Sentences with phrase «essential question in»

Being self - aware is a challenge in and of itself, but knowing how and when you get distracted is an essential question in your studio search.
We asked teachers in our turnaround schools that very thing, and we were not at all surprised to hear that the number one thing they all did was to go from only having students verbalize the answer to the Lesson Essential Question to having their students answer the Lesson Essential Question in writing!
Before moving on, ask students to write the prompt or essential question in their notebooks.
This is not, as the Amish say, «mox nix» (irrelevant); it is an essential question in the school choice debate.
Since Genius Hour is an interdisciplinary project in our school, students are asked to come up with one essential question in each of the following subject areas:
For their introductory collaboration we asked them a controversial yet essential question in global education: «What are the best examples you have seen of teachers closing the gender gap in education?»
The fourth edition of A Win - Win Solution: The Empirical Evidence on School Choice brings together 100 empirical studies on each of these essential questions in one comprehensive report.
What are the five essential questions in life?
(And Other Big Questions)(WBUR) Harvard Dean on Book Inspired by His Popular Graduation Speech (CBS) Dean James Ryan talks about his new book inspired by last year's viral commencement address on the five essential questions in life.
In the spirit of questioning and collaboration, Scott Reed, another Assessment Literacy tribe member, profoundly shared Harvard University's Dean of Education, James Ryan's, Five Essential Questions in Life with us at a recent convening to frame our questioning conversation.
The following are essential questions in this process that can help with planning and examining activities, projects and outcomes.
Stark's Radiate Mirror serves as a beacon that guides the art lover to a safe harbor of meticulously made paintings, sculpture and photographs by artists in the Firestone stable, out of the choppier waters of the trendy or marketable to a quiet harbor of essential questions in aesthetics.
Mr. Rubenstein will share stories, insights, and explore some of the essential questions in the visual arts gleaned from his experiences as an artist.

Not exact matches

Gaia Essentials, her small boutique in Moss Beach, California, is one of several small businesses in the Bay Area that participated in a game in which Twitter users are asked trivia questions about local companies for the chance to win prizes.
Our entire methodology privileges and places this essential question at the center, where it belongs, and identifies the fundamental purpose of why our clients are in business.
This one from McMaster University via Coursera is focused more on career issues, and the topics covered sound like a top hits list of common work questions: «Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence.»
He notes that he goes into how to get in touch with your intuition in great detail in his book, but also explains the essential initial step to improving your ability to read others: Consciously ask key questions (Will my boss give me this raise?
It's essential to have everyone review the agenda in advance of the meeting to prepare a list of questions, answers or advice beside each item.
And just as questions like these are fundamental to planning a physical voyage, understanding the business terrain is essential for entrepreneurs and executives to thoughtfully plan their progress in the coming year.
Asking questions during an interview can be an essential opportunity to get insider information about the program, as well as demonstrate interest, curiosity, and enthusiasm to your interviewer, writes Brian Precious, author of «Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired: Lessons from an MBA Insider.»
According to Beyond the Obvious: Killer Questions that Spark Game - Changing Innovation, a new book from retired HP executive Phil McKinney excerpted recently on Knowledge@Wharton, asking questions is both an essential skill in business and one leaders aren't always veryQuestions that Spark Game - Changing Innovation, a new book from retired HP executive Phil McKinney excerpted recently on Knowledge@Wharton, asking questions is both an essential skill in business and one leaders aren't always veryquestions is both an essential skill in business and one leaders aren't always very good at.
While WTO rules do allow countries to act to protect their «essential security interests» in a time of war or emergency in international relations, foreign countries have questioned whether that applies here.
A culture that not only tolerates, but welcomes questioning and dissent may make things quite uncomfortable in the short term for the status quo, but in the long term, it's essential for any company, government, or system to thrive.
You began talking about the essential nature of God, how God's relationship to us is mirrored more in (any) man than (any) woman, regardless of the gender of the person in question.
I am convinced that the question of justice constitutes the essential argument, or in any case the strongest argument, in favor of faith in eternal life.
The more essential and intriguing question is whether Schweitzer believed in God at all!
In both cases marginal differences in their platforms reflect a competitive relationship which on essential questions is nonexistenIn both cases marginal differences in their platforms reflect a competitive relationship which on essential questions is nonexistenin their platforms reflect a competitive relationship which on essential questions is nonexistent.
It can not, without begging the question, alone support a distinction between what is essential and what is contingent in our own experience.
Perhaps now that the role of fideism is in view, I can profitably return to the question of the essential meaning of the term «neo-Darwinism.»
Stephen Dingley examines an essential question, frequently raised in debates and discussions about the nature of human life, and why humans matter.
Certainly primitive Christianity can not be perfectly understood without taking full account of all these items, and one may fairly question the legitimacy of any interpretation which does not make them even «essential» to Christianity's existence in the first century.4
Over at iMonk last week, Chaplain Mike wrote a lovely post about how, after a period of wandering through the denominational wilderness, he found a home in an ELCA Lutheran church «with a simple liturgy, wonderful music, a healthy and grounded pastor, a hospitable congregation, and an emphasis on Christ, grace, vocation, and other Lutheran essentials that answered questions I had been turning over in my mind for years in my evangelical settings.»
Enough trust must be developed between the generations to permit older adults, who have the essential skills and handles of power, to work with youth and young adults in finding workable answers to the crucial questions many youth and young adults are asking, questions such as «What will enable humanity to survive on a livable planet?»
It is essential here to comprehend that the principle of relativity (which states that all actual entities are internally related) is not simply applied to physiology or psychology, etc., but rather, in each instance the principle is arrived at in an original way from within the particular facts of the particular field of learning in question.
Or suppose the Christological question had been primarily a question about the community: «What is the reality in which these persons who knew Jesus and now remember Him participate, and which constitutes the essential principle of the community's existence?»
The question I will address is whether speculation about what Jesus was in himself, especially how he was related to God (meaning how God was present in him), is an essential or at least important task for Christian theology.
Some things, we think, are simply beyond such questioning, and the person who does not see things that way is lacking in essential humanity.
Even more importantly, she vividly frames the essential questions BYU faces: Are we preparing students to face the moral and ideological challenges they will face in today's world?
Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton have said: «To the extent that the media of mass communication has had an influence upon their audiences it has stemmed not only from what is said but more significantly from what is not said, for these media not only continue to affirm the status quo but in the same measure they fail to raise essential questions about the structure of society.
Since land is the scarcest resource in the world and the most essential element in any effort to restore subsistence farming, the combination of political and environmental issues attending certain types of development raises serious ethical questions.
Now it has already been necessary to indicate in connection with the question of the essential distinction between spirit and matter, that such a distinction can not be conceived simply as an absolute metaphysical heterogeneity.
Soon the essential question for the synod was not «what is happening out there,» but rather «what is happening in here?»
At the outset, it should be observed that a valid answer to the Christological question must, on the one hand, give full weight to the empirical fact of the revelation and, on the other, must avoid including as an essential element of itself anything not at least latent or implicit in that empirical fact.
The primary factors which bear on the question seem to me to be five: (1) the churchgoing habit in these churches is earlier and more persistently associated with religion; (2) the emotional accompaniments of worship are more vivid and dramatic; (3) greater demands — or at least, greater consciously recognized demands — are made on church members; (4) more concrete instruction is given in Christian doctrine; and (5) in spite of some false notes, other notes are struck which in certain great essentials lie closer to the heart of the Christian gospel than the usual liberal emphasis.
Thus my answer to the question of the Christian norm, by which the appropriateness of the Christian witness is to be judged, had come to be Scripture, especially the New Testament, understood in terms of its own essential Witness.
Bultmann has asked the question whether salvation history, in its formal aspect at any rate, is to be regarded as myth rather than history, and as myth not only in its outer framework but in its essential core, in the event of Jesus Christ.
The deeper question, however, is whether that totality can ever be comprehended in its essential structure by a single human thought - system.
Ironically, the very fact the bishops are making these «bold» statements is a testament to Israel's essential decency and humanity» the bishops know there will be no serious consequences or massive reprisals against Christians in Israel for «speaking out,» whereas any similar Christian criticism» or even questioning» of an Arab government in the region, or Islamic extremism, would» well, we all saw what happened after Regensburg.
(p. xi) He suggests that the question has renewed importance today in view of the tremendous suffering which seems to be an essential feature of our evolutionary world: predation, mass extinctions, and so on.
Third, if the event in question involves free choice, there may be essential features spontaneously arising as the person commits himself to a value chosen; these are not of special concern here.
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