Sentences with phrase «essential beliefs of»

There may be others that we should all agree on if we are going to become unified, but those are just a few examples of the essential beliefs of the faith which Paul mentions here in verse 13.

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No one wants to see employees covering up their essential beliefs or wasting time hiding harmless bits of weirdness, but as Jarrett points out, quoting Shakespeare, it is worth keeping in mind that «all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.»
It will mean letting go of long held beliefs in rigid B2B product marketing and embracing a brave new world where human connection is not seen as fanciful but essential to helping businesses succeed.
So please could a good Christian who has creationism as part of their belief explain why it is absolutely positively essential for them in order to be a Christian.
If Christians compromise on this teaching — which every Christian church held to be essential until 11:58 on the clock of history — the world will ask what other beliefs they will muffle when under duress.
The essential belief among those who practice plural marriages is that they are necessary to achieve the greatest exaltation in what Mormons refer to as the celestial kingdom, the highest of heavenly kingdoms.
The essentials of Christian belief are clearly listed in the Nicene Creed, which was formulated in the year AD 325.
Simply put, the beliefs and understandings that directly affect our salvation are the essentials (Jesus, His divinity, His death and Resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, our ability to be in relationship with God through His Son and Spirit and how our life should be lived as taught by the Bible etc.).
Instead of a bubble, our beliefs should be like a Jenga tower that is built on a solid foundation (that of Jesus Christ and the «essentials» of the Christian faith).
if you have the good fortune to meet a TRUE Christian (there are a few out there, believe it or not), i think you'd be impressed and at the very least, give you pause to reflect on how Christian values, as opposed to beliefs, are essential to the maintenance and excellence of civilization!
-- The popularity of the Sunday Assembly, an «atheist church» in Islington, — or Alain de Botton's «10 commandments for atheists», reflect the growing belief in secular Britain that religion is not just a beneficial thing but perhaps an essential one.
Of course it would be naïve to assume that sitting down with ISIS terrorists would produce a quick change of heart, but a fearless, coherent defence of orthodox Christian belief about the human person, human love and thus human society is essential and is, at present, generally lacking even among church leaderOf course it would be naïve to assume that sitting down with ISIS terrorists would produce a quick change of heart, but a fearless, coherent defence of orthodox Christian belief about the human person, human love and thus human society is essential and is, at present, generally lacking even among church leaderof heart, but a fearless, coherent defence of orthodox Christian belief about the human person, human love and thus human society is essential and is, at present, generally lacking even among church leaderof orthodox Christian belief about the human person, human love and thus human society is essential and is, at present, generally lacking even among church leaders.
This unity in belief and witness is essential if Jesus» role of humanly forming and feeding us with Himself is to be continued.The Apostle Peter was the first to be given this role, as is shown in Holy Scripture.
This division of attributes is arbitrary and not clear, but most of the people consider it to be an essential element of belief.
For example, he still believed in the Virgin Birth, but when his New Testament professor pointed out that the genealogies in both Matthew and Luke seemed to assume that Jesus» descent was through Joseph and that the doctrine of Mary's virginity played no role in Paul's letters, he found it harder to suppose that this belief was essential to Christianity.
It is the task of the present generation to provide training in the essentials of Islam, to know Islam deeply, for out of that knowledge of the straight path of Islam will come the unity of belief and practice which has been revealed to mankind in the Qur» an and the Sunnah.
To affirm, for example, that the essential elements of Christianity in the first century were only those items which believers of that day have in common with the «liberal» theologian of the twentieth century, is to eliminate as unessential to first - century believers their realistic eschatology, their belief in demons and angels, their vivid supernaturalism, their sacramentalism, their notion of the miraculous content of religious experience, and various other features of similar importance.
Now this background of «eternity» is absolutely essential to any reasonable belief in God.
In short, the central theme of faith in Romans is removed from its powerful role as the essential human response to God, one with profound anthropological implications, and reduced to something far more formal (like commitment to Christian belief).
thinks, that the Tigris and the Euphrates have not a common source, that the Dead Sea had been in existence long before human beings came to live in Palestine, instead of originating in historical times, and so on... We are able to comprehend this as the naive conception of the men of old, but we can not regard belief in the literal truth of such accounts as an essential of religious conviction... And every one who perceives the peculiar poetic charm of these old legends must feel irritated by the barbarian — for there are pious barbarians — who thinks he is putting the true value upon these narratives only when he treats them as prose and history.
Much of what the west has long taken for granted is now disappearing: the security provided by Christendom; the Christian way of interpreting reality; the confidence that the Christian path leads to eternal salvation; and the belief that Christian doctrine embodies the essential and unchangeable truths by which to live.
Roger Williams, for example, for all his insistence on the separation of church and state, believed that such general religion was essential for what he called «government and order in families, towns, etc.» Such general religion is, he believed, «written in the hearts of all mankind, yea, even in pagans,» and consists in belief in God, in the afterlife, and in divine punishments.2 Benjamin Franklin for all his differences from Roger Williams believed essentially the same thing, as indicated in the quotation from his autobiography in my original article on civil religion.
While some thinkers regard belief in the supernatural as incidental to the practice of religion, Stark finds it essential.
I think it's much better to see religion as a complex of beliefs and practices in which mysticism plays an essential role.
The corollary of this unity of spirit and nature is the belief that there is no essential difference between natural events and «miracles.»
The essential theology of true religion is belief in one God who is one.
When our organizations, our beliefs, their essential purpose, their processes and structure by definition are bankrupt and when our beliefs go unquestioned or unchallenged and have become our «drug of choice» the confusion you describe mirrors the symptoms of any addict going through withdrawal.
Once they are unmasked, shown for what they really are, religious belief and the idea of God can be useful instruments of human self - understanding, revealing to us our essential nature and worth.
It is now overturning beliefs and institutions which, in some cases, have lasted for millennia, and which are judged by some to be absolutely essential or fundamental to the meaning of people's lives and the welfare of society.
So we must also come to understand, withrenewed wonder and gratitude, how the Magisterium of the Word made Flesh lives and speaks in the Church with divinely guaranteed infallibility in the essentials of belief and moral principle until the end of the world.
Essential to many types, if not all, is the belief that there is a supernormal state of consciousness in which a breakthrough of the normal limits of consciousness raises one to a dimension where a new state of being comes about.
But Sen's only hope for this essential self «transcendence is his belief in human reason» plus the «evolutionary selection of behavioral modes.»
Belief in the power of God, plus enough willingness, honesty and humility to establish and maintain the new order of things, were the essential requirements (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., pp. 13 - 14).
In contrast with such a view of the divine unity, the more primitive beliefs in many spirits or gods were based upon multiple experiences which had no essential connection with one another.
These suggest a vision which revealed Jesus in his heavenly glory at the right hand of the divine throne, not unlike that seen by the martyr Stephen when he looked up to heaven and «saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God's right hand».47 So Goguel comments, «When we consider the part played by the faith in the resurrection in Paul's religious life and thought as a result of Christ's appearance to him, we see that most essential to his faith was not the feeling that Jesus had returned to the environment of his life on earth preceding his passion but a belief in his glorification, i.e. in his transition to life in heaven where death has no more dominion over him.»
What emerges in a given situation as «operant religion» will differ considerably from the «formal religion» of the historic creeds, and more concern with the former is essential to understanding how belief systems function in people's daily lives.»
The very expression «postulate» should not mislead us; it expresses, on the properly epistemological level and in the language of modality, the «hypothetical» character of the existential belief involved in the demand for completion, for totality, which constitutes practical reason in its essential purity.
The belief that the classical form of Christianity will come through every crisis in the long run is, of course, an essential component of the Christian faith.
She can do this the more successfully, the better she discriminates the common and essential from the individual and local elements of the religious beliefs which she compares.
The issue of «free flow» versus «balanced flow» is perplexing, particularly for Americans with our belief that the First Amendment guarantee of free speech is essential to our system of governance.
For the Qur» an this unity of believing humanity is not only a fact, it is above all an essential part of religious belief.
Of course, it has gradually come to be agreed in the church that such beliefs are not essential to Christian faith in creation; and theologians today commonly maintain that the first two chapters of Genesis are properly interpreted as mythologicaOf course, it has gradually come to be agreed in the church that such beliefs are not essential to Christian faith in creation; and theologians today commonly maintain that the first two chapters of Genesis are properly interpreted as mythologicaof Genesis are properly interpreted as mythological.
Implicit belief in the power of a good woman as a moral influence in the lives of children and men continues wherever Christian nurture in a good home is believed essential to the process of becoming Christian.
It is for that reason that a position of humility of belief is essential — and I find this to be a theme on this your blog.
But they are evidence of the extent to which an intact family, performing «God - given» roles at home and in the world, is essential to belief in the American Dream.
The recognizing of that implication, the affirming of that belief, is, as I have said, the first and only really essential step in the development of a truly ecumenical theology.
Of course they are, but they're essential to society, actually exist and, most importantly, are changeable... People who adhere to the notions of god and religion tend to be completely inflexible and also tend to force those beliefs on others... Want to believe in talking snakesOf course they are, but they're essential to society, actually exist and, most importantly, are changeable... People who adhere to the notions of god and religion tend to be completely inflexible and also tend to force those beliefs on others... Want to believe in talking snakesof god and religion tend to be completely inflexible and also tend to force those beliefs on others... Want to believe in talking snakes??
Hence, Pentecostalism's contribution to the ecumenical conversation involves also a spirituality and theology of mission that express the essential unity of Christian belief and practice.
At the existential level of living faith and inner constructs of belief, the clear - cut lines so essential to unified doctrine and distinctive creeds blur, and the world of faith becomes a kaleidoscope.
The crux of the issue, according to Plantinga, is that evidentialists — including Swinburne — assume that «belief in God» is an evidence - essential belief.
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