Sentences with phrase «essential goodness»

It does not take religious faith to recognize evil, it takes faith to see beyond the evil and embrace the essential goodness of the gift of life.
Anyone who believes in the essential goodness of the gift of life, in spite of all of the painfully tragic challenges to that belief that we experience and see daily thanks to our advanced media technology, has faith.
When we lose faith in the essential goodness of life and our own humanity, seeing that which we judge «evil» to be more prevalent than that which we judge to be «good», then we have lost faith in either the goodness or the power of God to sustain that goodness and our God has become too small or just another Baal, a false god of our own vain imaginings, a projection of our own finite limitations and disordered desires.
I believe in the essential goodness of creation, that «evil» is an aberration or disordered * good * having no substance of its own.
On the contrary, it affirms the essential goodness and worth of God's created order, distorted though it may be, seeking to redeem it by working in and through it.
We need to make certain that neither the mood of despair of our time, nor the theological concentration of attention on man as sinner robs us of a respect for life's essential goodness and the importance of intelligence and disciplined effort in meeting the particular problems which are set for us by the conditions of human existence.
Basically this doctrine was designed as a protective measure against Greek speculation designed to safeguard the essential goodness of God's creation and man's responsibility in the fall.
But the early church rejected this solution on the grounds that it establishes a cosmic dualism between God and evil which undercuts human responsibility for sin and denies the biblical witness to the essential goodness of creation.
One theme is the essential goodness of all created things.
As time, space, and the ether soak through all things, so (we feel) do abstract and essential goodness, beauty, strength, significance, justice, soak through all things good, strong, significant, and just.
The chief ways in which this change appears are the rejection of the belief in the essential goodness of man and the twin belief in automatic progress.
The twentieth century believed in man's essential goodness, in his power to subdue the forces of nature and so to overcome that which holds back progress, and it believed in the presence of God at work within man and nature, bringing through man's actions ever higher stages of progress until God's Kingdom would be established.
Thus man's essential goodness is his potential goodness.
It maintains the essential goodness of the marital life and of sexual loving within that context and at the same time reveals why celibacy for the priesthood is more in keeping with the essential identity of the priest as one who shares in the Priesthood of Christ, a Priesthood of Sacrifice, expressed also in the titles of Shepherd and Bridegroom.
Her power must be acknowledged and her essential goodness must be constantly praised through birth «affirmations.»
What she really needs from you, so that she can grow and change, is your unconditional love and your belief in her essential goodness.
Even as Corden proves to be a smart voice - casting choice, ably conveying the essential goodness behind the less - than - exemplary behavior, the written character fails to strike the desirable balance between impish and bad - ass.
But that said, I love people and I believe in people's essential goodness
Kinoshita would keep up his speed and eclecticism throughout the fifties, turning out films about people's essential goodness and purity — the kinds of films the Japanese New Wave directors of the sixties would reject as sentimental and naive.
What Peter brought to the table — early and late — was essential goodness, deep conviction, unwavering integrity softened by a gentle kindness of the sort not always found on Wall Street, and, not least, a tough mind sharpened by common sense.
Likewise, if you can be happy with the essential goodness of a Porsche Cayman S, then you don't need to gripe over the cost of Porsche Active Suspension Management or lime - green seats.
We applaud them time and again for their essential goodness and back - to - basics fun.
Stone - Axe Simplicity In a world of disposable consumer goods, or those with life expectancy that goes just beyond their warranty period, the essential goodness of a Jeep Wrangler, including the 2012 Jeep Wrangler, exists within its basic simplicity.
Casual conversation in Frankfurt among journalists has often turned to the latest iterations of the Volkswagen Golf and their essential goodness.
Care fresh Complete — This is a great mix to have for a dwarf hamsters main diet and contains plenty of different types of seeds, nuts and essential goodness for digestion.
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