysical essence but personal moral will and action.
In the psychopathic temperament we have the emotionality which is the sine qua non of moral perception; we have the intensity and tendency to emphasis which are the essence of practical moral vigor; and we have the love of metaphysics and mysticism which carry one's interests beyond the surface of the sensible world.
Belief in non-violence is based on the assumption that human nature in the essence is one, and therefore unfailingly responds to the advances of love.31
What we need to see is that self - affirmation and self - giving are united in the essence of love which is communion.
7 Richard Garnett «the Younger,» «Keeper of Printed Books» in the library of the British Museum where he toiled for forty - five years, engagingly announced at the beginning of his De Flagello Myrteo (1905) that «Love is God's essence; Power but his attribute; therefore is his love greater than his power.&raLove is God's essence; Power but his attribute; therefore is his love greater than his power.&ralove greater than his power.»
it is only in the Christo - centric area of a noogenetic Universe that it [love] is released in the pure state and so displays its astonishing power to transform everything and replace everything... A current of love is all at once released, to spread over the whole breadth and depth of the World; and this it does not as though it were some super-added warmth or fragrance, but as a fundamental essence that will metamorphose all things, assimilate and take the place of all.94
I may choose not to spend copious time with you, or tacitly permit you to scream in my presence, etc. all the while loving you, perhaps the essence of you, as opposed to your conduct, choices, etc..
This is so, at any rate, if one holds, as I do, that the unbounded love of others whose gift and demand are decisively re-presented in Jesus is nothing merely accidental and contingent in God but is God's very essence and strictly necessary.
Ministry in its essence is the embodiment of that old yet ever - contemporary story that God loves the world and is in the process of redeeming it.
A strong marriage is built on foundation of love, service, and grace — in essence, a list of actions that speak so much louder than words.
It is a mysticism which may culminate in such ecstatic signs as that experienced by St. Francis; but its essence is the personal union of spirit with the love of Christ in a way of life guided by the command of complete devotion.
He thus restates the Augustinian position beautifully in relation to a radical contemporary distinction between essence and existence, and the two movements of love in the self.
Therefore while keeping love as the essence of humanness and, therefore, the criterion and goal of all human endeavor, human society today has to eschew utopianism and organize itself as power - structures based on a sense of the moral law of structural justice and utilize even the coercive legal sanctions of the state to preserve social peace and protect the weaker sections of society in a balance of order, freedom and justice.
In love man does not gain infinite spiritual value and thereby obtain a share in the divine essence; love is simply the requirement of obedience and shows how this obedience can and ought to be practised in the concrete situation in which man is bound to maIn love man does not gain infinite spiritual value and thereby obtain a share in the divine essence; love is simply the requirement of obedience and shows how this obedience can and ought to be practised in the concrete situation in which man is bound to main the divine essence; love is simply the requirement of obedience and shows how this obedience can and ought to be practised in the concrete situation in which man is bound to main the concrete situation in which man is bound to main which man is bound to man.
They are all ethics of empirical historical situations alienated from the essence of humanity, in one sense witnessing to, and in another sense waiting in hope for the realization of the ethic of love.
Therefore while keeping love as the essence of humanness and therefore the criterion and goal of all human endeavour, human society today has to eschew utopianism and organize itself as power - structures based on a sense of the moral law of structural justice and utilize even the coercive legal sanctions of the State to preserve social peace and protect the weaker sections of society in a balance of order.
(27) In removing this aspect of vulnerability, one removes the essence of the Christian concept of love.
«The great heart of compassion» (mahakaruna - cittam) is the inmost essence of the Divine in Mahayana Buddhism, (D. T. Suzuki, Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism (London, 1907), p. 292 and passim) and this heart is open to all men; just as the light of the moon is reflected in all kinds of water, the muddiest puddle as in the crystal - clear mountain lake and the endless ocean, so this divine heart of love reveals itself in all levels of mankind.
«No one who has seen what I have seen», he wrote in 1892, «and still more surely no one who has been influenced as I have been, can doubt that there must be an all - pervading spirit in nature, and this spirit is God; and the essence of the spirit is Love»» (27).
Love becomes the essence of theology for her expressed in her metaphorical trinity.
His essence and his DNA exist in all of us since the original creation myths and we have the innate ability to achieve his level of awareness, inner peace and active love.
«For the essence of God, whereby He is, has altogether nothing changeable, neither in eternity, nor in truth, nor in will; since there truth is eternal, love eternal; and there love is true, eternity true; and there eternity is loved, and truth is loved
The soiled dishes, the messy kitchen, the clues of food that nourished body and soul, in essence, the art form of my loving and working life, needs to be still the state they were left when the last guest said goodbye or a sleepy child, full of perfectly roasted chicken and thick slabs of fresh bread, went off to sleep.
I love the way Heidi captures light in her photographs and the true essence of flavors in her recipes.
Hair - loving herbs are intelligently infused in wholesome jojoba oil and swirled together with aromatic plant essences to create a functional work of art that gently lifts away the day's dirt without stripping the hair's oils or drying the scalp.
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