Sentences with phrase «essential processes in»

It is needed in the regulation of many essential processes in the digestive system and central nervous system.
A type of power inverter, the small, shiny box doesn't produce power itself, but instead changes direct current to alternating current, an essential process in electric car technology that lets battery power spin the car's motor.
«In general, I'd try to avoid that,» he said, indicating that link building, long believed to be an essential process in SEO, is no longer advisable.
Explaining the background to the research, Dr. Ramiro describes how «an essential process in antibody generation takes place in structures called germinal centers, where antibody genes undergo small modifications that increase the efficiency and specificity of the immune response.
The radicalization of individuals — who come from a range of cultures and possess a diverse mix of ideological beliefs — begins to take hold as recruits adopt increasingly extreme ideals and aspirations — something Mueller calls «an essential process in formulating a terrorist's mindset.»

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«Once we started to get some traction, in order to continue to grow it has been essential to get processes down to manage our main business tasks.
The gathering is intended to probe what companies from Johnson & Johnson to 3M to Samsung — as well as every leading consulting firm across the globe — have already discovered: that smart, creative, and bold «design thinking» is one of the most essential (if too - often - overlooked) pathways for companies to build better products, connect with customers, improve their collaborations, and make the day - to - day corporate processes that now drive most of us crazy less crazy - making in the future.
Not everyone's opinion is necessary or valuable; not everyone's ideas are great or need to be considered; not everyone knows what they're talking about; and, in any event, consistent unanimity is never essential to a strong and effective decision - making process.
What to include: Business plans vary in length — anywhere from 20 to 50 pages — but typically cover the same topics, such as: Cover Page (essential contact information); Executive Summary (what your business does and what market need it solves); Company Overview (profile of company and successes); Industry Analysis (details about the market); Customer Analysis (who are the customers); Competitive Analysis (identify key competitors); Marketing Plan (your brand and how do you plan on getting it in front of customers); Operations Plan (daily and yearly operational processes for success); Management Team (identify key company personnel); and Financial Plans (revenue projections for three to five years).
With hundreds of thousands of government workers furloughed — excluding those considered essential employees — paperwork backups are likely to occur in the mortgage - approval process.
In it he rounds up a diverse selection of creative greats — from fine artists to celebrated writers — all of whom have expressed, one way or another, that a healthy dose of messiness is an essential ingredient in their creative processeIn it he rounds up a diverse selection of creative greats — from fine artists to celebrated writers — all of whom have expressed, one way or another, that a healthy dose of messiness is an essential ingredient in their creative processein their creative processes.
Whether it's a failure in your team, your processes, or the startup idea, it will be essential for an entrepreneur to know how to negotiate failure if it happens.
In the process, finance is elevated to the insight engine for the business, composed of three essential elements,» he tells
• A product / services that addresses a large market need (not a nice to have) • Team that can execute who has a solid understanding of business and challenges • Validation / proof (de-risk) • Some are seeking social impact or to balance impact with profits The Investment Process • Pitch deck is bare essential • Meet and greet is only the first step • All investment basics must be met • Due diligence review • Terms negotiated • Close (in person) What are investors looking for?
If you are serious about your Ethereum security, a cold storage hardware wallet is an essential purchase, saving you a lot of time, money, and stress in the process.
Nurturing the Talent to Nurture the Legacy: Career Development in the Family Business Career development is often neglected in family firms, yet it is essential to the continuous process of building leadership capacity for the future.
If you are serious about your Litecoin security, a cold storage hardware wallet is an essential purchase, saving you a lot of time, money, and stress in the process.
It is essential for market stability to have this activity take place in a single process that aggregates all buying and selling interest.
Our premiers and governors have essential roles in this process, given the constitutional divisions of power in our federal systems.
Actually, all the wallets include this as an essential step in their setup process.
In her post on how to put together an editorial calendar for content marketing, CMI's Michele Linn also offers specific details on how this essential tool fits into the editorial plan process.
Investment Manager essential duties are: 1) Leadership of transaction execution — oversight of all advisors (financial, legal, market and technical), oversight of all financial modelling, pro-active management of timeline and primary point of contact for investment team; 2) Strong input on transactions sourcing; 3) Managing multiple transactions; 4) Negotiate and create optimal commercial, financial and legal structures; 5) Creation of materials for the Investment Committee («IC») sufficient to allow the IC to approve or reject activities, commitments, investments, and exits in accordance with company risk preferences, appetite, processes, etc.; 6) Creation and management of transaction closing processes; 7) Developing, instructing, training, mentoring, and coaching junior personnel;
The DRT is not just a «convenience» (as the IRS has described it), but the centerpiece of major improvements in simplifying essential financial aid processes.
He is driven by a vision, essential in the context of Software - as - a-Service, where hyper - growth is underpinned by a process where the initial transaction is only the beginning of a long term, low friction, value based partnership that delights customers at every touch point.
The AAC monograph, for instance, identifies nine «methods and processes, modes of access to understanding and judgment» (ICC 15) that it thinks are essential to know: logical analysis, verbal literacy, numerical understanding, historical awareness, scientific method, informed and responsible moral choice, art appreciation and experience, international and multicultural experiences, and study of one field in depth.
See, for example, the analysis of «act» of God by Gordon Kaufman, in which he distinguishes between «master» act (the entire evolutionary process) and «subordinate» acts such as Jesus» march to the cross as an essential constituent of the master act (Kaufman 1979, 140 ff.).
The present stage of any given process, that is, the stage of becoming, has the essential characteristics of being half - developed, half - revealing, half - concealing, in short, imperfect and absent from the fullness of being in the future.
The resultant human carnage in such a case takes the form of a sophisticated psychological increment to a sustained, subtle process of essential dehumanization of a spouse or colleague or anyone in the array of personal relationships.
Mays (RW 240) points Out the similarity between every world view's having an «essential relation» and Whitehead's opinion expressed in Process and Reality that certain characteristics are shared by every cosmic epoch.
In the process of handing on the tradition, of being faithful to the tradition, traditions have an essential part to play.
Let me rephrase this essential point in the language of the fourteenth category of explanation: A set of mutually contemporaneous actual entities does not have a «unity of the relatedness constituted by their prehensions [i.e., simple physical feelings] of each other» (Process 24).
Whitehead's teleology is then descriptive of the event's process of actualization; it says nothing about the event as striving to give rise to a specific character determined beforehand by its essential nature (PW 188/207), nor is it in conflict with physical determinism (PW 206/226).
Thus, in spite of the centrality Western culture gives to «being intimate,» the Wynnes view intimacy as a supplementary, not an essential, process «for strengthening the bonding that has been crucial for the survival of the human species throughout the ages.»
In opposition to narrative criticism, with its focus on the supposedly objective and stable text, and in opposition to structuralism's focus on impersonal and universal codes, reader - response criticism arose to argue for the essential role of the reader in the process of making meaninIn opposition to narrative criticism, with its focus on the supposedly objective and stable text, and in opposition to structuralism's focus on impersonal and universal codes, reader - response criticism arose to argue for the essential role of the reader in the process of making meaninin opposition to structuralism's focus on impersonal and universal codes, reader - response criticism arose to argue for the essential role of the reader in the process of making meaninin the process of making meaning.
This mutuality is, in fact, more essential to the A.A. recovery process than the addict's independent spirituality.
What perishes in this process, marking the loss of reality's subjective immediacy, is the existential reality of essential features; what remains is the objective reality of conditional and essential features harmonized.
This biblical understanding fits in with and confirms the insight of a process conceptuality in which God is influenced by the creation, although whatever happens in that creation can not cause him to deny or contradict his essential character as Love.
But in the third situation — the planning retreat genuine group - centered methods are essential in order to reduce leader - dependency and allow each person the freedom and incentive to contribute his creativity to the planning process.
Since the human developed out of the subhuman, and since this process of development was a continuous one, it is essential to understand what man has in common with other animals, as well as to describe the threshold that marked his appearance as something genuinely and decisively new.
In this way the self - knowledge of man, the knower, is accepted as an essential part of the process of inquiry.
But, drawing on the Hartshornian abstract - concrete dichotomy and the related eternal - temporal distinction in Whitehead, Gibson shows how process theism consistently combines the two traditions, retaining from each what is essential to a «working religion.»
The dialectic, according to Hegel, is the process in which any social or intellectual state contains an essential contradiction.
In respect to self - awareness as an essential ingredient in the knowledge of man, the example is most clearly set by the discipline of mathematics, understanding of which requires strict reflective scrutiny of the processes of thoughIn respect to self - awareness as an essential ingredient in the knowledge of man, the example is most clearly set by the discipline of mathematics, understanding of which requires strict reflective scrutiny of the processes of thoughin the knowledge of man, the example is most clearly set by the discipline of mathematics, understanding of which requires strict reflective scrutiny of the processes of thought.
To be equipped for ministry in the world becomes an essential part of the educational process.
For Nietzsche, on the other hand, the essential unity which may be said to underlie all things is not a complete totality which we can grasp through reason (as it is with Hegel), but an open - ended, incomplete process or chaotic flux which finds expression in the contingent, finite, temporal process of growth and decay which are characteristic of nature.
In part, Soelle's assessment of process philosophy has embraced the idea of process and dynamism itself, a feature of Whitehead's philosophy which is essential to relationality and, hence, another aspect of Whitehead's thought which is compatible with feminism.
Rabbi Harold Kushner's popular 1981 book When Bad Things Happen to Good People, though not written with Whitehead or Hartshorne in mind, is in its essentials a process theodicy (Griffin, Evil 229).
Process thought, more than Schleiermacher, develops the dynamism involved in evolution and in the interconnected nature of existence that is essential to both systems.
Implicit belief in the power of a good woman as a moral influence in the lives of children and men continues wherever Christian nurture in a good home is believed essential to the process of becoming Christian.
The first essential is that the human units involved in the process shall draw closer together, not merely under the pressure of external forces, or solely by the performance of material acts, but directly, center to center, through internal attraction.
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