Sentences with phrase «essential freedoms»

That sort of bravery in the face of real danger — in his hometown, bodies are hung in the public square with signs labeling them «media activists» — is a powerful reminder of how essential freedom of the press really is, and how easily it can be taken away.
It gives us the essential freedom to think about our company in a way that's best for the long - term as opposed to what's best two months down the road.
With regard to related matters, Barth preferred the term «constancy» to the traditional «immutability» because of his key emphasis on God's essential freedom but that finally amounts to a distinction without a real difference.
Leading Bishops could appeal to the new Tory leader to adopt policies which would transform laws which handicap schools into optional recommendations, in order to win back essential freedoms.
Only in such a society can those who would break the cultural norm and violate the society's rules be minimized so that minimum police protection will be required and no interference with the essential freedom of life will be necessary.
Concerning such goods, government should not act to limit freedom along income lines, and should ensure that poverty takes no essential freedoms from any citizen.
Yet, these superstitious beliefs had only one effect — to blind us to the reality of man, that is, to the reality of evil rooted in our essential freedom, in our primary data, «in the human nature in itself» (as Reinhold Niebuhr so forcefully has pointed out).
While free feeding might allow some dogs the essential freedom they need it can foster aggressive tendencies in other dogs.
In 1990, The MacArthur Foundation advocated for the creation of the Alliance of Artists Communities to «nurture the process of creation... at a time when it is important to reaffirm the essential freedom that is necessary for all creative accomplishment.»
They are at the heart of the essential freedoms and protections that we all rely on and that are valued by the public.
That license provides for four essential freedoms that are inherent in free software:
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