Sentences with phrase «essential materials»

Apart from treating a range of essential material in a unified way, it will save reading or buying lots of smaller books.
The school lacks supplies such as supplies and other essential materials needed to foster a productive learning environment.
Wider wheels provide more space to carry a baby with a larger body and offer more space for carrying along different essential materials for the baby.
This has led to cost savings because, instead of each location acting on its own, the company can approach suppliers of food, linen and other essential materials on behalf of eight locations.
Other essential material includes surf etiquette, which covers how to ride slowly and carefully through crowded areas, how to respect the environment, and how to respect the locals and other surfers around you.
They told us that Rescue Chocolate's donations will sponsor Suzie's initial vet visit, and will help her new foster parents with essential materials and various costs so things start off on the right «paw.»»
He reinvented the practice of painting for himself by learning to excavate volatile new meanings from the medium's most essential materials: paint and cloth.
In its response, Home Depot followed a plan honed over many hurricane seasons, which aims to minimize disruptions and ensure that it can continue to deliver essential materials and equipment to the affected areas.
On the other hand, the ecological realities of population, hunger, pollution, and the possible future scarcity of essential material resources are sharply limiting the boundaries within which choices must be made if the human race is to survive.
It is a soft and fluffy essential material that goes together with the crib to provide your precious little one a snug feeling, making him / her feel at peace, relaxed and happy.
«We need to have these funds in order to get students essential materials that they need,» added Wechsler, who said that previous payments from the city had always been received by the due date.
Utilizing essential materials such as ink, enamel or gouache, Siena generates minimal and introspective visual assemblages, absorbing their viewers through hallucinatory effects.
This essay not only describes Revelle's discovery in detail, but serves as an extended example of how research found essential material support and intellectual stimulus in the context of the Cold War.
There's a wealth of interesting and essential material here: a restatement of the directors» fiduciary duty to the corporation, and the extent to which consideration of other stakeholders» interests may enter into that duty; the «business judgment» rule; the obligation of a court in approving an arrangement under s. 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act and the test to be used; and the nature of the s. 241 oppression remedy and the interests protected.
Between the real life experiences and the step - by - step walkthroughs of how certain things work, this is essential material for budding musicians looking for their first big break — or perhaps veterans looking for fresh inspiration.
For example, the dominant firm buying up all available land, restricting supplies of essential materials, engaging in predatory pricing, or tying up customers in long - term contracts with anti-competitive rebates.
They are responsible for purchasing fertilizers and other essential material.
Copper has emerged as an essential material in the clean energy transition, not because it's critical for any one technology but because it's critical to the whole clean energy system.
It's a higher - grade coal, then the thermal coal burned to generate electricity, making it a crucial component along with iron ore in making steel, which is an essential material for constructing buildings, bridges, pipelines, and a whole host of other products.
This means that the only source of these essential materials is via the consumption of the foods that contains them, namely oily fish, leafy green vegetables and flax seeds, or via synthetic supplementation.
Known for its ceramic and enameled cookware, Le Creuset designed the new pieces in the same iconic style you know and love, but with a cook's essential material.
Record number of 259 exhibitors from 26 countries High - profile 2 - day - conference & workshops on: «Plastics: The essential material for sustainable development» with 30 speakers from 9 countries Algeria's plastics industry is the fastest growing on -LSB-...]
Record number of 250 exhibitors from 25 countries High - profile 2 - day - conference & workshops on «Plastics: The essential material for sustainable development» with 30 speakers from 9 countries Algeria's plastics industry is the fastest growing on the -LSB-...]
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents the essential materials that all families should have in their first aid kit
Organize Your Finances Once you have the essential material, you'll need to assemble financial information.
A glue gun is another essential material for this project.
Fortunately, the dairy on campus willingly provided ample supplies of dry ice, she says, so essential material was saved.
It covers most of the essential material in what is a fast - growing field.
Your liver is a major key in getting healthier or restoring your body if you're experiencing health issues because it supports your immune system and controls your ability to absorb life - essential materials, eliminate toxins and build new cells.
It wouldn't surprise me if a much longer cut of this movie existed, because the current version feels like it's been chopped up and pieced back together to include all the essential material without any consideration for how it works as a whole.
Coral Cyrstal is an essential material in Monster Hunter World.
This resource includes independent revision materials for the Edexcel Religious Studies covering all units: Catholic Christianity Judaism Philosophy and Ethics The resource attempts to collate all the essential materials needed for students to be successful in their exam.
A detailed 42 slide package covering all the essential material on Grignard reagents.
While live training is a «one time only» experience, eLearning allows you to provide access to the essential material on an ongoing basis.
On one front, this is essential material for the first - time author pursuing a traditional publishing deal, as publishers are well known for sticking quite rigidly to genre requirements, for the purposes of selling their products (our books) to the even more hide - bound book shops, who aren't interested in buying a book unless they know where to shelve it.
Keep the essential material in your front matter short.
Though extremely friendly, these question & answer sessions tend to avoid pointless chit chat, but rather focus on essential material that is highly beneficial.
This premium hutch assembles easily and comes ready to go with all rabbit hutch plans and essential materials.
If you have the essential materials for crafting, chances are that you will run out of hacksilver before you can complete all the upgrades.
The color is not separate from the canvas, from the string, from the essential materials of the painting.
In an era when artistic developments no longer proceed via tidy movements, when narratives of progress no longer hold sway, when the art world has not one centre but many, Defining Contemporary Art provides the reader with the essential materials to compose a picture of the most vital period in art: our own.
Fabric, specifically scraps from unwanted clothing, is an essential material and conceptual element in my work.
From its beginnings in experimentation by mid-19th century scientists and gentlemen of leisure, photography has been shaped by the desire to understand and explore the medium's essential materials.
After five years, owners can take the car to a designated recycling centre to be reduced to its essential materials.
How is it that you believe PV will become cheapest (lol compare to hydro) when the essential materials for production of such is in such high demand?
You can obtain the essential materials for your practice tests from a lot of sources.
They spend no time thinking about whether they have included all essential materials and information, or even if they are qualified for the position.
Compile all necessary program information for a on - site staff and assemble all essential materials prior to trip operation
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