Sentences with phrase «essential difference»

Many church people feel that there are few essential differences between various Protestant churches, and they easily change denominations.
The one essential difference with multiple dogs is that your original dogs enter the home first with you, and then you bring the new dog in.
The greatest and most essential difference centers on the fact that the pay of senior acquaintances site will be properly controlled and management.
Call this intellect and will from another angle, but the ability to think for oneself and to create speech without external stimuli are essential differences between humanity and the material creation.
Anyone checking for essential differences noted as a key modification the inclusion of a Bosch Motronic ME7.1.1.
The only essential difference between the groups was whose responsibility it was to tabulate and record exercise.
Here the contrast with Berkeley marks Hartshorne's essential difference from, and development of, the great idealist.
The third point is that Hinduism, like Buddhism and Shintoism, lacks one other distinction so fundamental for our Christian thinking: the belief in the basic essential difference between creation and Creator.
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In this episode, we cover essential differences such as book formats, title setup fees, and publishing industry standards like wholesale discounts and returnable options.
There's the usual tangle here of nature and nurture, the difficulty of holding which unresolved can tempt us to cut the knot with a Gordian «All [men][women] are... such and so,» and «All [white][black][brown][yellow][red] people are... such and so,» whether based in some essentialism or in the view that social attitudes and roles operate so broadly and effectively that the result is largely indistinguishable from that which would be produced by essential differences.
From the standpoint of physics, there is one essential difference between living things and inanimate clumps of carbon atoms: The former tend to be much better at capturing energy from their environment and dissipating that energy as heat.
Solovyev characterized the spiritual climate in Europe in the following way: «The only essential difference and inequality between people still existing in the West is the inequality of a rich man and a worker; the only grandeur, the supreme power, still having there the real force, is the grandeur and power of capital» (FNCZ 63).
«In the army, nobody is gathering intelligence just to gather intelligence,» he says, hinting at an essential difference between the missions of his former employers.
Here are a few of these essential differences:
I'm not a biblical scholar, but from what I've researched the essential difference has to do with when Christ is speaking in parable or being direct.
But this only illustrates the essential difference between our English notions of banking and the continental... Messrs Rothschild are immense capitalists, having, doubtless, much borrowed money in their hands.
To assert an essential difference between women and men appears to turn the oppression of women on its head and to accept an oppressor's romantic definition of women.
But this analogy ought not to obscure the essential difference between the constitution of the Church and that of the state.
The essential difference between living and non-living matter consists in this: the living cell synthesizes its own complicated specific material from indifferent or non-specific simple compounds of the surrounding medium, while the crystal simply adds the molecules found in its supersaturated solution.
Spiegelberg observes that one of the essential differences between Brentano and Husserl is that Husserlian consciousness means a «creative achievement» and not the object's immanence in a passive Aristotelian subject (PM I 115).
Any known system of proof used in mathematics can be formalized; there's no essential difference between formal logic and the logic used informally in mathematical proofs.
Even if we suppose a man so packed with healthy - mindedness as never to have experienced in his own person any of these sobering intervals, still, if he is a reflecting being, he must generalize and class his own lot with that of others; and, doing so, he must see that his escape is just a lucky chance and no essential difference.
There was one essential difference between Greek and Hebrew thought.
That is, there is no essential difference between their spiritual situation and ours.
But even here, where Kant's and Buber's ethics seem to join, there is an essential difference.
Little wonder that when Gorbachev visited Prague in early 1987, his spokesman, Gennadi Gerasimov, described the essential difference between Gorbachev and Dubcek in two words: «Nineteen years.»
The essential difference between Brunner (and indeed most of the theologians to follow) and those treated in Part I lies precisely at this point.
But there is an essential difference in that the functions of a Society and that of an actual entity are reversed in this creative process of one and many.
[6] Tolkien saw no essential difference between Fairy Story and Myth («the higher and lower mythologies») for «the inhabitants of Olympus and Faerie live by the same life just as in the mortal world do kings and peasants», and this life is breathed into them by their author.
«By teaching the equality of all values, by denying that there are things which are intrinsically high and others which are intrinsically low as well as by denying that there is an essential difference between men and brutes, it unwittingly contributes to the victory of the gutter.»
I do not see there is any essential difference between these two statements.
The difference is not merely one of condition or situation, but an essential difference.
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