Sentences with phrase «essential substances in»

A study in 2012 concluded that taurine is one of the most essential substances in the human body and supplementing with taurine can provide significant health benefits like restoring insulin sensitivity, reversing cardiovascular disease factors and preventing the development of fatty liver disease.
The foundation of acupuncture is the idea that qi is an essential substance in the human body.

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I believe in the essential goodness of creation, that «evil» is an aberration or disordered * good * having no substance of its own.
v, 8 (1017b12 - 13), Aristotle acknowledges that a part of something can be substance: a part of something (such as a hand) is not «in» a body in the way white is but in away that allows it to be found at the bottom of a stack of accidental and / or essential predications, as when we say that a hand is a limb or an instrument or whatever.
«6 The crux of this doctrine is that while substances may acquire accidental properties, they may not in themselves be affected in any essential way.
The sticking point occurs, however, when one considers the use that Locke makes of the insight that all entities are thus interrelated, Locke's intent in this chapter is to point out the essential limitations imposed on our knowledge of corporeal substances.
There are essential relations in Aristotle, but substances are not essentially constituted of relations to other substances.
So bountiful hath been the earth and so securely have we drawn from it our substance, that we have taken it all for granted as if it were only a gift, and with little care or conscious thought of the consequences of our [ab] use of it; nor have we very much considered the essential relation that we bear to it as living parts in the vast creation.159
[14] As Origen has said, our participation in God's image is «our principal substance,» which means it is essential to us.
In other words, an occasion and its concrete relation to the world stand — logically — in the essential relation of substance and attribute, not in the accidental relation of thing and propertIn other words, an occasion and its concrete relation to the world stand — logically — in the essential relation of substance and attribute, not in the accidental relation of thing and propertin the essential relation of substance and attribute, not in the accidental relation of thing and propertin the accidental relation of thing and property.
It is a result of fruit trees, seaweed, vegetation and decaying and pressurizing to form complex substances rich in essential minerals, amino acids, electrolytes and other beneficial compounds.
An important substance in the leeks is an essential oil which has sulfur compound, and from there comes the famous «unpleasant» scent that usually bothers people.
By pouring hot vinegar upon the fruits all the essential qualities are procured, which can not be effected by drying them, owing to their oleaginous properties; hence chilli vinegar is in repute as a flavouring substance.
It is rich in essential substances, which is ranked -LSB-...]
Ancillary substances are essential in some materials.
Additionally, all essential oils need to be diluted in a carrier substance.
(6) Federal control of the intrastate incidents of the traffic in controlled substances is essential to the effective control of the interstate incidents of such traffic.
In vivo and in vitro experiments showed that, among many biochemical effects, 14 -3-3 sigma suppresses cancer glycosis, which prevents cancer's ability to convert glucose into pyruvate, a substance essential for cell growtIn vivo and in vitro experiments showed that, among many biochemical effects, 14 -3-3 sigma suppresses cancer glycosis, which prevents cancer's ability to convert glucose into pyruvate, a substance essential for cell growtin vitro experiments showed that, among many biochemical effects, 14 -3-3 sigma suppresses cancer glycosis, which prevents cancer's ability to convert glucose into pyruvate, a substance essential for cell growth.
In 1913 Davis and McCollum discovered a new substance in fats that was essential to life and they called it «fat - soluble A.» They distinguished it from another substance described by Dutch chemist Christiaan Eijkman, which they studied and called «water - soluble B.» The discovery of two vitamins spurred further research in nutritioIn 1913 Davis and McCollum discovered a new substance in fats that was essential to life and they called it «fat - soluble A.» They distinguished it from another substance described by Dutch chemist Christiaan Eijkman, which they studied and called «water - soluble B.» The discovery of two vitamins spurred further research in nutritioin fats that was essential to life and they called it «fat - soluble A.» They distinguished it from another substance described by Dutch chemist Christiaan Eijkman, which they studied and called «water - soluble B.» The discovery of two vitamins spurred further research in nutritioin nutrition.
These predictions, he says, are essential to manufacturing in global chemical, cosmetic and personal care industries impacted by REACH, a European regulatory guideline that aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the properties of chemical substances.
An element that is abundant in the Earth's crust and oceans, the powerful, corrosive substance is considered essential to an array of products.
The signal substance dopamine is essential in this process.
In the practice of meditation, [hopefully] all that is real remains, and all that lacks the substance of an essential self dissipates.
Responsible substances for these effects are cinnamaldehyde, tannin, mannitol, coumarins and the essential oils known as aldehydes, eugenol and pinene found in cinnamon.
These essential amino acids have important functions in the body such as muscle production, tissue repair, bone development and production of certain substances in the body such as dopamine, niacin, and serotonin.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance created in the liver and it is responsible and even essential for a wide range of normal body functions and between them is also muscle growth.
Some of nature's most valuable and essential anti-cancer and anti-disease phytochemical nutrients which are commonly found in food have been discovered to form deadly cancer causing substances when consumed or combined with chlorinated tap water.
Nutrition 101 It is interesting to note that food in the daily diet contains as many as 100,000 substances, of which 300 are nutrients, and 45 are essential nutrients.
Pioneering chemists found that certain «unknown substances» in food were essential to life.
Cooking certain foods can increase their nutrient content, and in addition, help to decrease «anti-nutrients» (that bind to essential minerals) and inactivate certain substances that may be problematic if consumed in high amounts (like goitrogens).
In addition, a number of preliminary studies suggest that grapefruit essential oil may act as an antimicrobial (a substance that destroys or suppresses the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi).
They provide the building blocks for your cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone like substances that are essential to your health, and saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources (such as meat, dairy, certain oils, and tropical plants like coconut) provide a concentrated source of energy in your diet — a source of energy that is far more ideal than carbohydrates, and that's why I chose these two specific «keys» in combination, because when you cut down on carbs, you generally need to increase your fat consumption.
Essential in nutrition means it's essential that we consume the substance — the body can'tEssential in nutrition means it's essential that we consume the substance — the body can'tessential that we consume the substance — the body can't make it.
The federal government's 2015 - 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans notes that «Nutritional needs should be met primarily from foods... Foods in nutrient - dense forms contain essential vitamins and minerals and also dietary fiber and other naturally occurring substances that may have positive health effects.
These fatty foods were loaded with substances that the body must have in order to keep healthy - omega - 3 essential fatty acids.
Their filters are specifically designed to remove toxic substances while leaving essential alkalinizing minerals, electrolytes and negative electrochemical «charges» that neutralize positively - charged free radicals found in toxic tap water.
Its alkalinity counteracts the excess stomach acidity caused by modern eating habits; its micro-clustered minerals and trace elements provide essential nutrients that are chronically deficient in modern diets; and its negative ion charge continuously scavenges free radicals and sweeps toxic substances from the bloodstream, enhancing overall vitality.
More than just a happenstance addition to one's diet and exercise regimen to keep their body in optimal shape and function, supplements also act to provide our body with nutrients and essential substances it otherwise couldn't synthesize, derive, or create on its own.
Vegetables such as asparagus, lettuce, spinach, celery and peppers are full of fiber, an essential dietary substance that helps move digestive waste products through your body, aids in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol.
Out of its 40 or more active substances, Ginkgo biloba has two essential ones that work in unison as an anti-aging and functional medicine: flavonoids and terpenoids.
A group of organic compounds called phenylpropanoids are found in the essential oils of some plants, and show promise as possible anti-inflammatory substances.
Phytic acid is a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals - calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc - in the intestinal tract.
Supplement products are or contain vitamins, nutritionally essential minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and non-nutrient substances extracted from plants or animals or fungi or bacteria, or in the instance of probiotics, are live bacteria.
The B vitamins are very important in helping to correct the symptoms of PCOS as they are essential for the liver to convert your «old» hormones into harmless substances which can then be excreted from the body.
L - carnitine fulfils essential functions in the body as a vitamin - like substance, and in doing so it is involved in a variety of processes.
There's a substance in mushrooms that's also another «essential» nutrient candidate.
The presence of magnesium is essential for the functioning of other substances in the body - it is a necessary ingredient for calcium absorption and works in conjunction with calcium in building bones and teeth.
... Foods in nutrient - dense forms contain essential vitamins and minerals and also dietary fiber and other naturally occurring substances that may have positive health effects.
Like any coming - of - age teen soap opera, much of the film's appeal is in its vaunting of style over substance — coining whole ways of speaking, dressing and posturing for an impressionable generation brought up on Hollywood tropes — but Heathers embraces its style as an essential keystone to filmmaking, recognizing that even the most bloated melodrama can be sold through a well - manicured image.
Craig Evans, general manager of the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) explains how the Association's latest training initiative is promoting the need for essential asbestos training for all tradesmen, and for those who may encounter the substance in school buildings.
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