Sentences with phrase «essential body functions»

While mainstream science suggests that the rations couldn't possibly fuel essential body functions, there are plenty of walking anecdotes that argue to the contrary.
Methylation is a biochemical process that affects many essential body functions including DNA repair, detoxification, fighting infections, removing environmental toxins such as lead and estrogen, and more.
As the fuel deficit worsens, actual loss of strength and muscle size can occur as the body uses skeletal muscle in order to fuel essential body functions, like heart function and breathing.
Since the body requires the element of iodine for essential body functions, use of Lugol's iodine as a vegetable wash and water purifier has been recommended for decades.
Calcium also helps with building those bones, and with some essential body functions for you and your nugget: clotting blood, sending and receiving nerve signals, supporting muscle function, releasing hormones and maintaining a normal heartbeat.
Vital signs (i.e.: heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature) are non-invasive clinical measurements used to assess the state of a patient's essential body functions.
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