Sentences with phrase «essentially private persons»

Extremely wealthy people — enabled by a series of key Supreme Court decisions as recently as yesterday — want to be able to spend gargantuan amounts of money in the political process and remain essentially private persons who don't get knocked around or criticized like everyone else in the political arena.

Not exact matches

Considering that achieving the greatest good for the greatest number is kind of the point of democracy and any other coercive form of government, I guess you can say that Rand is opposed to the Republic as well, although in public she essentially gutted her own philosophy and said that she was only opposed to people being allowed to vote on matters of private enterprise.
Essentially, the new law will regulate the certification of coaches, referees and any person involved with youth sports associations, public or private.
A severely right wing culture electing a severely right wing government who withdrew support for education and has now given it away essentially to private for - profit organisations who instead of seeing children as people to be educated, they see them as a resource to be mined.
[46] I would essentially adopt as the elements of the cause of action for public disclosure of private facts the Restatement (Second) of Torts (2010) formulation, with one minor modification: One who gives publicity to a matter concerning the private life of another is subject to liability to the other for invasion of the other's privacy, if the matter publicized or the act of the publication (a) would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, and (b) is not of legitimate concern to the public.
But surely there is a difference between someone who performs a «governmental» role in the public service (a clerk of the court in Dunsmuir) and a person who performs what is essentially a private role (a radio host) for an entity that just happens to be owned by the state.
This allowed people to dump millions into life insurance policies that essentially acted like overblown, tax - free, private bank accounts.
Many refer to private banking as Infinite Banking or IBC, but it's essentially the same thing at it's foundation — People are using permanent life insurance policies to become a private banker and gain the benefits of those that make the rules in the financing game.
The end result is essentially a private home phone server populated only with people you want to talk to — no telemarketers, survey takers or bill collectors.
Essentially, Shared Photo Streams are super private social networks for people that you really trust with your photos.
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